22 LR bushings


Hi guys

I need help before order some bushings.

I am thinking about redo the chamber on my CZ 452 rifle, but the PTG reamer dont fit the barrel, so I believe the CZ barrels are tighter than standard barrels.

Will the bushing set that PTG sell fit this barrel or will i need a special bushing for the CZ?

22lr bushing

the first thing iwould do is to plug gauge the barrel to find the ID, or if you don't have a plug gauge use some cerosafe to cast the bore ID & order the proper size bushing. PT&G will be happy to help --- take care Craig
Liseo, please consider that maybe noone CAN help you :)

I'm no expert but I have bushings for several calibers and find barrels/brands to be unpredictably all over the map as far as size goes. I don't know that at this level of fit anyone can predict anything about YOUR barrel size......

Just a thought. I myself doubt anyone is ignoring you.

OK, thanks redriver and alinwa.

I will try plug gauge the barrel. Lately I have no luck contacting PTG...
i had the same problem with a match shilen barrel.
the clymer 22lr reamer pilot was to large to fit in the barrel.
i called brownells and they told me i needed to sand down the pilot to fit the barrel.
i was skeptical but i tried it and it worked great for me.
I would imagine that from the set of 9 bushings, you will have one that fits quite well.
As I just ordered a set, I cant help anymore. though I will be able to test them on a CZ when they arrive.
they also fit the range rods, if you use them or intend to.
BTW liseo.... I just re-read your question. You ask, "will the bushings that PTG sells fit this barrel?" And the simple answer to that is "yes."


The bushings in a "set" may not be right.

9 bushings??? It's doubtful you'll get exact fit.

I've got thirteen 30 cal bushings and nineteen .338's and will need more. My 308's run from .2992 to .3005 but my 338's are scattered through a spread of 5 thousandths, that would be FIFTY bushings to get full coverage!

I just don't know how far .22 barrels range but whatever it is, PTG WILL MAKE IT, so "YES" they can fit it, but I've no way to guess if they'll hit it in only nine bushings.

Does this help?


BTW, I think measuring a cast would be tricky. I personally just keep ordering bushes! :) But then I'm a plan ahead guy, I've got bushings and reamers ordered for barrels that I might not get for 6mo. And I've got stuff coming in daily that I ordered months ago.

The cz rimfire I had was a smaller bore than my other rimfire's had to use a 17 cal cleaning rod.
For its price it shot very well.
Will look up sizes

I recently threaded my CZ for a suppressor, I had to use a different set of deltronics to indicate the bore true than the deltronics that are normally used on most other 22 rimfire bores. The CZ had a smaller diameter. I will try to go look at my notes out in the work shop and post the size used here.

I bought a set-up last year from JGS:

They sent me the rod and several (not home to count them) bushings as a "Kit", sort of. Anyone who sells rods should be able to help you
Just remembered to look up info needed

Just returned from the work shop and the deltronic size I used was .2125 inch. But it has occured to me as you are looking for bushing diameter on the chamber end is the fact a lot of europen rimfire barrels are jugged, that is they are lapped bigger from the chamber to the muzzle and are choked down a small amount at the muzzle. I think you will need the above size or larger.

Hope this helps
JGS is sending me the 22 RF bushings set. But the size range is from .2158" to .2174". Hope they will fit my CZ barrel, as it seems even smaller ...
By the way, great guys to deal:)
Mine took 6 months +

JGS is sending me the 22 RF bushings set. But the size range is from .2158" to .2174". Hope they will fit my CZ barrel, as it seems even smaller ...
By the way, great guys to deal:)

Stay on em, they are busy, they say.
Stay on em, they are busy, they say.

Was already sent to my exporter in USA. Now, a long way my country...

But I have fear that the set will not work on CZ barrel, as I slugged it and measured .214" on top of the lands, while a Anschutz barrel measured .217".:confused: