.22 Rimfire zero at 200 meters


Thanks, and sounds like you had a good shoot. On that day we were probably lucky to have seen 25°F, the same as today, but then again, on both days the windchill brought the Feel-Like temp right back down into the mid teens. It has been unusually cold all winter, and still breaking record lows now we're into March. Plus the snow? Haven't seen the grass in my backyard since early last November, and still have another foot to go before it will be back to normal. Hell of a winter, that's for sure.

I ran a USRA IR50/50 100Y .22 match ...once… (they use to even have special targets for shooting 100Y matches, but the Class failed after only a year or two due to lack of interest) and that sure opened our eyes to how much the wind can affect a .22 match bullet out beyond 50Y, and no one around here wanted anything to do with it ever again. You 200Y guys are in a Class of your own, but I'd do it if I were there!

Good shooting, and glad to hear you actually did hit the paper - and more than once.

Dave Shattuck
Good show!
Question: 28" or 28MOA?

G'day. What a great question. Of course it was 28 MOA. Too used to approximating 1" = 1 MOA at 100 yards..........

As the comp was for lightweight/hunting .22's (as opposed to dedicated BR rigs) I must have been on autopilot because I would never dream at taking a clean shot at a bunny, fox or wild dog at much over 75m.

Where I live here in Oz, most of our club members hunt, so to keep in the spirit of the comp I used my hunting .22, a Russian Izhmash biathlon with a very fast toggle action. On a calm day it will shoot 5 into 0.5" or better at 50m (did a 0.25" with Tenex at the range once).

Scope is a Lynx P3-12 x 42D in Leupold QRW Low Rings. The QRW is because one has to remove the scope to pull the pin that the toggle bolt pivots on to remove the bolt for cleaning and storage purposes.

Given all that, I am very happy with the set up. The scope is never more than a click out after removing it and replacing it (I have tested this aspect on the bench). The QRW mounts are set so that the locking levers, when torqued to a precise horizontal setting will give a repeatable zero. This is probably more of a testimonial to the manufacturers of the hardware....it is good quality.

If any of you blokes are looking for a deadly accurate and inexpensive .22 then give the little Russian a hard look. The only .22 hunting rifle that I ever owned that rivalled it for accuracy was a BRNO Model 2 that I floated and bedded....but then stupidly sold it.

Regards * Danny *
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We are kinda down on Ruskies right now! :D

Point taken, same here in Oz.

The people who made my Izhmash are just like you and me though, working to earn a living.

It's the politicians that need lining-up, not the peasants.

Anyway, you might be happy to know that I have been checking out a Sako Quad Range and a nice Anschutz to upgrade my rimfire capabilities. Actually, I am just about to start a new thread to ask about the Sako.

* Danny *