300 yard ppc


Active member
I am just sitting here in the loading room doing a hole lot of nothing and i started thinking about shooting a ppc at 300 yards. We have a local shoot were we shoot 300 yards. Now, i usually use my 30BR but i feel like there could be a better bet for the 300 yard shot. I have used my ppc a few times and my good buddy jim usually wins with his ppc so i know it will do just fine. However, i like to try different things, so what do you think a fella would gain by using say a 88 or 95 grain Berger bullet in the ppc for 300 yards? I know i would need a faster twist barrel and that means more money, so all this just might be nothing more than just a though, but do you guys think you would notice much difference in performance with an 88gr bullet in the 6ppc? Just curios!!
I didnt make it down, but St Louis just had a 300 yard shoot and i hope to go next year, so maybe this would be worth looking into. I will say though terry hall might have set a new record 2 weeks ago down there in st Louis with his 6ppc shooting 64gr bullets in his rail at 300. I hope it hold for terry as he is a great guy, and he loves to shoot. So there again maybe loading heavy bullets in the ppc isnt worth the exspence of a new barrel with a faster twist?? what do you think?? Lee
10 twist and 88LD FB Bergers is like cheating............Perfect twist for these morphodites is probably 11, and it's hard to find them cuz they're 'tweener bullets but they steenking SHOOT!

Now, the bullets I bought a few thou of were called "88 LD" for Low Drag, the ones I see now are listed as "6mm 88 Grain Match Varmint High BC FB" and I do not know if they're the same bullet. Eric Stecker might know but I bought these long before his time..... I say step up and try 'em.

Flatout AWESOME dogpatch bullets too, they splat like who flang the cat a'ginst the grain bin and fly like airplanes (they're almost .400 BC)

''twas a misty moisty morning and scattered was the weather, and the pieces of...... ."

good bullets. I'd use 'em for 300 me

G'Day all,
you could try a 1:8T 22ppc/22BR with 80gn bullets, I reckon you could get 3200 or there abouts "reasonably" easily. recoil would not be much more than a regular 6ppc.
Cheerio Ned
Woodend, Australia
6PPC at 300 m 0r Yd

skeetlee dont waist your time!!

We here in Iceland have done a lot of shooting ( for the last 25 years) at 300 m to find out what is the best cartridge for 300 m shooting.
The hands down winner is the 6PPC loaded with 68 - 70 grain bullet and a 1- 14 twist barrel at 3350 - 3450 fps. Ballistic Coefficient has nothing to do with it,

Sincerely yours,
Magnus Sigurdsson
Reykjavik . ICELAND
Lee - go to the Home Pages of NBRSA and IBS and look at the existing 300 Yard world records. You'll see some obscene groups and aggregates. AFAIK, all were shot with the same rifles, barrels, bullets, and loads that were used in the 100/200 yard tournaments.

Even the PPCs used at 600 yards do not use twists faster than 12 and/or bullets heavier than 75 grains.

Actually i do believe that the 6ppc 68gr bullets is very capable of good 300 yard groups. I have seen my good friend jim do it several times. Thats kinda why i wondered if it would be worth trying anything else. I may try and shoot some 300 yard groups this weekend, and if i do i will report back. thanks Lee

My buddy Keith won the first 300 yard match on Sunday a couple of weeks ago at St Louis with his 22 with a 15 twist. Another plaque to Iowa.:cool: Man, you're gonna wear yourself out thinking.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Back in the late 80's Gary Ocock shot a NBRSA world record agg of .149 in heavy varmit at 300 yards. I'd wager he was shooting a 6ppc with 65 gr bullets and 8208 powder and a 13.5 or 14 twist.)chill()chill(

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We here in Iceland have done a lot of shooting ( for the last 25 years) at 300 m to find out what is the best cartridge for 300 m shooting.
The hands down winner is the 6PPC loaded with 68 - 70 grain bullet and a 1- 14 twist barrel at 3350 - 3450 fps. Ballistic Coefficient has nothing to do with it,

Sincerely yours,
Magnus Sigurdsson
Reykjavik . ICELAND

Makes me curious. Most of the 300 meter ISU shooters I knew a few years back were all agog over the 6mmBR and VLD bullets. I know it's score, but that is one tough target. Have they gone to the PPC with short-range bullets too?

