600 and 1000 yard rules.

Tony Z

In our region here in Aus we are looking to install a set of rules for long range range matches at 1000 yards and at a later date 600 yards.
We are trying to keep as close as we can to the IBS set of rules for both. If we use sections of those existing IBS rules for our own purposes and are printed into a future rulebook, is this a breech of copyright in any way? Is there an official contact point or person who can give us this information?
Thanks in advance.

Tony Z.

You might want to ask this of the Williamsport Club also. I believe they have a number of affiliated clubs that abide by their rules and they would probably be glad to share their rule book with you. In fact it is on line www.pa1000yard.com. Take a look if that is what you may want I can give you an address via PM to contact them.

As far as I know the rules are not copy righted. Feel free to use whatever you want. Some may disagree with me but most of us in 600 & 1000 yd.feel there is very little left that needs to be tweaked.
I would love to shoot 10 shots in Hvy Gun at 600 yd., but without moving backers for shot verification, that would not be the responsible thing to do.
Moving backers would too large a burden for the clubs.


Check out the NBRSA rules also.

You may want to consider writing your rules so that a shooter can invest in a rifle that will be eligible in matches at any of the organizations. Probably not 100% possible, but make them so a rifle can be made legal with just minor mods.

NBRSA rules are very simple
Lite gun = 17lb. - 5 shots
Hvy gun = no weight limit - 10 shots
front rest and rear rest - not attatched to each other
40 cal. max