30 PPC a fad ?



I have been watching for several years the attemts to utilize the so-called 30 PPC in group. I have come to the conclusion that it will never bear fruit. The 6 PPC is just too balanced to be beat in short range group. The 6 PPC, with a 62-69 gr bullet, is just the pefect balance of bore diameter, internal volumn, case construction, shoulder angle and neck length. 30 PPC shooters may occasionally luck out and win an agg or two or shoot a small group, but in the long haul the the 6 PPC is unbeatible. the 30 PPC is a flash in the group shooting pan, and will soon return to what it does best HBR and perhaps vermit for score. Someday a cartridge may come along that will beat the 6 PPC in short range group, but by then we will probably have colonies on Mars.
How dare you sullen the good name of the 30 PPC! You should be ashamed of yourself.
Hmmm, I beleive the OP and the third poster on this thread may know each other...or could they be the same guy.....pondering...............
I knew I would get blamed for this. I am trying to get people riled up about "precision target material".
I guess you are really talking about the 30BR.

Here is my take. Most know that I have a great shooting 30BR. It has won in both Group and Score.

But, I doubt I will shoot any more Group with it. Not because it is not capable, but because of the measuring........jackie
Don't let one bad experience discourage you........now if we could just get a stack of formica about 5 feet high......

You are right on with the scoring hassles. I have been shooting 30s in group for several years and for a while the scoring was a battle. Fortunately, there are some real nice people at the ranges where I shoot the most, and they have been real helpful and tollarant of my obsessive experimentation. I have also been trying to develop a 6.5 Grendel or 6.5 BR for group shooting, but with the same scoring problems. The 30 is quite well accepted now in most places, but the 6.5 has been a real challenge. The NBRSA rule book says if you don't have the proper reticule, to measure edge to edge with a 6MM reticule and subtract the difference in caliber (.021"), but the people at the nationals last fall just would not cooperate and do it right. I protested a few targets, but only succeeded in pissing off some people. I finally had a real nice cordial conversation with the scorer, and we both came away with a little better tolerance of the situation. At least after that I felt the measurements were a lot closer and felt he was trying to do the best job possible with the bad situation that I had caused. A few years back I was shooting a 6.5 BR at Palmasano's range. I had given the scorer a measuring device to use for my targets that had a 6.5 reticule, but also used a dial caliper. Unfortunately the scorer didn't know how to read anything but a digital readout and all my targets were measured .100" too big, and I didn't notice it until it was too late. Very frustrating, I would have won that yardage. Some people will ask, why bother? I'm sorry, but it just isn't in me to not try and find a "better mouse trap". By the way, the 6.5 really shoots great, especially in HV. And, as you know, so does the 30. So, I feel your pain.

Don't give up,
Current mandated methods of scoring will insure that the 6PPC remains unbeatable in group.
For a long time, people thought the world was flat. How silly does that sound now? One thing is certain, if people don't experiment with other cartridges, nothing will beat the 6PPC. --Mike
Goatlips, it is not mandated.

In spite of the better efforts of everyone invovled, the 30 cal measurements at our first Registered Match at Tomball was rather comical.

That is all I am going to say. Except I will simply shoot a 6mm in Group and have one less thing to worry about........jackie
One certain way of sending that tsunami back out to sea! :)

I guess you are really talking about the 30BR.

Here is my take. Most know that I have a great shooting 30BR. It has won in both Group and Score.

But, I doubt I will shoot any more Group with it. Not because it is not capable, but because of the measuring........jackie
I have often wondered

how people can become fixated on brands or sizes of things to the point of becoming emotional about it. The whole 6 PPC love thing, for insstance. How can a thinking Human Being "Fall in Love" with such things as 6 PPC , Sports Teams, Rifle Brands, Nascar Drivers, etc, etc, etc? It don't make no sense, I tell ya!

This will help you make sense of it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

In sum, when people spend a lot of time, money and energy on something, anything, they need to believe they are justified in doing so.


I must be odd I guess, I have never been much of a fan or Hero Worshiper. I am always trying to find the next best thing and realize that we all put our trousers on one leg at a time. I see the time and money spent on my persuits as looking for something better.
"and felt he was trying to do the best job possible with the bad situation that I had caused. "

I will say this real loud. 'YOU DIDN'T CAUSE A BAD SITUATION', the system caused a bad situration by not having a system that is able to adapt to all calibers.
There is very little in the rule booksdictating calibers to be used. And those few rules do not dictate that 6.5, 25, 7mm or any other caliber cannot be used in LV or HV.

When I shot the .257TED at Denton the scorer approached me and asked for a sample of the bullet and a fired cartridge case to assist him in making a riticle for scoring. I understand that scoring is a thankless job but that is the kind of service we deserve when we show up, pay our entry, club dues,and affiliation dues.

its fun you guys are shooting different stuff.
im going to shoot the redheded step child, 6BR
watch for me i might have it worken.


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its fun you guys are shooting different stuff.
im going to shoot the redheded step child, 6BR
watch for me i might have it worken.

If the lad who wins with the 30-30 can do what he does, You certainly can't claim an excuse for being ODD.