
New member
29TH Annual Hog Roast creeping up soon--May 6-7th, 2017.

Pre-registration with Jerry at 724-569-2216 or Nestor at 412-742-2427 or e-mail at dwh@nexicom.net

A bit of good news: Renovation of restrooms/showers will be completed by then.

That is good news Dave.. The thing that upsets me is how in the world did the club let what was at worst case a $3000 plumbing expense cause them to lose probably at least $50,000 in revenue by losing both the IBS and NBRSA Nationals... Beyond my comprehension.... Truly disappointing!!!
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Maybe they didn't have the funds to fix up the sand box so you guys could play in it. 50,000 seems very high, net to the club would be a lot less i'm sure...... jim
Disappointing is the NBRSA taking away a nationals in JANUARY for a problem that was going to be fixed long before the Nationals. The Eastern Region gets screwed again and you wonder why you only have 113 shooters at the last Nationals. I have already heard of some Eastern Region shooters are not going to St. Louis because they are upset at NBRSA taking away the Nationals when the problem was being worked on and to be fixed long before Nationals. I would bet Fairchance would never bid on Nationals again and I don't blame them.

Disappointing is the NBRSA taking away a nationals in JANUARY for a problem that was going to be fixed long before the Nationals. The Eastern Region gets screwed again and you wonder why you only have 113 shooters at the last Nationals. I have already heard of some Eastern Region shooters are not going to St. Louis because they are upset at NBRSA taking away the Nationals when the problem was being worked on and to be fixed long before Nationals. I would bet Fairchance would never bid on Nationals again and I don't blame them.


I agree Jim. What was the justification for this move?

Is this not unprecedented?

From my understanding is that there was an agreement made with a set date for the work to be completed and that date came and gone with the work uncompleted so therefore other plans had to be made.
From my understanding is that there was an agreement made with a set date for the work to be completed and that date came and gone with the work uncompleted so therefore other plans had to be made.

That's exactly correct. Fairchance knew the restrooms had to be repaired since the IBS Nationals last year. Jan 31st came and went.

Changes made at Fairchance. See you at the Hog Roast.

If they had any outside repairs or excavating to do the repairs i can see why they would wait till better weather to do it. January and February are not the best times to work out side... jim
Sounds a lot like CNN (people without the facts and those holding personal grudges making statements). What happened at Fairchance was well understood by all parties. What we can all do now, is support the club by attending the Hog Roast!
The porta potties must have been good since they were filled to the rim and they didn't want to get them pumped out. Let's not even mention the electric issues.
The porta potties must have been good since they were filled to the rim and they didn't want to get them pumped out. Let's not even mention the electric issues.

Did you reserve one of those $500.00 camping spots a year ago or so.
Need some info, how far is fairchance from Philadelphia? I am going to be in that area for a couple of weeks and would love to shoot this match. What. Reasonably priced hotels/motels are there nearby. If I bring my rv is there any electric? Any and all information will certainly be appreciated.
Fairchance is on the opposite side of the state from Philly. In my opinion, the poor electric service is just as much an issue of the range as the toilets are.
how far from Philly


It takes about 5 to 51/2 hours drive from Philly. There are a number of hotels in Uniontown which is about 15 minutes from the club.

Once you get off the turnpike exit you have about 45 miles more to go to reach Fairchance.

The Hogroast is a great match but be prepared for all kinds of weather and wind.

Bill McIntyre
Need some info, how far is fairchance from Philadelphia? I am going to be in that area for a couple of weeks and would love to shoot this match. What. Reasonably priced hotels/motels are there nearby. If I bring my rv is there any electric? Any and all information will certainly be appreciated.

All info regarding motels/hotels is on the Fairchance Rod and Gun Club website. Sufficient power was a problem last summer when it was 95 degrees. The Hog Roast is the beginning of May. I doubt if we will all need air conditioners.
pre-registration at dwh@nexicom.net Hope to see you there.

I understand this change from Fairchance to St Louis was voted on by Directors, was this voted on at Nationals or after Mr. Neary did his inspection in January. If vote was after inspection, do we get to see how the directors voted?

One person keeps stating that there is a electric issue at Fairchance, does this mean all ranges must now conform to electric and bathroom standards? Case in point Phoenix for decades did not have electric and showers on site and at this point still has neither, but was allowed to have Nationals and a World Championship. I commend Phoenix and Berger Bullets for having electric at last years Nationals, it was very expensive and not many people took advantage of it. Many of you do not know that many of the complainers of Fairchance stayed at a RV park in Phoenix instead of the range. Why can't they do this at Fairchance? Is this a double standard? I spent many a Nationals without either over my lifetime and never found it a problem.

I have received a half a dozen calls from Eastern Region shooters who are upset with the move and not planning on supporting the NBRSA Nationals this coming year. This is a shame for St Louis as they are trying to help and they will be hurt by this decision as well as the NBRSA.

It's a shame that Fairchance is going to have I guess everything addressed that was supposed to be needed to host the Nationals by the time of the Hog Roast. I have no idea what went on between Jack and the Fairchance people when he discussed it with them in January and the Nationals was moved to St. Louis. I also have no idea what their electricity situation is like there now. I was there one time for the Hog Roast in about 2006 or 7 and had my RV hooked up to a 20 amp plug. It did flip the breaker several times, but in May we weren't running AC units either. At Phoenix, we've been staying at the RV park on the north side of Ben Avery. I've stayed at the range there and run a generator. Not bad for a weekend, but not what I'd want to do for a week plus. I don't know how close a RV park is to the Fairchance range either. The RV park by Ben Avery is about a mile away which makes it pretty simple getting back and forth. I'm listed as a GC region associate director, which means that all I do is fill in for Scott if he can't attend a meeting. That's about all an associate director does. I don't know anything that goes on between the directors and at meetings that's not published in the minutes. While we are discussing ranges to host the Nationals. There is a premier range in the Eastern region that I'd love to shoot a Nationals there again. Its a range in N. Lawrence, OH. It's been a long time since a Nationals was held there and I understand you run a business that pretty well gets shut down while the Nationals is being shot. Plus it seems that shooters are getting to the Nationals earlier and earlier every year. So, can understand not having it there as well. A Nationals is a hard thing to put on especially with volunteer help which most ranges have.