30 PPC a fad ?

If the lad who wins with the 30-30 can do what he does, You certainly can't claim an excuse for being ODD.

Hmmm.. whatever

Im going to give group shooting a try, club match.
If the lad who wins with the 30-30 can do what he does, You certainly can't claim an excuse for being ODD.

Hmmm.. whatever

Im going to give group shooting a try, club match.

You may understand my meaning as time goes on, if you stick with it.
I have found, that what I need to make me a better shooter, money cant buy. Atleast I have never seen an advertisement for it ..
I feel any club offering a registered Match must be capable of correctly scoring any caliber that is legal for use in the classes offered. If we want to maintain a loyal following and attempt to gain new members, frustrating for those who have done this for a long time, just imagine a new shooter who gets it hooked up only to find out a technicality wouldnt allow her/him to place ?? .. I guess this would be a great topic of conversation at the next score committee meeting .. would they allow a plug of correct caliber be used if the caliber shot was not etched on the reticle.. ???
Andy B
Andy, when it comes to Match Shooting, I am first and formost a Competitor. I have no loyalty to any specific caliber, case design, bullet, powder, or any component for that matter. I will shoot what I think will give me the best chance to win. If something I feel is better comes along, I will change in a heartbeat.

Match shooting at the Registered Match Level is difficult enough without having to worry about things like getting a good measurement, does the measurer really know that someone is shooting something besides a 6mm, and other things that might only be in your mind, but that is enough to throw you off your game.

Now, score, that is a different story. I want to take full advantage of that big ole hole that the 30 punches. Heck, disturb all the paper. Every thing that is a detrament to a 30 in Group is a big plus in score........jackie
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One area we need to get a grip on

is the proper use of the scoring reticle. The directions say the device is to be used with one's eye 1" away from the magnifier, looking straight down. I sometimes watch the refs as they are deciding on close ones. Some of them do not follow the directions.
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Mike Ratigan gave me some good advice several years ago. He said that it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel to win. As far as shooting the 6PPC goes, I will continue until it quits breaking records. Someone stated that we were a bunch of lemmings, but I say that the flat head Ford engine was good in its day, but it is not winning Nascar races today. Why are we lemmings shooting what is the the equipment list's top twenty.....because that is what is needed to win. Good shooting....James
Mike Ratigan gave me some good advice several years ago. He said that it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel to win. As far as shooting the 6PPC goes, I will continue until it quits breaking records. Someone stated that we were a bunch of lemmings, but I say that the flat head Ford engine was good in its day, but it is not winning Nascar races today. Why are we lemmings shooting what is the the equipment list's top twenty.....because that is what is needed to win. Good shooting....James

Yes but it's so ORDINARY :)
I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you might have missunderstood what I meant by loyal following, it was to the sport of Benchrest shooting . However, I agree with the equipment aspect. And certainly your ability to compete is awe inspiring to some of us. That is my weakness, I am the weak link in the equipment list. I cant pay enough to fix me .. thats going to have to come from inside me . There are shooters that will grace the top of the winners list on a weekly basis, the equipment is but a small part of the total sum of their winning, yet a very important part as it is. If I could keep my competative mind consistantly I could be way more focused. That comes after a few matches and I get comfortable with the routine and the rifle again. That and I just get P o'd being in the middle of the pack at best. Then I just hope I hold together for a few good outings.

Do the competitors fill out a match card stating caliber at the beginning of a group match as in our score matches? That way the scorer knows what calibers / by what shooter are competing to make sure they are scoring correctly ?

Peter, we are certainly not Ordinary .. see you Sunday in the wind and rain by the sounds of it. it might even get into the
40f 's .. spring is here.

Andy B
"Peter, we are certainly not Ordinary .. see you Sunday in the wind and rain by the sounds of it. it might even get into the
40f 's .. spring is here.

Andy B "

Bring your waterproof snowmobile suit!! And snowshoes...it may get cold enough to snow.
I guess you are really talking about the 30BR.

Here is my take. Most know that I have a great shooting 30BR. It has won in both Group and Score.

