2017 Isabella County Sportsman's Club Benchrest Match Schedule


I thought that I should get the 2017 Isabella County Sportsman's Club Benchrest Match Schedule posted asap. Please see the attachment and save it. Note that all matches will be fired at 100 yards.

Jay's Sporting Goods, Inc. is going to sponsor the season with awards for the class winners of every match. I don't know what they are going to provide but they have told me that they are interested in the sponsorship.

So chisel the dates into your calendars because they are definite! And I sure hope to see a whole lot of shooters show up for the matches! Oh, and there will be a mandatory meeting held at the Judge's Bench in beautiful downtown Winn, MI after every match. They make darn great dinners at fantastic prices!

There will be a lot of fun to be had shooting benchrest at the Isabella 100 yard range this coming year. You will surely enjoy the competition! They have fantastic concrete benches and a covered firing line. Rumor has it that they might be building a 24' x 48' building right across from the firing line very soon. We are hoping that that comes to fruition.

I will keep bumping this every month until next April 22 when the first match is scheduled.

Just the messenger boy...

Matt Dardas


  • 2017 Isabella Match Schedule.pdf
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2017 matches...

Matt has asked me to kinda hang around the matches and be his gofer should a need arise. We've talked long and hard about the conduct of the matches... They will run exactly the way the Harrison matches did for years.

They WILL start at 10 AM sharp. If you're late we ain't gonna wait for you. Gates to be open at 8 and we will have coffee and donuts. Get there early. (It's fun, after you are set up, to sip on coffee, munch a donut and listen to some of Jeff Aberegg's tall tales.) You will be given your targets when you register and will be responsible for hanging them. It's only 100 yds... buddy up. That is the only range we wil use. That never proved to be a problem at Harrison. Instead of Freddie driving the truck and being the range crew, he's going to be shooting as, hopefully, will his dad...

We will spend the winter recruiting new shooters, most of whom will have factory rifles. There will be exactly the same prizes for Factory as there be will for BR guns. My competition guns are gone but, health permitting, I am planning on shooting my Ruger No. 1 .222 in Factory Class. It has an 8X Unertl.

Essentially, the Harrison matches will move to ICSC next year. Those matches were well organized. We had a lot of fun shooting there for over 20 years and, almost always, had a good turnout. The most we ever had was 40 competitors but went for years, back in the 90's, averaging 25 to 30. A lot of people have complained to me about closing them down. They're back.
I haven't even looked at the schedule yet, but I hope they don't conflict with any of the big matches. I really hope to get some local shooting going again.

Joe Hynes

We are going to contact every shooter from Harrison that we can get hold of. Match schedules will be sent out after the first of the year. The Harrison format worked so well for years that we will be going back to that. Matt said he checked on the dates of the big matches when he made up the schedule.

Look forward to seeing you in the spring.

Hey Joe!

Hey Joe!

I haven't seen you since you shot at Isabella a couple of years ago. You had one fantastic group at 200 yards I remember. I would like to ask a favor of you. Would you contact two of your deer/duck/rabbit hunting buddies and have them come out to the first match with their factory rifles? We need ambassadors (and salesmen) to advertise benchrest shooting. And the population will only grow through recruiting the guys and gals that shoot the typical factory rifle. Dick and I will be at the Isabella County Sportsman's Club Gun Show on Oct. 15. Come on out, pick up a schedule and sat a spell with us. Your attendance is mandatory (and also at the club matches)! You will see a couple of fine looking rifles on our tables.

Dick and I will expect to see you there, Joe!

Matt and I will be at the gun show at the Isabella County Sportsmans Club on 15 October with match schedules to recruit shooters and answer any questions you might have. This is a small show but there are exhibitors there who are not part of the local gun show circuit. The last time I was there I saw several guns that I hadn't seen many times before, some which were quite interesting. Bring money.

We attended and had tables at the gun show at ICSC Saturday the 15th. We were happy to see several of the shooters who have shot with us for years in Harrison. Everybody seems to be happy that the ICSC matches will be run like we did in Harrison. Looking forward to spring and to seeing old friends.
