6.5x47L 8.5 twist chamber recomendations needed



6.5x47L 8.5 twist chambering recomendations needed

I'm about to have a 6.5x47Lapua built using a Kreiger 5R 8.5 Twist 26"BBL Rem Varmint Contour and I could use some recomendations on chambering specs. Could you guys help me out?
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Reamer from Kiff with either a .293 or .294 nk for a no turn with Lapua brass. FB will be dependent on what bullet(s) you plan on using. Hope this helps
Thank You Sir Eddie.I was beginning to wonder.
With the 26" 8.5 twist bbl which bullet would most likely perform the best? I might ad, I will be using it to hunt deer and targets.
The reason you're not getting answers is, you haven't really asked an answerable question.

You've kinda' said "hey guys, I'm building a small block to use in my racecar..... could you guys help me out?"

Now if you're not a gearhead my analogy doesn't work, but if you ARE into cars you think "What type of racecar?" "1/8 milers are a liddle different than roundy-roundy's and is he racing dirt or pavement and does he want to drive it on the street?....."

What is "perform best?" Ease of making brass? Brass life? Accuracy? Function through a magazine? Highest velocity? "Best" performers are most likely highly specialized, otherwise they wouldn't be "best." :) A good target round is very rarely a good deer round....and visey varsey.....

I finished up a 6.5x47 Lapua for myself a few weeks ago. When I measured the necks on Lapua cases with a 120 gr Nosler Ballistic tip seated in them, I came up with a .290 to .2905" neck diameter. Eddie's .293 to .294" would be a good neck diameter to have. I haven't been able to shoot it much, but did manage to take a 260 pound hog with it at 375 yards. It nailed him dead center on the shoulder and he ran about 75 yards. Unfortunately, it will be a little while before I can shoot it anymore as I broke a couple of ribs a week ago Friday helping my son get some cattle in. Tried to turn a cow back to the herd and the saddle slipped off the horse at full gallop. No place to go but down. Accuracy showed some promise, but I'm sure will improve once I get to work up a load for it and work with seating depth. It shot a .335" three shot group at 100 when I sighted it in with the ballistic tips.
IIRC, I was told that a 1:8 twist was required to use the heaviest bullets in that caliber, if that is what you're planning. I have a 1:8 twist with .125 fb and shoot 123 to 130 grain VLD's. Just tell Dave Kiff what you plan on doing and he will give you the straight poop.

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When you get a chance try Varget. 37.5 gr behind a 123 Scenar (mine were danzac coated). This load agg'ed honest .25MOA for 5 shots in my 6.x47, they were running along at 2920fps. In my BAT action I was running 38.0 gr with the same bullet for 2980fps. Super accurate also.

Broken ribs hurt, busted three years ago in a car wreck. Take Care and get better Mike!!

When you get a chance try Varget. 37.5 gr behind a 123 Scenar (mine were danzac coated). This load agg'ed honest .25MOA for 5 shots in my 6.x47, they were running along at 2920fps. In my BAT action I was running 38.0 gr with the same bullet for 2980fps. Super accurate also.

Broken ribs hurt, busted three years ago in a car wreck. Take Care and get better Mike!!

eddie, what twist barrel you shooting and what bullet was it chambered for? Are you Neck turning?
Here is my component list.
Surgeon 591 action
Bartlein 5R, 1 in 8.5 twist,26" Rem Varmint Contour
HS Precision Varmint Stock
Rem Bottom Metal
Jewell Trigger W top safety
I'm wanting BR accuraccy with no turn necks.
Thats about it. So now I need some reccomendations.
I have a 30x47 basically the same components and it will group in the .2's at 100 yds so I suppose I am comparing to that.
All responses are greatly appreciated.
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I'm about to have a 6.5x47Lapua built using a Kreiger 5R 8.5 Twist 26"BBL Rem Varmint Contour and I could use some recomendations on chambering specs. Could you guys help me out?


I had PTG do a reamer for me 0.293 -0.294 Nk, 0.175" FB 1-30' lead angle. (back when you could get customs done in a month or so, not the 3 months or more i think it is running at now....) That is a 'no-neck-turn' chamber for Lapua factory brass, and will chamber Lapua Factory ammo 139gr Scenar. PTG print # 31226.

If you are wanting to use some other type of 140grainers with more curved ogive, or even heavier projectives, then you may need to throat out to over 0.200" FB with a seperate throater.

I would also recommend the 1:8 as a better option for the relatively small capacity case, especially if you want to run 140's through it. However, the larger 6.5 chamberings such as .260 em. 6.5 swede, and 6.5/284 are better able to push the 140's at the speeds most guys want to see for hunting.

I think the 6.5x47's real niche though is probably as a nice way to launch the 120-123gr bullets, IMO..... I have built several of these for customers, and this is the general consensus i have come to thus far.


Dave Kiff is currently building me a reamer for the 6x47Lapua no turn neck. The throat is setup for the 107 VLD's. I just call Dave and he tells me what works! The guy has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to reamer design. I have 2 rifles waiting for barrels and a reamer.:)
I've reamed several of them with a PTG reamer, no turn Midway carries..
A wonderful cartridge IMO. Its kind of overshadowed by the 260 now, but I'm not sure why.
I built a 700/Brghton 8 twist 5r 1.25x.750... MCM HTG stock ...jwl trigger... that stood out...Maan what a shooter.

I'm not sure how much slower a 6.5-47 is than a 260 Rem but in the 260, an 8.5 twist has stabilized everything I have thrown at it. I mostly use 130 Normas for long range stuff and it has no problems with them or the 130/140 Accubonds. I have a 9 twist that works with the 130 Accubonds fine.