6 mm br improved

I would think that a screamer aggregating gun is more rare than a she male being able to reproduce on it's own.

But I suppose,? it is possible with a very experienced, talented and exceptional shooter and reloader. The gun would have to be built near as perfect as can be.

I had 8 shots in .083 with a .308 ONCE lol. The gun would normally agg about 1/2 min.

I have a 6 BR that I rattled off 3 shots at 1000 and got a 7/8" group, but as you can see I don't have the talent of wind reading down enough to shoot anywhere near as this guy can consistently. Hopefully I can get it together, I am 40 now and started shooting target about 6 years ago. I shot about 5 cleans at 300 yards one at 500, and a few at 190.
Just getting into the bench rest world now and am learning a lot of New things.
You want witness history you should have been at Va.1000 I shot the smallest agg. in history 2.83" for 4 targets and a score of 200 ......... jim

That's a .2830 agg at 100. At the Super Shoot that will get you about 50th place.........Oh, and we shoot 5 targets. But I will admit, at 1000 yards that is impressive.

That gun shot six zero groups in a row at 100. Now for any one to make a stupid statement like that doesn't know about 10 times the conditions at 1000. Funny i stopped at Fairchance one day doing the national and they were complaint about the wind and shooting 1.5" groups at 300 yds. with the super PPC........ jim
Jim all BS aside about the who cares small aggs that a rifle will or will not shoot, I truly hope that the eyesight thing works out for you. I'd rather loose an arm. leg, hearing, anything but my eyesight.

Thanks Jim, I already lost the hearing part ....... jim


Just so we are clear, you have a 13.5 pound rifle that shot 6-5shot groups in a row and they all measured zeros?

If that is the case and I seriously doubt it is, then you need to bring it to a match, prove what it can do, then sit back and wait for the offers to start pouring in. The amount of money you could get for that gun would be unprecedented.

Sorry to hear about your sight and I hope that works out for the best, but 6-0's in a row, seems to me your sight is just fine.

Hogroast is right around the corner and since you already know where it is, bring the gun and come shoot with us.

And if you get a chance, read the article about the Houston warehouse. That should prove to you just how special that rifle you have truly is.


Just so we are clear, you have a 13.5 pound rifle that shot 6-5shot groups in a row and they all measured zeros?

If that is the case and I seriously doubt it is, then you need to bring it to a match, prove what it can do, then sit back and wait for the offers to start pouring in. The amount of money you could get for that gun would be unprecedented.

Sorry to hear about your sight and I hope that works out for the best, but 6-0's in a row, seems to me your sight is just fine.

Hogroast is right around the corner and since you already know where it is, bring the gun and come shoot with us.

And if you get a chance, read the article about the Houston warehouse. That should prove to you just how special that rifle you have truly is.


I have been staying out of this, but I cannot any longer.

I have seen those targets, they are legit. Those targets and the ones Tom Mousel is shooting at 1000 are they reasons why I am taking the BR Imp plunge.

Jim has already sold World Record guns in the manner you describe, when he decided to stop competition shooting due to his eyesight issues.

The FIVE IBS World Record Certificates hanging on the wall in his loading room pretty much say it all about his shooting skills.

No, his eye sight is not fine. He went blind in one eye, taught himself to shoot left handed, and is now losing the eye sight in that eye as well. The targets everyone is so worked up about were shot a few weeks before his one good eye started to decline to the point it is at now. I saw the look on his face when he told me that the other eye was going and that he might be done shooting for good.

Asshat comments about coming out and proving something are one of the reasons why so many new shooters are turned OFF by our sport. This elitist attitude drives away potential new shooters. The main reason I didn't let it drive me away was because I was fortunate enough to have other shooters encourage me and help me learn.

Instead, how about something like "Wow, that sounds like one hell of a rifle, I cannot wait to see it perform in a match!" Was that so hard?

That is some very outstanding shooting Jim, I also hope that your eye recovers so you can keep on enjoying shooting sport's.

Just so we are clear, you have a 13.5 pound rifle that shot 6-5shot groups in a row and they all measured zeros?

