2021 Eastern Region 3-Gun Championship Match Report


31 shooters attended the Eastern Region 3-Gun Championship, held this past Labor Day weekend at the Holton Gun & Bow Club in Michigan. With the Nationals just two weeks away, also being hosted by the Holton club, this was a great opportunity to dust off the rail gun and get warmed up for the Nationals by shooting against some of the region’s best.

Saturday provided us with some great weather. 5-10mph winds, starting off in the morning in the low-mid 60s and reaching the low 70s in the afternoon. We did get some light rain in the afternoon, but overall we had some very nice shooting conditions.

Everyone was happy to see Bob Scarbrough Jr. make his return, and he proceeded to show everyone he’s still a force to be reckoned with, winning the Light Varmint 100yd Aggregate handedly. Mark Lincoln shot the small group with a really nice .066. Great job Mark!

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Bob Scarbrough Jr - .1778
2. Ted Heindselman - .2110
3. Lacy Tilley - .2116
4. Tony Alexander - .2124
5. Al Auman Sr - .2138

Small Group- Mark Lincoln .066

After lunch we got back to it. Kurt Schultz switched rifles and it proved to be the correct decision, as he finished tied for the lead with a .1954 aggregate. Lacy Tilley remained hot, with another 3rd place finish, also shooting the smallest group for the Aggregate and the weekend, a .055! Lacy and that beautiful Leonard stocked rifle has produced more screamers this year than I can count.

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

T1. Kurt Schultz - .1954
T1. DeWayne Wood - .1954
3. Lacy Tilley - .2052
4. Joe Hynes - .2080
5. Al Auman Sr - .2088

SG – Lacy Tilley .055

I would also like mention that we had 2 new shooters from NE Ohio (Chris and Adam Lindsey) come up and shoot their first registered match this weekend. I think we’ll be seeing them again.

We also had a new shooter, Hailey Garcia, and her father Poncho, compete in both aggregates Saturday. I believe this was Hailey’s first time shooting a registered match and she was all smiles. I should add, Hailey beat her dad in both aggregates. Great job Hailey!

A big thanks to the kitchen crew for what I’m told was an excellent steak dinner Saturday night.

Sunday morning brought slightly warmer temps, with some very sporty conditions. By the third match of the morning, we were dealing with 20mph winds that would switch directions on a dime. The name of the game in the afternoon was “just keep it under an inch”.

Al Auman Sr. continued his strong weekend, winning the Heavy Varmint aggregate at 200yds with a .2518, also shooting the small group which measured just over a quarter of an inch. Nice shooting Al!

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Al Auman Sr - .2518
2. Brian Robinson - .2629
3. Kip Jones - .2680
4. Dominic Grunas - .2820
5. Ted Heindselman - .2892

SG – Al Auman Sr - .258

Along with the HV200 Agg, Al took home the HV Grand trophy with a .2303.

Here are the top 5 grand aggregates:

HV Grand
1. Al Auman Sr - .2303
2. Kip Jones - .2475
3. Joe Hynes - .2499
4. Brian Robinson - .2533
5. Dudley Pierce - .2636

We all knew by the final match of the morning that we were in for a fun afternoon. DeWayne “Woody” Wood handled the wind like a pro, winning the aggregate by a large margin. He was the only shooter who managed to keep them all under an inch. Joe Hynes somehow shot a .384 on the final match of the day, taking home the small group trophy. Pretty impressive considering what we were up against.

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. DeWayne Wood - .3144
2. Ted Heindselman - .3621
3. Dominic Grunas - .3758
4. Bob Hawkins - .3822
5. Brian Robinson - .4017

SG – Joe Hynes - .384

Consistent shooting Ted Heindselman won the LV aggregate with a .2865.

Here are the top 5 grand aggregates:

LV Grand
1. Ted Heindselman - .2865
2. Brian Robinson - .3081
3. Bob Hawkins - .3190
4. Dominic Grunas - .3268
5. Lacy Tilley - .3270

After the dust settled, “Two Gun” Ted Heindselman lived up to his name, taking home the Eastern Region Championship 2-Gun traveling trophy (surprisingly for the first time). I knew with how well he shot at 100, he was going to be tough to beat this weekend.

Here are the top 10 2-Gun grand aggregates:

2- Gun
1. Ted Heindselman - .2781
2. Brian Robinson - .2808
3. Al Auman Sr - .2865
4. Lacy Tilley - .3094
5. Dominic Grunas - .3134
6. Joe Hynes - .3144
7. Tony Alexander - .3249
8. Alan Barnhart - .3273
9. DeWayne Wood - .3315
10. Dudley Pierce - .3323

15 shooters stayed to shoot the Unlimited class on Monday. This was a 5 match aggregate comprised of 10-shot groups, beginning at 200yds and moving on to 100yds in the afternoon.

