2020 Super Shoot Cancelled till 2021


New member
Super Shooters,

After long weekend thinking about the Super Shoot, I have decided to cancel this year’s Super Shoot till May 2021. The new dates will be May 25 thru 28, 2021. With COVID-19 turning the World upside down and quite possibly the worst to hit the USA will be in April this year, I think it is best to just cancel for this year. It is very likely that most travel bans both in USA and from foreign countries may still be in place in May. With the last 25 plus years of the Super Shoot being an International event, we would like it to end at Kelbly’s with the foreign shooters being able to attend the last Super Shoot at Kelbly’s.

I do not feel there is a good time this summer or fall to host the event with all other events in BR shooting being postponed to June to October in the United States and in foreign countries as well. If we would hold the event later this year, it could conflict with other postponed matches and I really do not want to affect attendance at other matches. Our sport is struggling these last ten years and we must support all ranges still holding BR matches.

I want to thank everyone that has contacted me with their opinions on this situation as it was appreciated and helped in my decision. I know I stated in previous email that I would wait till end of April to make my decision, but I felt a decision now was better for everyone to get travel and hotel arrangements taking care of.

I want to thank Wade Hull for working with me on this decision. Wade has generously decided to wait an extra year before he and his staff will take over Super Shoot. I also want to thank St Louis Benchrest Club for helping Wade the first few years of hosting the Firearms Industry Super Shoot.

As far as those competitors that are signed up for this year’s event, we will just keep everyone signed up and with the same requests for next year as you had for this year.

As far as the shooters that have equipment here, we will keep your equipment here till end of 2021 if need be. We can help with export or moving the items to St Louis for 2022. For those that are interested in selling your equipment, I would suggest making up flyers for the 2021 Super Shoot to post on the For Sale board with sale pending at end of competition.

We would like to wish everyone a safe shooting season and ask you to support those ranges that are hosting competitions this year as long as you are healthy. Be smart and be safe.

James A. Kelbly