If that is the case and I seriously doubt it is, then you need to bring it to a match, prove what it can do, then sit back and wait for the offers to start pouring in. The amount of money you could get for that gun would be unprecedented.

Sorry to hear about your sight and I hope that works out for the best, but 6-0's in a row, seems to me your sight is just fine.

Hogroast is right around the corner and since you already know where it is, bring the gun and come shoot with us.

And if you get a chance, read the article about the Houston warehouse. That should prove to you just how special that rifle you have truly is.


No, That gun shot 4 world records and was sold as all my long range equipment i have a short range gun left that will make LV. but choose to shoot it as a heavy due to my eyes. This one shoots well as a PPC. but every bit as good or better as 6 br imp. and 2-300 if the wind blows i think it will make good showing. Too many good long range shooters are very happy with it some old 100 point short range guy .....lol.... jim
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Anyone know how short to run my BRDX reamer to make a 6 br improved?

You need a br length neck, if you had a BR. reamer. with a bigger neck diameter than the BRDX. See some of Sam Halls post on 6br. how he did his. Myself i sent a new JGS Dasher reamer back and had it reground. I used a Harrell's Dasher sizing die i cut off about .080 and made a new seater from the reamer. To date it has shot the smallest groups testing i ever shot. It isn't fussy, doesn't require load changes at every relay, heck 40 degree temp. change doesn't move it out of the zeros at 100. It Flat likes Bart 103, RL-15 and H4895. Fed primers. I'm anal on making good cases and it makes the best cases easy, very uniform and i turn necks now with a Pumpkin and they are dead nuts on. ....... jim
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New shooter takes delivery of his new bench gun and after spending all day at the range, he goes home, measures his groups, which range from respectable 1s and 2s and maybe an occasional 3 and if lucky a 0.

He then jumps on benchrest central and sees someone claiming to have shot 6-0s in a row, do you think he is gonna be in a hurry to compete against that gun?

In 12 years of registered competition I have shot 7-0 groups at 100 yards. I know this because each one of them is cut out and in my loading box, not so that I can brag, but simply as a reminder of just how hard it is to shoot a 0 group.

So if anyone thinks they are gonna come on this forum or any other shooting forum and make me believe that there is a rifle capable of such amazing accuracy then I'm gonna challenge you to bring it out in public and prove it. If that makes me an elitist, so be it.

Andy not so much of an elitist but more of a realist. to all the others you already know the deal if its not done at a REGISTERED match then its all just rhetoric, which is the problem with benchrest at this point empty claims and unwillingness to prove claims are just another black eye on the sport. Jim I am also sorry to hear about your problems with your eyes, hope you can get them resolved and then show us how its done. I also must add I haven't shot a registered sr group match in 4-5 yrs. I did try 3 600 yd. matches last year it was a great time. I also must claim complete ignorance to the format and rules concerning 1000 yd br. but a quick look at records show a .3072 6 target agg. Jim shot, but I'm not seeing a 4 target agg. was format changed? Jim I'm glad that Bart's 103's are working I'm sure He would like to you shoot that agg. at a registered match as would I being the die maker.....
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Not an elitist, Andy, just a realist.

I run Matches at Tomball, and get calls from shooters about the matches, and the classes. Many of the inquiries include statements about how well their Rifle shoots.

After all, all you have to do is put a bullet on the target, and put four more on top of it. Or, hit that's little dot in the middle of that moth ball.

Even shooters from other Disciplines can have a rude awakening when the realities of the situation become overwhelming when that clock is ticking.

But, then, many of us would have trouble in the other Disciplines, as every different endevour has a unique quality that produces a degree of difficulty that one can only master by hard work, devotion, and practice.
Jim and l have discussed the differences between shooting on our sheltered range at home, without time limits, the match pressure, and the long intervals between groups, and shooting an agg on a wide-open range over half a day under match conditions and time limits many times over the years. There is no comparison, but the fact that he has shot tiny, tiny groups and aggs at 100 yards is still just that......a fact.