Tony Alexander took down the 200yd aggregate (.2539) and small group (.322) in the morning.

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Tony Alexander - .2539
2. Bill Symons - .2864
3. Al Auman Sr. .3013
4. Pat Reagin - .3214
5. Dudley Pierce - .3253

SG – Tony Alexander .322

Another Indiana native, Steve Turner, took down the 100yd aggregate (.2720) and small group (.130) in the afternoon. Since I don’t own a rail gun, I’m not accustomed to 10-shot groups, but .130 sounds pretty incredible to me. Great job Steve!

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Steve Turner - .2720
2. Bill Symons - .2926
3. Joe Hynes - .3116
4. Al Auman Sr- .3156
5. Wayne Moore - .3194

SG – Steve Turner .130

With a couple second place finishes in the aggregates, consistency paid off for Bill Symons, who edged out Tony by less than .001” for the Unlimited Grand aggregate. Nice job Bill.

Here are the top 5 grand aggregates:

UL Grand
1. Bill Symons- .2895
2. Tony Alexander - .2903
3. Al Auman Sr - .3085
4. Joe Hynes - .3203
5. Pat Reagin - .3211

When everything was tallied up, Al Aumon Sr. won the Eastern Region 3-Gun Championship, with a .2939. Tony Alexander and Joe Hynes rounded out the top 3. Great job guys, and good luck at the Nationals!

Here are the top 10 3-Gun grand aggregates:

1. Al Auman Sr - .2939
2. Tony Alexander - .3133
3. Joe Hynes - .3163
4. Wayne Moore - .3326
5. Kip Jones - .3421
6. Steve Turner - .3452
7. Pat Reagin - .3506
8. Bob Hawkins - .3573
9. Larry Feusse - .3692
10. Dana English - .3819

Special thanks to Bill Neinow (range officer), Connie Wellman (target scoring, target prep and co-director) and Larry Feusse (match director) for all your hard work running this match. Also thanks to the kitchen crew, target crew and everyone else that helped out. They did an amazing job this weekend.

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DO WELL AT NATLS. NICE TURN OUT._Rob85;846971]31 shooters attended the Eastern Region 3-Gun Championship, held this past Labor Day weekend at the Holton Gun & Bow Club in Michigan. With the Nationals just two weeks away, also being hosted by the Holton club, this was a great opportunity to dust off the rail gun and get warmed up for the Nationals by shooting against some of the region’s best.

Saturday provided us with some great weather. 5-10mph winds, starting off in the morning in the low-mid 60s and reaching the low 70s in the afternoon. We did get some light rain in the afternoon, but overall we had some very nice shooting conditions.

Everyone was happy to see Bob Scarbrough Jr. make his return, and he proceeded to show everyone he’s still a force to be reckoned with, winning the Light Varmint 100yd Aggregate handedly. Mark Lincoln shot the small group with a really nice .066. Great job Mark!

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Bob Scarbrough Jr - .1778
2. Ted Heindselman - .2110
3. Lacy Tilley - .2116
4. Tony Alexander - .2124
5. Al Auman Sr - .2138

Small Group- Mark Lincoln .066

After lunch we got back to it. Kurt Schultz switched rifles and it proved to be the correct decision, as he finished tied for the lead with a .1954 aggregate. Lacy Tilley remained hot, with another 3rd place finish, also shooting the smallest group for the Aggregate and the weekend, a .055! Lacy and that beautiful Leonard stocked rifle has produced more screamers this year than I can count.

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

T1. Kurt Schultz - .1954
T1. DeWayne Wood - .1954
3. Lacy Tilley - .2052
4. Joe Hynes - .2080
5. Al Auman Sr - .2088

SG – Lacy Tilley .055

I would also like mention that we had 2 new shooters from NE Ohio (Chris and Adam Lindsey) come up and shoot their first registered match this weekend. I think we’ll be seeing them again.

We also had youth shooter Hailey Garcia, and her father Poncho, compete in both aggregates Saturday. I believe this was Hailey’s first time shooting a registered match and she was all smiles. I should add, Hailey beat her dad in both aggregates. Great job Hailey!

A big thanks to the kitchen crew for what I’m told was an excellent steak dinner Saturday night.

Sunday morning brought slightly warmer temps, with some very sporty conditions. By the third match of the morning, we were dealing with 20mph winds that would switch directions on a dime. The name of the game in the afternoon was “just keep it under an inch”.

Al Auman Sr. continued his strong weekend, winning the Heavy Varmint aggregate at 200yds with a .2518, also shooting the small group which measured just over a quarter of an inch. Nice shooting Al!

