225 winchester

I was a kid when the 225 came out but I remember my dad cussin winchester. They quit the pre 64 and quit chambering the 220 swift , my dads favorite mod. 70, so the 225 didnt have a prayer around my house.
Back to the OPs second post about POS M70, M12 and SX1. Yep. They're awful. I've got $300 and I'll give you $100 each for them if they're in good condition ;) .
Back to the OPs second post about POS M70, M12 and SX1. Yep. They're awful. I've got $300 and I'll give you $100 each for them if they're in good condition ;) .

I shot at the grand, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and did not see very many m12s or sx1.

When Ed Matunas worked for winchester from 1972 to 1980 he told me they called the sx1 the union gun. It wouldn't work and you couldn't fire it.:D
I shot trap for years and years. There were TONS of M12s out there. I well remember when the Perazzi TM1 and variants overtook the M12 as the most numerous piece. M12s point terrific. They are alive in your hands. They're reliable. I don't want to shuck one in doubles, but that's what O/Us are for.

I don't know where you get your information about the SX1. Pete McCall shot one for years. He seemed to do OK with it. ;) From a reliability standpoint, they were, IMHO, far superior to the M-1100, they share some of the pointability of the M12. The problem with the SX1 is that it's expensive to make. It's like a semi-auto version of the M12.
The........Beach Boys were surfing USA.......GTO was still on the drawing boards.

The beach boys only sang about it, none of them were surfers........'64 was the first year GTO.