.30 BR powders

Based on my own observations, I think loaded round straightness is a big factor with the 30's. When I first put my 30BR together, It didn't shoot quite as good as some of the others hanging around the range. I was using a popular brand seater that is common in Benchrest.

Jackie: I may have posted this before, but the neck in an unmodified Wilson seater for the 30BR will measure between .335-.338. Since most chamber necks are .330 and most guys are running loaded rounds in the .328 area, it's not hard to see that the necks are not well supported during seating. When the neck tension goes up, things can get pretty hinky in runout-land. Jamming hard covers up many of these woes, but that doesn't mean there not still there. I know what we do to correct this and you've posted your fix.

Something to look at....... -Al
John, Fla.

Thanks for the information. I have tried to shoot my .30 BR Heavy Varmint rifle in the same manner as the 6PPC that I have shot, ie. free recoil.

I have shot some benchrest before and I will also try using wind flags. I have shot some groups before, but this score thing looks like it may be quite a bit different.

Thanks for your advice.
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Thanks for the information. I have tried to shoot my .30 BR Heavy Varmint rifle in the same manner as the 6PPC that I have shot, ie. free recoil.

I have shot some benchrest before and I will also try using wind flags. I have shot some groups before, but this score thing looks like it may be quite a bit different.

Thanks for your advice.

Joe, how many flags do you use? For 100 yards you should at least put one every 24 yards, with the first one real close up so those tired eyes can see at least one. Now if'n you are shooting that old Yellar gun I'd hang on with boff hands and gendtly carass that trigger, after a few parctice rounds you should get the hang of thangs, but for Gods sake hang on tight, she'll buck ya and bruise ya. I bet y'all are getting all excited, eh? Now then for lessons in group, my mentor would be better suited for advice.:D:D:D Now then iffin ya needen lessons in group contakt a feller by the name of Jock Nearly, I hears hissin is the best.:eek:
Hang in there buddy
Dan Honert

You THINK maybe you have shot a little Benchrest in the past? Perhaps looked over a field of flags on occasion?:D

Seriously, I shoot both my Heavy Varmint 30BR and my Sporter 30BR free recoil. I will admitt that after shooting an agg, the 10.5 lb 30 does grate on you a little.

A little tidbit of info, Gene brought a Farley Rest back from the Cactus just to shoot score with.

We have a Varmint for Score score match at Lake Charles next week end, a Grand Agg. If I make it, I plan on shooting my 30BR at 100, and my 6PPC at 200.........jackie
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I don't shot free recoil with my 30BR, (I did with my 6ppc). I think the person that can read their wind flags has the upper hand in the shooting game. I think reading the flags just comes with time, and alot of rounds down range. Don't try to shot with no wind because you are not learning anything. Always remember at a match everyone has some wind from time to time.
30br loads

Joe from what I seem to understand the loads you have tried have been 34gr or better. Just remember velocity alone doesn`t make the gun shoot, for the last 3 years I have been shooting 33.8 gr in all 3 of my 30br`s not saying that is what you should shoot. Just thought you might be surprised trying the other end of the spectrum. As I stated before I`am just a old southern country boy and one that loves to shoot. To me what the gun does on paper tells it all. That one hole group doesn`t care if they are at 3100 or 2950 fps, catch my drift. Do you want a .300 group at 3100 fps or a .150 at 2930 fps, what I am trying to say is you can`t force the barrel what it doesn`t want.
I try to take a simple approach to the tuning of my guns, the gun will tell you what it likes and what not. By no means am I saying this is what will work for everyone, another thing is seating depth, some change by .001 at a time, I can`t shoot good enough to tell such a small movement I go at least .003 at a time. Just like 1/10gr powder change not good enough shooter to tell that small diference either. Joe I don`t put many post on the net as you may well know but thought I might give a different perspective to look at, and never change but one thing at a time. I am smart enough to realize most barrels will shoot at the high end and the low end of the velocity range, myself I would rather be on the low end for several reasons. And also H4198 has been an old stand by for me, have tried others but keep coming back to it. One thing that I can`t express enough more is not always better. Hope some of this may help you and I know a lot of shooters may disagre with this but this is my story and I`am stickin to it.:D:D

Hey Joe,
We got an NBRSA Score Tournament at WWCCA this Sunday.
I might, be able to dig up some wind flags.
Ya know last month. This guy shows up at 15 min. to commence fire.
Said I would help with wind flags. He said no thanks.
After the end of the 3 match, he was winning. No flags. Shooting an old 6 PPC. I think, it had one of those cheap Weavers on it. ;)

Anyway, If you are not going to the Shamrock. See ya Sunday. :D
Maybe, you can get Ole' Yeller working.
I showed some pictures of Ole Yeller to some guys at work.....:eek:
I don't shot free recoil with my 30BR, (I did with my 6ppc). I think the person that can read their wind flags has the upper hand in the shooting game. I think reading the flags just comes with time, and alot of rounds down range. Don't try to shot with no wind because you are not learning anything. Always remember at a match everyone has some wind from time to time.