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Al Auman Sr - .2518
2. Brian Robinson - .2629
3. Kip Jones - .2680
4. Dominic Grunas - .2820
5. Ted Heindselman - .2892

SG – Al Auman Sr - .258

Along with the HV200 Agg, Al took home the HV Grand trophy with a .2303.

Here are the top 5 grand aggregates:

HV Grand
1. Al Auman Sr - .2303
2. Kip Jones - .2475
3. Joe Hynes - .2499
4. Brian Robinson - .2533
5. Dudley Pierce - .2636

We all knew by the final match of the morning that we were in for a fun afternoon. DeWayne “Woody” Wood handled the wind like a pro, winning the aggregate by a large margin. He was the only shooter who managed to keep them all under an inch. Joe Hynes somehow shot a .384 on the final match of the day, taking home the small group trophy. Pretty impressive considering what we were up against.

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. DeWayne Wood - .3144
2. Ted Heindselman - .3621
3. Dominic Grunas - .3758
4. Bob Hawkins - .3822
5. Brian Robinson - .4017

SG – Joe Hynes - .384

Consistent shooting Ted Heindselman won the LV aggregate with a .2865.

Here are the top 5 grand aggregates:

LV Grand
1. Ted Heindselman - .2865
2. Brian Robinson - .3081
3. Bob Hawkins - .3190
4. Dominic Grunas - .3268
5. Lacy Tilley - .3270

After the dust settled, “Two Gun” Ted Heindselman lived up to his name, taking home the Eastern Region Championship 2-Gun traveling trophy (surprisingly for the first time). I knew with how well he shot at 100, he was going to be tough to beat this weekend.

Here are the top 10 2-Gun grand aggregates:

2- Gun
1. Ted Heindselman - .2781
2. Brian Robinson - .2808
3. Al Auman Sr - .2865
4. Lacy Tilley - .3094
5. Dominic Grunas - .3134
6. Joe Hynes - .3144
7. Tony Alexander - .3249
8. Alan Barnhart - .3273
9. DeWayne Wood - .3315
10. Dudley Pierce - .3323

15 shooters stayed to shoot the Unlimited class on Monday. This was a 5 match aggregate comprised of 10-shot groups, beginning at 200yds and moving on to 100yds in the afternoon.

Tony Alexander took down the 200yd aggregate (.2539) and small group (.322) in the morning.

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Tony Alexander - .2539
2. Bill Symons - .2864
3. Al Auman Sr. .3013
4. Pat Reagin - .3214
5. Dudley Pierce - .3253

SG – Tony Alexander .322

Another Indiana native, Steve Turner, took down the 100yd aggregate (.2720) and small group (.130) in the afternoon. Since I don’t own a rail gun, I’m not accustomed to 10-shot groups, but .130 sounds pretty incredible to me. Great job Steve!

Here are the top 5 aggregates:

1. Steve Turner - .2720
2. Bill Symons - .2926
3. Joe Hynes - .3116
4. Al Auman Sr- .3156
5. Wayne Moore - .3194

SG – Steve Turner .130

With a couple second place finishes in the aggregates, consistency paid off for Bill Symons, who edged out Tony by less than .001” for the Unlimited Grand aggregate. Nice job Bill.

Here are the top 5 grand aggregates:

UL Grand
1. Bill Symons- .2895
2. Tony Alexander - .2903
3. Al Auman Sr - .3085
4. Joe Hynes - .3203
5. Pat Reagin - .3211

When everything was tallied up, Al Aumon Sr. won the Eastern Region 3-Gun Championship, with a .2939. Tony Alexander and Joe Hynes rounded out the top 3. Great job guys, and good luck at the Nationals!

Here are the top 10 3-Gun grand aggregates:

1. Al Auman Sr - .2939
2. Tony Alexander - .3133
3. Joe Hynes - .3163
4. Wayne Moore - .3326
5. Kip Jones - .3421
6. Steve Turner - .3452
7. Pat Reagin - .3506
8. Bob Hawkins - .3573
9. Larry Feusse - .3692
10. Dana English - .3819

Special thanks to Bill Neinow (range officer), Connie Wellman (target scoring, target prep and co-director) and Larry Feusse (match director) for all your hard work running this match. Also thanks to the kitchen crew, target crew and everyone else that helped out. They did an amazing job this weekend.

[QUOTE WHERE IS THE 100 YD. UNL. OF NBRSA.John VM;846997]Nice write up!
Congratulations to Ted on the 2 gun and Al on the 3 gun![/QUOTE]
2021 eastern region 3 gun match report

Hey Joe Box.me too!!!

Morning Jerry; Joe box ? Remember where that came from? That great and funny man from CA. (Tom) along with some others whom we regrettably lost far too early in life . What great memories we've been left with...