3 lever remington trigger

Jay I just left Wolfe's web sight and have a book coming. I'll let you know about the bolt later. I don't get around in a very big hurry.
Ian I didn't want to spend the money but the information may be worth it.

Glenn Burditt
Glenn, here are some three lever triggers I play around with. I probably have a lever for ya in my stuff.



  • Three lever triggers.jpg
    Three lever triggers.jpg
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It looks like you have done away with the trigger connector on your trigger? I think that is a better setup. It looks like the center lever would work on my trigger. I take it that the 2 triggers on the left are the same type trigger!

Glenn Burditt
The left side of the photo is a fully assembled trigger ready to go, the guts layed out to see, bottom the parts on the outside of the housing so show how they work. Right side of photo is a Kelblys trigger that I made just to check it out. The only thing I salvage off the Rem. trigger is the housing. I'm going hunting for a week or so, but you can e-mail me for more info. The three lever triggers I have been building are working very well, Barney Lawton, and a few others have been using them over the last few years.


P.S. Pray for Barney.
We guess what - the book "Benchrest Actions and Triggers by Stuart Otteson" is worth the money if you are into 2 Oz triggers. Thanks to everyone who suggested the book. I wish all of the new stuff was in the book,.
Jay - I sent you a e-mail about a week ago, I wonder if you got it?
Bill De - I sent you a e-mail yesterday.


Don't recall getting anything from you. Just sent an email to you, using the address on your profile.

1000yds (at) gmail (dot) com
Jay - thanks for the idea on steel for lever.
Riflemeister a friend was shooting a 284 rem. last month in F class when he blanked a primer and didn't get to finish the match - Jewell trigger. Blanking is hard on triggers looks like.
Brian I didn't realize there were some changes of the lever in the book, guess I will have to get it. Thanks all

Glenn B.

Sometimes you can get lucky ;)


I know this is a very dated post, but does anyone know if Bill De is still around in the living sense. I'd like to pick his brain.
