.268 neck information your experience


New member
After 20+ years with a .262 neck I am moving on. I have chosen a .268 nk. I am waiitng on a reamer from Dave Kiff. If you are using a .268 please tell me how you like as compared to other necks you have used. WHAT bushings are you using? Which bushing seems to work the best for you? I asked for .055 freebore. I will be using Berger column bullets and LT 32. What are the deminsions on the cut of the neck do you use? Please ad anything that may be a help for me. I am tired of turning and cutting .262 . It is way to thin and I expect to get better wear out of the .268. THANK YOU
Michael Taner
Better more consistent neck tension, 263,264,265 bushings according to what you turn to. Less fragile necks too. Main problem is your dies- most aint gonna fit now- sizing and seating.
Me Too

I bought a 6PPC Pure Magic reamer from Kiff w/.268 neck. Haven't chambered a barrel yet but that will be as soon as I get the 30 BR out of the way. Got two Kreiger barrels waiting for that reamer.
Weird how not a single die i owned had a hole bigger than .262 or .263 in it. Not a wilson nor my standby jlc seater nor even a redding sizing die. All my stuff was old school tho even my neil jones set
Dusty is right on the bushings... .263, .264, .265. Start with the .264 Neck thickness I shoot for is .0117 Measure a neck with the bullet seated on the first one you turn and fine tune the cut. Use that piece of brass for dummy rounds from there on.


Did you get a actual pure magic with just the neck larger? If so, you will probably run into case and die problems....big time.

Hovis....I assume you're eluding to hard bolt click? As for the die, that shouldn't be a problem if he has someone like Harrells match it to fired cases, right?

I considered the Pure Magic, but went with a 1045 instead (actually a 1046....I'm using a 0.264" neck).


You are correct. The problem lays not with the die/chamber match but with the demisions of the current brass. Some need to remember that, yes, it is very important to have a chamber demisions to sizing match but if the brass isn't a match to those specs, nothing you can do will help. Every single person that I personnally know that went the pure magic reamer route had a hard time and finally switched. It was designed for brass that is not in production anymore.
