2023 Super Shoot Daily Results

Steve Lee

Active member
I decided to start a new thread where I'll post all of the results rather than a new thread each day.

I'm attaching 2 files, Super Shoot 49.xls and Super Shoot 49.pdf. I'll simply replace those files each day with a post listing top three. The files will include all grand aggs which have enough results to report. Today's files include LV 100, HV 100 and 2 gun standings after 2 days.

Today was HV 100. Top Three were:
Don Powell .1658
Brian Robinson .1780
Larry Costa .1962

Don had a .1520 agg going into match 5!

Day 3
Heavy 200
Larry Costa won HV 200 and 13.5# grand
Jeff Summers was 2nd in HV 200, Louis Bengivenni was 3rd
Don Powell was 2nd in 13.5# Grand
Jeff Summers was 3rd in 13.5$ Grand

I was in good shape until I shot 1.209 on match 5. Dropped me from 7th to 50th and dropped me from 2nd to 11th in 2 gun.

Day 4
LV 200
Rob Seeman 1st
Jim Carstensen 2nd
Ken Pritt 3rd

Larry Costa wins 2 gun
Brian Robinson 2nd
Tim Humphreys 3rd

10.5# Grand
Ken Pritt 1st
Brian Robinson 2nd
Robert Seeman 3rd

I shot next to Rob Seeman and he shot good all day in challenging conditions. Congrats to him for winning the agg and 3rd in the 10.5# grand. I shot a slack grabbing .258 on the end to pull me up to 4th in the 10.5# Grand.



  • Super Shoot 49.xls
    300.5 KB · Views: 244
  • Super Shoot 49.pdf
    742.2 KB · Views: 629
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Steve, thank you again for your interest in keeping the "outside" world informed of the goings-on at the SS. :)
Larry Costa wins Super Shoot 49, Brian Robinson 2nd, Tim Humphreys 3rd

Files at the top of this thread have been updated to reflect final results. Wade Hull and the Shilen team put on an outstanding Super Shoot. Recommend all of ya'll come next year. It will be in St Louis.
