2018 AZBRS Unl5 Season Closing Match Results



We would like to thank everyone who came out to any of the Arizona Bench Rest Shooters matches this season. Our first match for this season started on October 2017 and ended with our Unl5 Season Closing Match on April 7-8, 2018. As many of you already know, this match was the last one that David and Ryan over at Berger would be running the AZBRS club. When we begin the matches again in October 2018, we will be passing the running of the club over to Matt Schwarzkopf, who has been our Range Master for several years.

We had a great turnout this weekend. Last year for the same match we had 22 shooters that registered, this year, we had 29. The growth of the club over the past few years, especially with the Cactus, has been a point of pride for us. We are always glad that out of all the matches that you can choose between, you choose to travel out to our matches.

The weather over the practice days was warm and breezy. The wind was a bit switchy and we even saw some big gusts that spurred up a bit of dust later in the days. The weather continued like this into the weekend, providing some calm conditions in the morning and more challenging conditions into the afternoon.

Saturday morning was dominated by one of our local hall of fame shooters, Lester Bruno. Lester started the day with the smallest group of the match, at 0.066. Dan Sutton took match 2 with a 0.103, then Lester came back in match 3 with a 0.102, Lou Murdica took match 4 with a 0.143, and then James Coulter took match 5 with a 0.095. With our first agg, Bob Brackney came in 3rd with a 0.1600, Larry White took 2nd with a 0.1542, and Lester Bruno came in 1st with a commanding lead at 0.1216! This agg was small enough that we decided to submit it for world record.

In the afternoon, Lester took match 1 with a 0.108, Gary Ocock took match 2 with a 0.072 giving him small group for the agg, Lawrence Weisdorn took match 3 with a 0.137, George Lozano took match 4 with a 0.103, and Joe Stanovich took match 5 with a 0.085. For the agg, Joe Stanovich took 3rd with a 0.1972, Lester Bruno took 2nd with a 0.1878, and Lawrence Weisdorn came in 1st with a 0.1756.

Sunday morning Gary Ocock took the first two small groups for the day with a 0.224 and 0.191, Lou Murdica took match 3 with a 0.192, Joe Stanovich took match 4 with a 0.277, and Jim Folwell took match 5 with a 0.253. Lester Bruno continued his good shooting streak in the 200 yard matches and finished 3rd in the morning agg with a 0.1743, Lou Murdica came in 2nd with a 0.1666, and Gary Ocock had a good lead at 0.1529.

That afternoon Joe Pipola took the first match with small group for the day at 0.158, Lester Bruno took match 2 with a 0.298, Lou Murdica took match 3 with a 0.223, Gary Ococok took match 4 with a 0.252, and Dan Sutton took match 5 with 0.263. Lou Murdica came in 3rd with a 0.2156, Dan Sutton came in 2nd with a 0.2027, and Lester Bruno came in first in the afternoon’s agg with a 0.1994.

We combined Saturday morning’s matches with Sunday afternoon’s matches to create our first agg, which is labeled as SP5 on the results. Joe Stanovich came in 3rd with a 0.2038, Lou Murdica came in 2nd with a 0.1964, and Lester Bruno came in 1st with a outstanding 0.1605 agg. We then combined Saturday afternoon’s matches with Sunday morning’s matches to create our second agg, which is labeled as UNL5 on the results. Lawrence Weisdorn took 3rd with a 0.1887, barely nudged out by Joe Stanovich who got a 0.1886, then Lester Bruno again took 1st with a 0.1811. For the 1-Gun Grand Agg, Gary Ocock took 3rd with a 0.1980, Joe Stanovich took 2nd with a 0.1962, and Lester Bruno had a commanding lead at 0.1708.

This was our last match of the season for the AZBRS, which means that we gave away the ironman awards at the end of the match. The AZBRS Ironman combined the best six out of the seven of our shooter’s 2 gun aggs over the entire AZBRS season. Bob Brackney came in 3rd with a 0.2605, Larry White took 2nd with a 0.2528, and our 2017-2018 Ironman winner was Dana Andrus with a 6 match grand agg of 0.2428. If you are a hall of fame shooter, you compte in a different category and they are awarded their own award, and Lester Bruno took 1st this season with a 0.2250. These are all great aggs considering they are taken across 6 out of 7 of our matches!

With summer coming, our next match will not take place until after it begins to cool down in October 2018. This match will be the kickoff of our next season and the first match that our new Match Director, Matt Schwarzkopf, will be running. We look forward to seeing you there. Keep an eye on the www.AZBRS.com website for more information later in the year.

To view pictures from this match, please visit our flickr page at https://www.flickr.com/photos/berger/albums/72157694042841421

To see what weather was like on Saturday, click here https://www.wunderground.com/person...AZPHOEN184#history/s20180407/e20180407/mdaily

To see what weather was like on Sunday, click here https://www.wunderground.com/person...AZPHOEN184#history/s20180408/e20180408/mdaily

Edit: Updated the equipment list to show the correct powder for Lester Bruno.


  • 2017-2018 AZBRS Ironman.pdf
    361.5 KB · Views: 190
  • 2018 Season Closing Match Results.pdf
    461.7 KB · Views: 283
  • UPDATED - 2018 Season Closing Match Equipment List.pdf
    365.8 KB · Views: 169
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Updated Equipment List

Lester Bruno was using 28.3gr of 10-X powder. I uploaded an updated equipment list for viewing.