30 Br bullets



I have a thread posted were i speak to my problems in trying to purchase some "Custom" bullets for my 30BR. The only bullets I was able to find were some Bergers and they shot pretty well really. However I wantd to try some of the custom bullets in this new to me rifle.

I came to this 30BR because I was looking for an action to build a back up rifle for my Mid-Range and hopefully long range shooting. As luck would have it the rifle I bought was in 30BR, so since I had it and before I sent it off to be rebarreled and restocked I wanted to at least hear it go Bang a time or two. I had struck out complettly in trying to even contact any of the bullet folks. So in my post one of the fellow members here "Caroby" sent me a message and advised me to contact a third member " MR Turner" as he was making some custom bullets. I got ahold Of Micheal and we had a very good conversation and he sent me some of his 9 ogive .308 118 grain bullets.

I got them on Saturday loaded 40 of them and headed to the range. While I realize the 30BR is a close up 100 and 200 yard cartridge, I have very little interest in that close up shooting so I shot them at 400 yards.

These bullets were the cats butt. I started off getting sight settings on a gong at 400 yds. I fired 4 to foul the barrel and to see were I was. I then shot the two paper targets I had put up. There was a lot of mirage, temps were in the high 90's and broke a hundred before I was done, there was not a cloud in the sky so the mirages would not let me see any bullet holes at 400. When I went down to look the gong which had rung at every shot had only one big smear on it so meassuring was out of the question. The two paper targets were a real surprise to me. Shooting Michaels 9 ogive bullet in "NO" wind but tons of mirage the groups were for five shots each 1st target 13/16ths Vertical X 5/8ths, the second target was 3/16ths vert X 7/8ths of an inch.

For me and this Farley Actioned rifle this is pretty darn good results. I have a club shoot in a couple of weeks at 500 yds, my plans are to shoot this 30br at that distance and with Michael Turners excellent Bullets. Thanks Michael !!!!

""Shooting Michaels 9 ogive bullet in "NO" wind but tons of mirage the groups were for five shots each 1st target 13/16ths Vertical X 5/8ths, the second target was 3/16ths vert X 7/8ths of an inch.

For me and this Farley Actioned rifle this is pretty darn good results. I have a club shoot in a couple of weeks at 500 yds, my plans are to shoot this 30br at that distance and with Michael Turners excellent Bullets. Thanks Michael !!!!

Roland ""

VERY NICE..! Congrats Roland... Think you got a DARN good rifle there...! Mike's a HOOT..! A prince of a guy.

Good luck at the shoot...! Go get'em..!

Thanks Cale, And thank you for the heads up on Mike. He and I had a long phone conversation and he is a wealth of information. Man loves to talk about his 30-30, but then again so would I if I shot one as well as he does.

Thanks Again Cale.....

Thanks Cale, And thank you for the heads up on Mike. He and I had a long phone conversation and he is a wealth of information. Man loves to talk about his 30-30, but then again so would I if I shot one as well as he does.

Thanks Again Cale.....


Sure thing.... Try this too............

135gr Sierra MK....................... SERIOUSLY. ..! Wether in a 17 or 18 twist 30BR....
For your long range shoot's..... Even short range shoots, this bullet WILL hang with the customs...! I know.

Not try'n to turn you away from Mike's GREAT bullets.... Just that the BC of the 135MK would assist. And availability is no problem.

Just a thought, think you'll see the results...!
One of the best values

in 30 Cal bullets for bullets to just shoot or even for matches is the Speer TNT. I have used them a lot over the years and they shoot dern good. I use Custom Made bullets, for the most part but have used and won matches whilst using TNT's. If only they would make some shorter, lighter ones - - - - -. The sierra 125 soft points work pretty well also.

This gets us to something that would allow all of us to use a wider variety bullets, Seater Stems that have bigger I.D.'s. If seater stems were made to touch the bullets at, in the case of .308 bullets @ around .300, bullets would be less of a problem, be they either factory made or custom made. Lots of bullets that don't shoot particularly well would, suddenly begin to shoot well. The way seater stems have come to be made is not the best way to proceed. It leads to errors in OAL's and poor accuracy often. Hopefuly, someday, they will see the error of their ways and change the design.
I have a thread posted were i speak to my problems in trying to purchase some "Custom" bullets for my 30BR.

Call Allie Euber (802) 948-2621, Allie had been under the weather but he told me earlier this week he has lots of 30 cal bullets on hand as he is being assisted by his Grandson who will probably eventually take over Euber bullets.