But, I doubt I will shoot any more Group with it. Not because it is not capable, but because of the measuring........jackie

Just keep it up. Don't give up on group shooting with your 30BR. Someday you can shoot a .092" agg. that will be officially measured as a .137" agg. Then they will have to give you the world record. Or with enough practice, they might actually learn how to measure 30 caliber groups.
I guess what surprises me is that these people never seem to imaging that way back whenever some guy was saying "hey the 222 will never be replaced as the top cartridge in BR" or the "greatest long range cartridge is the 45-70 and non will ever be better."
I am just amazed at the absoluteness of the statements.
I think this is a wonderful time for BR. There are 3 or 4 maybe 5 different cartridges out there that are capable of winning matches with a plethora of powders and quality bullets to shoot out of them.
In the last 3 years I have seen these cartridges win BR matches.
6PPC, 6BR, 22ppc, 30 BR, and 257 TED, and I have read the reports of the 30PPC and 6.5 Grendel winning.
There are really a lot of different cartridges capable of winning at all levels of BR but I suppose there are a few that can do it a bit easier than others because of sheer numbers and the greater availability of components.
The great thing about this sport is, most of us will keep looking for something better. I dont think any of us are happy with anything but a 250 in score. We might be handed less at times due to momentary lapses of judgement or mechanical issue. Its all about the never ending hunt for those little dots .. 24 would be nice, 25 is the goal. Having a good time learning how and what will do it is the fun part.

Andy B
As long as the top shooters only shot the 6PPC in registered matchs, than the 6PPC will continue to beat everything else. Whe the top 25 or 30 shooters in the country start expermenting with and shooting something besides the 6PPC in registered matchs, then we may see another caliber(s) become dominate.
As long as the top shooters only shot the 6PPC in registered matchs, than the 6PPC will continue to beat everything else. Whe the top 25 or 30 shooters in the country start expermenting with and shooting something besides the 6PPC in registered matchs, then we may see another caliber(s) become dominate.

It can only happen when those scoring learn to score properly something other than a 6MM bullet hole.
prej·u·dice   /ˈprɛdʒədɪs/ Show Spelled
[prej-uh-dis] Show IPA
noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing.
1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.
3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.
EXPAND4. such attitudes considered collectively: The war against prejudice is never-ending.
5. damage or injury; detriment: a law that operated to the prejudice of the majority.
COLLAPSE–verb (used with object)
6. to affect with a prejudice, either favorable or unfavorable: His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favor.
7. without prejudice, Law . without dismissing, damaging, or otherwise affecting a legal interest or demand.
prej·u·dice   /ˈprɛdʒədɪs/ Show Spelled
[prej-uh-dis] Show IPA
noun, verb, -diced, -dic·ing.
1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.
3. unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.
EXPAND4. such attitudes considered collectively: The war against prejudice is never-ending.
5. damage or injury; detriment: a law that operated to the prejudice of the majority.
COLLAPSE–verb (used with object)
6. to affect with a prejudice, either favorable or unfavorable: His honesty and sincerity prejudiced us in his favor.
7. without prejudice, Law . without dismissing, damaging, or otherwise affecting a legal interest or demand.

I just had the flashback of my high school History Teacher saying the phrase "Shoddy Aristocracy"! I don't know why that would pop into my mind but, somehow, it did.
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The Mach-2 Helicopter

As long as the top shooters only shot the 6PPC in registered matchs, than the 6PPC will continue to beat everything else. Whe the top 25 or 30 shooters in the country start expermenting with and shooting something besides the 6PPC in registered matchs, then we may see another caliber(s) become dominate.

They did, back in the 70's before the PPC came along. You guys should read the Warren Page and Glenn Newick books if you want to see cartridge experimentation.
I bet back in Warren’s era there were loads of people dreaming about a mach-2 helicopter, a handful probably still are today. But in all the decades that have past, the slow old helicopter still does what it does best, slowly…..

Group shooting’s about putting 5-shots into the smallest hole possible, just ask anyone at a gun show. Could the big bullet disadvantage be why Mike and some others shoot the 22 PPC .100 short over the 6ppc?