2017 NBRSA Group Nationals Range Location - Update

I will add my2 cents, there are a couple of ways that clubs have to acquire money to upgrade and repair their ranges, and have either gotten lazy or have forgotten how to get that money. Most state fish &game departments have some sort of a range improvement grant system. The systems are set up so that fines from hunters goes into a fund that is allocated based on requests from shooting clubs to do improvements I submitted 1 grant to our state 2 years ago and received the full amount we requested, over $5,000.00 to build a trap range. This year we are going to submit a grant for over $30K, we may only get a portion but money is available. Next there is the NRA which also has range development grants available, now before you say our organization isn't affiliated with the NRA, does not in any way interfere with your range receiving grant money from the NRA! You have to have a few guys to do the research and acquire the forms fill them out and send them in. I find that. Most of the people in our club 375 members no one was willing to do a little foot work to find out what was available and how to go about getting it! You have to be willing to do the work to get the rewards. Thanks David your post was spot on.

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In my area we are fortunate to have 4 "gun clubs" with ranges. Rifle, pistol, claybird and action ranges. As these ranges get older, so do the members. As members get older we kinda' slow down. The younger members have families and other obligations PLUS in the last 2 decades younger working folks incomes have stagnated or declined.

For example, when I joined our Cherokee Gun Club in 1975 it had no ranges but had a nice, big, clubhouse, but only 28 dues paying members. After I joined we started building ranges. When I came off the Board of Directors 14 years later, we had 2 rifle ranges, trap, skeet and 2 archery ranges AND 1200 dues paying members.

New ranges are a different story. A new mlti range gun club is being built about 1 hour up the road from me. Started in about 2014, they now have 200 members, one 16 bench covered range to 200 yards and are finishing a 22 bench covered range with concrete benches and extend to 300 yards. They have 6 IDPA pistol bays and are starting some clayird fields. If you look at the photos on their web site or facebook page, North Fork Sportsmans Club, you will see many enthusiastic YOUNGER guys and gals, building ranges and shooting.

On that subject, how many of you shooters have actually helped clubs build or improve their ranges??

Couldn't agree with you more, some of the guys that started our club still cling to the old ways, one recently said to me that they built this club without welfare and hand outs! I surely don't feel like taking money from grants a handout or welfare. I could not imagine what managing a club with 1200 members would be like, that would be like a full time job for the club officers! There is another club in eastern Oregon that could have one of the nicest ranges going but the old guys that run it don't see the value and they don't support some disciplines like they do the more popular ones. Here's the worst part they are sitting 500k in money that could do wonderful things, but they say they need to hold onto the money in case they get sued! Isn't that why we carry insurance.
Managing a club back then with 1200 members was a chore. In those days a Personal Computer was not much more than a toy. We bought 2 IBM PC's. One had a database of members A through L. The other had M thru Z. Fortunately, as facility usage probably only about 40% were regulars. The other 60% only used the ranges to sight in their deer rifles. We have 2 18 bench rifle ranges there, or did. Some of the wooden benches got trashed. That club does have 4 lines of steel silhouettes with pneumatic operated resetters.

Hard to realize now, but the WWW World Wide Web only came available in about 1993.

How's the camping at St Louis Benchrest Club

Question for those that have camped at the range. Do most of the sites have large enough power supply for AC? Is there any shade? App. how many sites are there? Any other useful info would be helpful. And of course I have never shot in a National Match , I hope that will change this September. Thanks for feedback, Butch "GREYGHOST "
Question for those that have camped at the range. Do most of the sites have large enough power supply for AC? Is there any shade? App. how many sites are there? Any other useful info would be helpful. And of course I have never shot in a National Match , I hope that will change this September. Thanks for feedback, Butch "GREYGHOST "

I've parked a motor home at the range many times and in several spots. All these had at least 30 amp. There is one section that is all 50 amp, IIRC.

Shade, yes, under the trees that are not in the camping areas ?. There are 4 different camping areas, none with trees.

Joe Feisi said he will post a site map soon.

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I've parked a motor home at the range many times and in several spots. All these had at least 30 amp. There is one section that is all 50 amp, IIRC.

Shade, yes, under the trees that are not in the camping areas ��. There are 4 different camping areas, none with trees.

Joe Feisi said he will post a site map soon.



There's shade down the hill where I keep my used barrels. Watch out for snakes.
