2014 NBRSA Nats -Holton- HV100

A French

Thanks for posting!! Hang in there Dana English! Southeastern Region shooters: 200 coming up - time to turn it on! Good Luck. Jim Casey
That's a Who's Who of BR right there :)

Who's Lee Euber Jr?

Is there another generation coming up?

Thanks Don, I've met Allie and Lee, just didn't know he was Jr.

Where did you meet the Eubers? They have never shot West of St Louis and just that one time the IBS held nationals there that I know of.
If you notice the name, Wyatt Peinhardt, in 6th place on this list with a teen agg, he is an anomaly to the typical gray haired benchrest shooter. Wyatt is probably one of the youngest presently shooting benchrest and shot very well at Holton and other places through out the year. His name was called several times during the awards ceremony and I will be looking for his name to be consistently at the top of the leader board at future matches. On the other end of the age spectrum, congratulations goes to Walt Berger for showing us how it was done by winning the Sporter 100 with a very fine teen agg. Not very many sports are there where there is the possibility of doing well no matter what your age.