Hey John, there's a little bit o fun bein' poked around this thread cause ol' Joe there, well, he's in the BR Hall of Fame. He's got a separate trailer to carry his windflags around...;)
Yep. Trying to stir the pot. :D
Joe Krupa is also the Eastern Region Director of the NBRSA.
And a nice guy. He has helped this NFG.
Joe sold "Ole Yeller" and got it back.
Joe says he has never bought a new firearm.
Joe said Ole Yeller set some records. Last month. Score match, Ole Yeller just wasn't the same.
I was shocked.
I saw it last winter. It sticks out. And Joe wins with it........:eek:

I may not know much but, I will try to help anyone in the shooting sport. Joe I hope you have a nice day.
Fla mac...

Thanks for the best laugh I've had all freakin' winter.

I kinda doubt if you follow benchrest much. A couple of years ago Joe Krupa was Benchrest Shooter of the Year and was also inducted into the Benchrest Hall of Fame.

I think it's reasonable to say that Joe is an experienced shooter. To my knowledge he has shot a 6 PPC up till now and the 30 BR is a different animal.

Anyway, thanks for the laugh.

Dick Wright

Thanks. I can't remember which shot was the brain fart but it wasn't the last one or I'd still be cussin'.

I do remember that it was the day a vice-president of the IBS showed up at our range and I thoroughly kicked his butt... 249 and all.;)

Now wait a minute...

... I'm not poking fun at anyone. What John in Fla. has done is make me look a little closer at how I'm shooting this .30 BR monster (which as a PPC "Ole Yeller" has given me much successful shooting). And maybe I should be practicing with flags. I often run out to the range and pop three-shot groups without setting them up to see if the gun is cutting conditions. All of us "exeprienced guys" who supposedly "know everything" often overlook the little things that make things work. I thank John for making me take a closer look. He gave his advice with a pure intent to help. That is a great thing.

There is value in listening to the newer guys who work these things out and are willing to openly make very good suggestions based on their experience. John in Fla. has helped to work on this problem. So has Goodgrouper (who has spared with me in some other threads on humidity). And if I ever could shoot a .30 BR in the same manner as "Historic Hal", I would be very happy. I will never forget that .15xx agg. that you shot with a .30BR at the Hog Roast, a GROUP competition. And Jackie is legendary at his home range for working on experimentation. Look at how well Bukys is shooting and he told me at the Cactus that he works with Jackie on a lot of shooting ideas. (And I was with him when he bought that Farley rest out there and we talked about shooting score with the thing. He is the reigning World Group Champion and he is geeked about shooting a SCORE match coming up.) And even my old buddy and former neighbor Dan Honert chimed in. Isn't this a great sport.

We should never believe that we know so much that we don't need to pay attention to the things that matter. Thanks guys.

I don't think anyone accused you of poking fun at anybody. When I read that one post I just cracked up. I follow NASCAR just enough to make me reluctant to tell Jimmy Johnson how to drive a cup car.

JohnnyM... I agree. If we had Kroop for a governor we probably wouldn't be No. 50 out of 50 after a year or so. However, I think the cut in pay would make Joe have to cut back on his benchrest habit.;)

Francis... go back under your rock. A shallow vistory is going to a Nationals, shooting in a class that has only a dozen shooters and coming home thinking you are a champion of anything.

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It all good. Fellas.
Some people may not realize it. But, this is an established form of troubleshooting. Better than "easter egg hunting".
I have had more than one experience, of talking to someone who had no clue about Electrical or Electronics. And they make a comment or suggestion or it pops into my head. Just talking about it or the process. Helps to understand.
Whatever works. Works......
How unkind!

I don't think anyone accused you of poking fun at anybody. When I read that one post I just cracked up. I follow NASCAR just enough to make me reluctant to tell Jimmy Johnson how to drive a cup car.

JohnnyM... I agree. If we had Kroop for a governor we probably wouldn't be No. 50 out of 50 after a year or so. However, I think the cut in pay would make Joe have to cut back on his benchrest habit.;)

Francis... go back under your rock. A shallow vistory is going to a Nationals, shooting in a class that has only a dozen shooters and coming home thinking you are a champion of anything.


Aw, what's the use! At least some of us put our money where our mouth is and we know who we are :) It's way better to be something than nothing.
Just remember velocity alone doesn`t make the gun shoot, for the last 3 years I have been shooting 33.8 gr in all 3 of my 30br`s ...

You made a light bulb light up in my head. Seems like my biggest difficulty (other than reading flags) is holding the stiff-kicking 30BR the same every time. Duh, why don't I try a lower node???:confused::rolleyes:
