2019 NBRSA Short Range Group Nationals Flag Rotation Sponsors

If you would like to sponsor a flag rotation for the Nationals please let me know on this thread. We are looking for 12 people to sponsor a flag rotation. Sometime during this summer I will be asking the flag rotation sponsor for the list of shooters that will be shooting on their rotation.

SOSENKO rotation

Hello Matt.

Please add Mike's rotation. He will be submitting a full list of rotation participants shortly.
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Hi Matt

Please add Campbell to rotation list..... Smiley Hensley flags


Also received cash option check for the Cactus. Thank you very much for all you guys do..
Shilen Sponsored Flag Rotation

Shilen is sponsoring a flag rotation at this years NBRSA Group Nationals.

The rotation will be using Smiley Hensley flags.

This flag rotation will be managed by Charles Huckeba

Thank you Shilen for your support of the match
Berger Sponsored Flag Rotation

Berger is sponsoring a flag rotation at this years NBRSA Group Nationals.

The rotation will be using Smiley Hensley flags.

This flag rotation will be managed by Bob Scarborough

Thank you Berger for your support of the match
Leupold Sponsored Flag Rotation

Leupold is sponsoring a flag rotation at this years NBRSA Group Nationals.

The rotation will be using Smiley Hensley flags.

This flag rotation will be managed by Bob Hamister.

Thank you Leupold for your support of the match
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Matt, Don Creach and I would like to furnish and set the flags for one rotation. Smiley flags with Beggs probes.
Still Looking for 4 Flag Rotation Sponsors & List of Shooters on Rotations

Hello All,
Currently we are still looking for 4 Flag Rotation Sponsors. Thank you to those that have stepped up and sponsored a rotation.

Also if the Flag Rotation Sponsors want to start sending me their list of shooters that will be on their rotation they can send them to azbenchrest@gmail.com.

I will be posting all of the shooters on each flag rotation at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...rmcu20ZIgJOyIFTlzYC/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true

Let me know if you have any questions.

Flag Rotation


Please set up a rotation for Bruno/Ocock, Smiley Hensley type flags.
I will in the next month or so submit a list of shooters.


Are all of the flag rotations taken care of.

If not, I have a complete set of flags for National Events, we just used them at the Short Range Score Nationals Colorado.

I am on the Shilen Rotation, but if the need arises, I can bring them.