284 shehane 600yard rifle


Active member
Ok ill ask this the best way i can. Would it be a bad idea to have a heavy gun chambered in 284 shehane for dedicated 600 yard shooting? I was going to do a dasher but this 7mm stuff has definitely got my interest. For this coming season i will most likely shoot just 600 yard stuff in st Louis, probably no 1000 yard stuff this year. I have all the parts now to build a Heavy gun for the 600 yard game. I already bought a 8 twist 6mm 1.250 straight Krieger barrel but i am sure i can exchange it for a 7mm if Bruno has any in stock. I am a big fella, but i hate excessive recoil. My gun will weigh around 20 pounds so i dont know if this will even be an issue with the 7mm shehane? My stock is a McMillan MBR so i guess i probably need to think about torque issues? So is a 7mm shehane a little to big for a 600 yard heavy gun or does it make perfect since? Or should i stick with my original idea and do the dasher? What do you fellas think? Charlie if you read this and have a free minute give me a call. thanks Lee
Stick with your first plan unless you intend to shoot FClass also. At 17 lb your rifle would qualify for light gun also.

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284 Shehane at 600


I have probably shot as much or more 284 Shehane as anyone. It is a great chambering for long range prone (1000), 1000 yd F-Class, and 1000 yd BR. In fact, I think it is the BEST chambering for long range prone and F-Class Open. The First 10 or 11 places in the F-Class Open World Championship were 7mm chamberings, and 3rd place was a Shehane, and the Shehane has set some NRA Long Range records as well.

However, in the 600 yd BR game where the 6BR, 6Dasher, and 6BRX dominate, I don't think that the 284 Shehane will be competitive day in and day out against those 6s and the shooters who ride them on quick strings to the wood.

As an aside, you would probably be beter served with a 6mm light gun that would allow you to shoot LG and HG. Many of the greats at 600 do exactly that. Opinions may vary on any 7mm at 600 BR -- but not many.

Good luck,
Jim Hardy
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thanks Jim i had a strong feeling this would be the case. I like to talk rifle and read about rifles so i thought i would ask! LOL!!! Thanks fellas a always appreciate the responses. This is a great sport with a lot of good folks!! Lee

A lot of the guys, like my self shoot one gun for both classes. You are starting to see a few true heavy guns, like Sam Hall record setting gun, and Mike Davis, this year. But stay with the 6BR or IMP's.

Mark Schronce
Skeetlee: What the others have already told you is very approiate. I just wanted to add my two cents worth. I have shot a straight 284 F-Class open rifle built by Ray Bowman (www.precisionriflesales.com) for both 600 yd and 1000 yd matches and it works very well. I hold Grand Senior national records at 600, 800, 1000 yds with this rifle but I am tired of lugging that 22 lb. rifle any more than I have to, (It is hell getting old!), plus I want to save that Hummer barrel. Therefore, for next year I have had a 6mm Dasher built for the 600 yd matches and this will, also, let me shoot LV class in 600 yd benchrest matches.

Tony Robertson shoots a 284 Shehane and has done very well with it at the Nationals and at the Snowbird X-Miss match in Florida held over New Years. Put on by the Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club. By the way, a great way to start a New Year! ( Nine 600yd matches over three days, plus a 3-600yd match 4 man Team match.

You can't go wrong with the 284 Shehane if you can stand the recoil.

Stormin' Norman

Having shoot out 3+ Dasher barrels, I can tell you that you'll not be disappointed if you go with it..It's holds about every record that there is at 600/1000 yards IBS, and if the shooter drives it right, it'll hold it's own against any F-Class rifle as well. I used one to finish in the top 20 at this past years F-Class nationals, and did very well everywhere else I shot. Having said that, I'm know running a 284 Shehane as I do feel that on certain days I was giving up a few points to the bigger guns while running the Dasher...On really windy days, you just can't deny the difference in wind drafts between the 108 BT and the big 180vld's....

The 284 Shehane seems to be a bit of a pain in the butt while loading for as the big 180 VLD seem to be very picky on seating depth, etc. It just seems to be hard to find and keep the "sweet" spot. Now the Dasher is a no brainer...33-33.5 grs RL15, Berger 108Bt marked square, and go shot...

I'm having another Dasher barrel cut for my gun as we speak, and plan on running it at 600 yards. I've shot several clean 200's at 600 yards including a 200/18X with the Dasher...I just don't think anything else can shoot with it under 600 yards in decent conditions...

Good luck
