2018 Super Shoot Results


cook and bottle washer
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  • FISS_2018_HV.docx
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  • FISS_2018_LV.docx
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  • FISS_2018_Multi_Guns.docx
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  • FISS_2018_HV-1.pdf
    122.5 KB · Views: 815
  • FISS_2018_Multi_Guns.pdf
    113.9 KB · Views: 957
  • FISS_2018_Comp.pdf
    421.2 KB · Views: 1,329
Equipment Listing



  • Top 20 Equipment.compressed.pdf
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All in one but different.


  • FISS_2018_Comp (5 files merged).pdf
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Equipment list at Super Shoot 2018

Equipment list at Super Shoot 2018
I was reading thru the equipment list from last Super Shoot. I was wondering how believable it is after reading Tony Boyers list, it say he use Nightforce scope and a SEB rest
Well I never saw him use a SEB rest, he used a Farley all the time and Leupold scope. (or maybe he used Nightforce in HV?)
Many new shooters in Benchrest like to read the equipment list and see what the best shooters are using. I do not know way the list is like this (the same goes for Christian Dlppolito he used Alberto Lenzi front rest)
So Im wondering if many other items on the list are not the one that was used. I see many shooters no longer list the barrel they use.Tony.jpg

Lots of competors send in the form in December, and the match is in May. Things change.

The list isn't 100 percent. They never are. Benchresters can be a bit on the secretive side. Shhhh!!! Lol.
One year a powder company offered quite a prize if you won the SS and were using their powder. Almost everybody was shooting that powder...just sayin'.

Lots of competors send in the form in December, and the match is in May. Things change.


The shooter may intend to shoot a particular rifle combination and may wind up shooting something completely different. It all comes down to what is working and what isn't. And Dave is correct on when registrations are sent in months ahead of time, the shooter has a pretty good idea what will be used, but by the time the match gets here it may not be the same. I'd be particularly leary of what powder is being shot, how much and even what bullet is being shot. If the equipment list was filled out after the match, it would be more accurate, but when the mad exodus starts, it would be pretty hard to get a competitor to fill out an equipment list before they head home.
The shooter may intend to shoot a particular rifle combination and may wind up shooting something completely different. It all comes down to what is working and what isn't. And Dave is correct on when registrations are sent in months ahead of time, the shooter has a pretty good idea what will be used, but by the time the match gets here it may not be the same. I'd be particularly leary of what powder is being shot, how much and even what bullet is being shot. If the equipment list was filled out after the match, it would be more accurate, but when the mad exodus starts, it would be pretty hard to get a competitor to fill out an equipment list before they head home.

Well I agree the list old when the competition starts, but it by looking at what people use like Tony Boyer, he used a Farley rest all the time and Leupold scope as far I could see. The list would be more useful and accurate if it would be checked over during registration on the site before start of the match. Im not sure way this list is needed if is is not accurate, Many people tend to look at what the top shooters are using and even buy accordingly:) This sport is after all dealing with high precision accuracy :)

This was my first ever competition in USA and it will not be the last.
Tony Boyer filled out his equipment list here at Super Shoot, just as he does every year, Tony did not list a barrel manufacturer and just had question marks as we put in the list.

There is a barrel manufacturer that has asked to be no part of Super Shoot and because of his request we no longer list that barrel manufacturer.

Equipment lists are not good indicators of what the shooter is actually shooting. You must do as Joe did and see the actual rifle and equipment the shooter is using.