The real fly in the ointment is the bullets. The late Ferris Pindell kind-of, sort-of showed that bullet shapes & weights approaching a VLD could be just fine for 200 yard benchrest -- as long as the bullets were of the best quality. And therein lies the rub.

I had some 106-grain, 13-caliber tangent ogive Clinch River bullets that would agg a flat 2 at 100 yards. Yes, that's successive targets with five-shot groups, all shots counted. Now a flat 2 isn't great at 100, but it ain't bad, either. Any smaller is a teen agg. At 200 and 300 yards, you begin to pick up the benefits.

As everybody said -- or should have -- you're not going to be an instant success because of equipment. On the other hand, serious work, over time, might lead some where. Step one: make friends with R.G. Robinett. His 6mm short range bullets probably aren't any better than anyone else, but are as good. And he's shown a willingness to experiment. He's the guy who shot a 121-grain flatbase in a Dasher at 200 yards at a registered group match, and came in second for the yardage. How many of the other bullet makers could/would even build a 120-grain flatbase?

Now, there is nothing wrong with the idea of building a better point-blank rig. Problem is, no one on BR Central is going to advocate it -- me either -- because it is going to involve a lot of work and some failures, and may not, in the end, offer any advantages. Wasn't what you wanted to hear, I'll warrant.
. . .Back in the late 80's Gary Ocock shot a NBRSA world record agg of .149 in heavy varmit at 300 yards. I'd wager he was shooting a 6ppc with 65 gr bullets and 8208 powder and a 13.5 or 14 twist. . .

Actually, it was in 1998. He was shooting his LV rifle with his standard load-of-the day. I was a referee at that tournament. Had to verify everything and sign off on the targets. His moving backer had a group that was smaller than most of us regular guys had on our record. He said he had to hold off just a leetle bit for the last two shots.:cool:

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You are correct on the date. You were a ref at that tournament for the 300 agg HV record and for the 200 yard HV record. .096 shot by Mark Buettgen in 09, i was a ref. I remember how small that .096 looked, but i can't imagine what a .149 looked like on that 300 yd target.

I have used my 6PPC (with 66gn FBs)at 300yds for F class and think it is a great wind reading training tool. Compared to 6BR with 105gn bullets, you realy need to hold off a lot. If there were lots of flags, 5 shot matches and the ability to shoot very fast when conditions call for it, I would use my 6PPC in competitions.

I will be doing a 500-600yd F class prize shoot tomorrow with my 6PPC (66gnFB) just for fun.If I wanted to win, it would not be gun I would choose. I have been thinking of rechambering my shot out 8" twist 6x47 barrel in 6PPC for club shoots and small prize shoots, for wind reading practice.
Thanks Dave for the incite and i do understand why you say what you do, However like it or hate it my mind never stops thinking, and wondering about things that interest me. One thing for sure, is that i cant change it. Maybe its a curse or maybe it is a gift, most days probably a little of both. Wining and being known as one of the best isnt important to me. I have a young family that directs to much of my time to ever compete at the level it takes to be on top of this sport, For me its just a passion, i love my rifles and i like spending time at the range with them, and with my girls. I have all the rifles i could ever want, minus maybe an f-class type of rifle, so i may try to build one of these this summer if the concrete jobs hold up/ Anyway this year i am going to try to stock up on some barrels. I have my rifles the way i want them so i wont be building anything new " other than maybe the f-class rig" so i am making a barrel list and putting them in a priority first listing. I need another short range ppc barrel first, so this is were my attention lies at the moment. I am sorry for all the questions, and the last thing i intend to do is bore or aggravate anyone here or there. I just like to talk shop. I didn't make the last shoot down in st Louis and i am a little bummed out over it, as it was the 300 yard shoot and i was looking forward to it, so i am hoping to make it to that shoot next year. I just help but wonder what type of set up would perform the best at the 300 yard mark. You will read on other forums that the 6br is the only way to go for 300 yard shooting. I dont disagree with that, but i dont agree with it either, fully anyway. The inherent accuracy that the ppc has is a true marvel, but i cant help but wonder if it can be improved just a bit for the 300 yard match?? Some say yes, and some say chill. LOL!! I wish i had the time and money to pursue every idea or thought i have, but the reality is i dont. Most of the time all i can do is wonder. Maybe when the girls are grown, and i retire i will have more time, but for now all i have is limited time and you fine fellas! I have made some real life long true friends here, and for that i am grateful. I probably wont buy a faster twist ppc barrel any time soon, so i will just have to shoot what i have, and i am ok with that. thanks for the response from al of you, i just though maybe this would be a good topic. Off to a cheer meet. My girls are on a city cheer leading team and we are doing quite well. This is the last meet before state and we have only lost two time thus far meaning we have placed first 6 times and second 2 times. I cant help but wonder what we need to do to beat Glorias when we face them again next week in the state meet. maybe we need a different twist??? LOL!! have a good day men!! Lee
Fellas in the beggining this hole thread was just an idea, but now i cant stop thinking about this. Like i said above the game in question is a fun shoot f-class shoot with no wind flags. I really truely beleive the 6ppc is the way to go and i cant stop thinking that a 6ppc with 88gr berger bullets is the ticket. I cant find any info on this combo and i have looked high and low. I just dont know if it is worth buying a 11 twist barrel just for this bullet. If we could use wind flags at this shoot the choice would be very easy! That being a standard 13.5 twist 68gr 6ppc, but we dont get to use flags so would an 88gr berger bullet be a plus? I would think so myself. That raises another question. Why not just use a 10 twist 6br? Maybe that is the better choice? I know this may seem silly to the rest of you fellas, but i am really interested in knowing more about this idea i have. I guess maybe i just need to do it? I just hate throwing good money to bad ideas, and i have had plenty of bad ideas in my life. I think the 88gr berger is the perfect combo for the 6ppc, but i say that only because i think i need one!! LOL!! anyone else have anything to add to all this? Thanks Lee
My personal opinion( for what that's worth) is if you want to go the heavier bullet route you would be better served with a 6 br. I think the ppc will be limited by lack of case capacity for the heavy bullets. That being said if you just want to play on occasions shoot the ppc with 68 gr bullet, it will do fine.
Yep maybe i shouldn't try this idea. Maybe the 6br with a 10 twist would be best. I already have a dasher so i was wanting to try something a little different, and i sure do like that little ppc case!! I still think i can get over 3000fps with the 88gr berger though!

Let me ask this. If i just use a standard 6ppc with 68gr bullets in a 13.5 twist what custom bullet would be a better choice for 300? Would a 9 or 10 ogive bullet in the 68gr area have a better BC than say a 7 ogive bullet, or does any of this even matter for 300 yards? Also how long of a barrel could i use before velocity peeks and there is no more speed to gain? Like i said before. If we could use wind flags for this game none of this would even matter and my choice would be simple.
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At the risk of repeating myself (and others) - for 300 yards you won't give up anything with the 6 PPC, 14 twist, and light bullets. And, you won't gain anything with the 6 BR, fast twist and heavy bullets. Your ability to read the conditions will determine how well, or badly, you do.

skeetlee....Please look at existing 300yd group records before you write off the 6PPC as being inadequate with the 65-68gn bullets......gpoldblue
skeetlee.... please understand that "records" have little to do with winning matches. Records are generally set by luck, conditions, good tune or a combination thereof it's AGG'S that separate the wheat from the chaff.