I've known Jim since I was 7 or 8 years old. My Dad was the local varmint rifle guru, and Jim spent a good bit of time at our house. He is the kind of guy who'd rather have a real lump of coal than a fake diamond........he hates fakes and bs. I've seen targets, see' n him shoot, and have walked up while he was at the bench testing any and every component and load and looked through the scope.... there are almost always some crazy tiny ones up there. He has shot many 1000 yard records and accumulated many Precision Rifleman points. I believe it is because he goes to unreal lengths testing and preparing everything.....rifle, rest, optics, components.....I've never met anyone who goes to half of the extent that Jim does.

So, to those who are "sure" that his claims are impossible, I have to ask: have you tried everything he's done and found it doesn't work? If not, why not get him to show you so you can try it and speak from a position of experience? I'm positive he'd show you anything you want to see, that's just the kind of guy he is. But.....he's very competitive...he'll expect you to show results, lol.

And Jim, just remember: Those who know, know.....and those who don't don't matter.

All i did was make a reference on how well and how easy the BR imp. shoots. I guess it must be hard to believe for some that gun can shoot that good. All i did was bring it to your attention, i guess for you to accept it, you need to build one that can and learn how to load and you will see it is possible.
George, that was the record 3.072 but this a week end match at Va. 1000 the agg. was 4 matches 2.83" and the score was four 50's Not bad for not seeing the holes and can't go back to the sighter and no field of flags and i'm a picker not a machine gunner ..... best learn to read the wind too....... I just enjoy trying to make something better, this way easier than a Dasher but at 100 it is equal to the PPC. i would guess barrel quality maybe part of it, in a 17 mph tailing wind it still shot a .1...... enough i'm done, in a couple of weeks i will get the news good or bad ....... jim
6mm improved

I have know jim for many years and dave short for many years.i do not shoot at matches ,just the back yard .his 6 mm improved is one hell of a case.
gary b
All i did was make a reference on how well and how easy the BR imp. shoots. I guess it must be hard to believe for some that gun can shoot that good. All i did was bring it to your attention, i guess for you to accept it, you need to build one that can and learn how to load and you will see it is possible.
George, that was the record 3.072 but this a week end match at Va. 1000 the agg. was 4 matches 2.83" and the score was four 50's Not bad for not seeing the holes and can't go back to the sighter and no field of flags and i'm a picker not a machine gunner ..... best learn to read the wind too....... I just enjoy trying to make something better, this way easier than a Dasher but at 100 it is equal to the PPC. i would guess barrel quality maybe part of it, in a 17 mph tailing wind it still shot a .1...... enough i'm done, in a couple of weeks i will get the news good or bad ....... jim

Well Jim. Just maybe you have one of those rare hummer barrels that we all dream of getting.
New shooter takes delivery of his new bench gun and after spending all day at the range, he goes home, measures his groups, which range from respectable 1s and 2s and maybe an occasional 3 and if lucky a 0.

He then jumps on benchrest central and sees someone claiming to have shot 6-0s in a row, do you think he is gonna be in a hurry to compete against that gun?

In 12 years of registered competition I have shot 7-0 groups at 100 yards. I know this because each one of them is cut out and in my loading box, not so that I can brag, but simply as a reminder of just how hard it is to shoot a 0 group.

So if anyone thinks they are gonna come on this forum or any other shooting forum and make me believe that there is a rifle capable of such amazing accuracy then I'm gonna challenge you to bring it out in public and prove it. If that makes me an elitist, so be it.

Yes sir james, it is like some one writing a review on a Valdada scope with the wrong rings on the bat action. Multi flat rings sitting on an octagon action adds to accuracy........ You that compete on a regular basis and don't know enough to put the right ring and tell everybody how well it does. give me a break....... jim
I assume that you are talking about the Davidson BASES, not the rings. These are the bases that were on the rifle when I got it used. I have bedded them to the action with Steel Bed and with these same BASES I have garnered a HoF point, holds the 600 yd range record at Prince Memorial Range and was the 600yd Shooter of the Year last year. These bases have not affected my shooting in the slightest, but if changing them will allow me to shoot an .08xxx five group agg, I will certainly change them. Why don't you post a picture of the 5 targets? Good shooting .....James


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