$2500.00 budget



Hey guys new to the forum and new to the world of .22benchest shooting. I recently joined a cub club and the offer the F Class type matches for 22lr. They shoot at 100 yards. I have a custom 10/22 and done some testing on about 10 different brands of ammo. All the testing did was confirm what I already knew I need a new rifle to shoot these type matches. I'm willing to drop $2500.00 on a new rifle but don't know where to start other than a Anschutz or Remington 40XB. What else is out there? Thanks in advance for any insight and suggestions.
There are fine rifles that pass through here on the classifieds as well as Killoughs, pretty good place to start.
I bought a great, virtually new, best of everything, rifle, right off the classifieds here just this past fall......they're out there.
Hi rskibo, I don't know much about shooting 100 yd's, we've just added that game to our club so will probably be learning a lot, but have been shooting the 50 yd game for a few years. There are some good rifles out there like Tim mentioned that would probably serve you well within your budget. Also you don't want to write off being able to get a 10/22 up to speed to compete. Unfornatuately a lot of the 10/22 customs are more looks than accurate, this past year been working with Joe Chacon out of Bandera Tx. and getting some pretty good results out of these 10/22's and staying within a decent budget. Unless it's been sold there's a custom Suhl over on the Killough Shooting Sport site, the yellow stocked edge, that I know who the owner was and it was a pretty good shooter. You'll definitely want to use flags if allowed and use good ammo, Eley, Lapua and/or RWS seems to be getting some attention lately. As always watch and talk with who your shooting with that are winning. I always try to help folks new to the game and offer any advise I can at our club. Not saying I know anything, but have had some success at the club level.

Where are you located? I am selling 7 RFBR guns for a shooter who quit. 3 40x's, 2 Turbos, 2 Sulhs, all with tuners & scopes. They range from 2500-3600. You can shoot them first.
Where are you located? I am selling 7 RFBR guns for a shooter who quit. 3 40x's, 2 Turbos, 2 Sulhs, all with tuners & scopes. They range from 2500-3600. You can shoot them first.

I see my good buddy Jerry just piped in, we shoot out of the same club and I call him the Mad Scientist, you'd have to hang out with him and you'd understand his nick name. First Jerry brings up a good point of trying out a rifle before you buy it, always an advantage.
Now back to these rifles he has, the gentleman who retired from the game was a pretty good shooter.
One of these Suhl's was his main rifle and he shot 5 ARA 2500's with it. The last one was the 2nd to last time he shot the rifle in a match back in 2014. Well worth a look if close by.
Just adding my 2 cents worth. As a FYI most of these rifles were smithed by the late Bill Myers and have 2 groove benchmark barrels that came out of his shop. There's a history about Bill and these barrels.

Where are you located? I am selling 7 RFBR guns for a shooter who quit. 3 40x's, 2 Turbos, 2 Sulhs, all with tuners & scopes. They range from 2500-3600. You can shoot them first.

This is the kind of deal you do not want to pass up IMHO.
I do not know Jerry, but I know of him.....that he is, by all measure, a straight shooter, knows about guns, and how to evaluate guns. Guys like this are usually a decent bridge between you and not getting fleeced because of lack of experience.
South East?

If you life in the South East come on down to the Crawfish this weekend in Jacksonville.
I have 40x's, Anschutz's and a Turbo you can shoot at 50 & 100 yards.
If you like one they are all within your budget.
I will be there on Thursday for practice and Friday thru Sunday for the State tournment.
40X for BR

What usually needs to be done to the 40x action to make it compete with a "custom" action?
I too live under the fallacy that a person on a budget can compete in a rimfire BR league. Recent history: Purchased a really sharp, used CMP 40Xb ($1200) with~98% bluing left. Replaced the trigger with a Jewell ($229.00) and put a used but clean Sightron SII 36X scope on it ($250.00), along with a Harrell tuner ($150). My experience with it was at best an 1800-1900 ARA rifle. Stumbled upon a clean, used Stith inline stock for $175 on Ebay. Now an ARA 1900-2000 rifle. Saved my farthings for a year, purchased a Shilen ratchet barrel ($300) and sent it to Brian Voelker to have it mounted and whatever else he could do for it and stay under $500. It came back a short while ago with the new barrel cut and chambered (for Lapua), along with new pillars and bedding. Brian also replaced the out of spec recoil lug, trued the receiver, lapped the lugs, the normal good engineering practices stuff. Total for his work was $439 including return shipping. Finally got decent weather (>50 degrees) and took it out for its maiden voyage this past Tuesday. I had intended to just do some shoot-n-clean and dial in the scope, so I only took some SK+ and a box of Wolf ME with me. None of my Center-X since that has to last the upcoming season. As the day progressed slowly with all the cleanings, the SK+ shot surprisingly well, so I switched to the Wolf and shot an ARA card. Rang up a 2150 without touching the tuner from its 250 setting and without regard to wind, much to my pleasure. I feel like the barrel job by Brian was money well spent and look forward to the local ARA league beginning on April 20th. Almost forgot new Base and Burris Signature rings off of ebay ($75)

Add the numbers up. This setup promises to be a great shooter with good ammo.


Sounds like your budget is similar to that of the federal government, it just expands slightly as you go. However you may have to go to the wife to raise the debt limit!:D


Sounds like your budget is similar to that of the federal government, it just expands slightly as you go. However you may have to go to the wife to raise the debt limit!:D


And I didn't even count the Cliff Arnold 1-piece rest that I bought, since it was from before I bought the 40X and I didn't mention the used Leupold 45x45. All that money spent and still, many would argue that I should be dropping $1-2k/year on top shelf ammo as well.

For the last 27 years, all my straight pay has gone into the bottomless pit called the family budget. My overtime and selling back vacation is mine to do with as I please. The wife approaches it as a "Don't ask, don't tell" subject. She knows the workhorse needs some oats now and then. I'm hopefully 3 1/2 years from retirement. Look forward to reaping what I have sown, if my vision and health holds up.
