2011 Bench Rest Quiz

Doug Penttinen

As Jerry Sharrett Says Lets post some more usless CRAP....

Her is my question : In the last 30 years of bench rest what do you think has been the best invention to our sport to better our shooting culture... Now remember I said invention...:confused:

I can smell the smoke already !!!
The Jewell trigger. Before the Jewell, the existing benchrest triggers while able to be adjusted to 2oz were very temperamental and unreliable. The Jewell proved to be a "SAFE" reliable trigger whose adjustments were available from the bottom side of the stock and adjustable from 1 1/2oz to about 8oz. With a change out of springs these adjustments go to about 4lbs. These triggers also require minimum maintenance and are rust resistant.

So far so good

I agree on the Farley-co-axial rest

I would think that the Jewell trigger is an extension of the trigger itself being that it was adapted to tighter standards.. There will be some more good answers and I'm waiting to see one in particular..I have one in mind but would like to see what kind of answers we get....
I'm impressed just how much good & timely information comes off the internet, after the crud is floated off.
I believe that good wind flags have made a greater contribution to small aggs than anything else. James
John K

I'm trying to understand your post of good & timely information comes from internet after the crud is floated off//
Next to green lasers, I agree with flags (performance improvement wise), then the Net -kept many from re-inventing the wheel

I've got a lot of great stuff I've downloaded from sites about the place, but boy, you need to be able to detect where a male bovine's passed by.

Would you believe me if I told you that there are shooters who also think that the Net is the WORSE thing that has ever happenned to Benchrest.

Doug, not sure if it has been longer than 30 years since it's "invention", but I would say the 6PPC.. If not that, then the "invention" of the ultra slow twist -light bullet combination for the 30 caliber.........JACKIE
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As Jerry Sharrett Says Lets post some more useless CRAP....

Her is my question : In the last 30 years of bench rest what do you think has been the best invention to our sport to better our shooting culture... Now remember I said invention...:confused:

I can smell the smoke already !!!
Doug, this type post is not crap, but some of this "what to cook for Mother for ,",,, is IMO.

Best invention, two;

1-much better scopes, the Leupold LCS and the March.

2-The RCBS Chargemaster, hasn't set provable records by itself but it eliminates the variable of powder drop error, which all Culver type drops have.

Smoke?? Where? I thought we used smokeless powder.
Vern : You hit the nail on the head with that one ol-buddy......

John Kielly : Your the one who clicked on the post and decided to write what you did... "Male bovines passed by"... If you think that this post of asking what is the best invention of the last 30 years for bench rest is stupid, boring, slow or your just a registered Alien trying to get a jab and a rise outta me. It aint gonna happen since I have seen some of your posts all they do is talk people down. Thats why this TAB is listed as "GENERAL DISCUSSION".

Jackie: Thanks for the answer and look forward to seeing you in Tomball

JD Mock: Are you guys coming to the Crawfish this year and how is your traveling partner doing....

Jerry S: Well some people don't think that way but it is what it is and I know what you meant, I was just speaking as to add to what someones else was saying... Thanks for the input.. I just like to see what everybody thinks and how BR has changed.
So far so good

I agree on the Farley-co-axial rest

I would think that the Jewell trigger is an extension of the trigger itself being that it was adapted to tighter standards.. There will be some more good answers and I'm waiting to see one in particular..I have one in mind but would like to see what kind of answers we get....

It wasn't just "tighter standards" that made the Jewell better; it was the addition of a third lever the prevented the direct contact with the sear and allowed much lower weight settings with safety.
The Jewell trigger. Before the Jewell, the existing benchrest triggers while able to be adjusted to 2oz were very temperamental and unreliable. The Jewell proved to be a "SAFE" reliable trigger whose adjustments were available from the bottom side of the stock and adjustable from 1 1/2oz to about 8oz. With a change out of springs these adjustments go to about 4lbs. These triggers also require minimum maintenance and are rust resistant.


Virg, the old Hart trigger was awfully good, they just didn't make many. I have one...not for sale. You are correct though because the Jewel took a big part of the market....then lost it...now coming back I guess??

As to triggers, the new Kelbly is the best after it is adjusted. It is a pain to adjust on a glue-in tho. They made that guy mostly for the HP crowd.
I'll put your original question in quotes before I give everyone the only correct answer.

"In the last 30 years of bench rest what do you think has been the best invention to our sport to better our shooting culture" Doug Penttinton

The answer is as simple as any radio station's "impossible question". The INTERNET has changed benchrest more than anything on the planet. We can chat live, have civil froum discussions, we can search and buy, search and make, order stuff, find powder, and primers, and brass. We can e-mail friends, discuss ideas, take digital pictures, and post for all to see, have internet postal matches. Oh and we can look at our clubs website for upcomming match info.... that's IBS only I guess.

The old BR world will never be that same.


Based on the experiences of others who have March scopes I would agree. Regarding the Leupold LCS, no better than the old 36X except for the 1/8" adjustment. I'm a score shooter.

The .1 gr accuracy claim of the scale results in a possible .2 variation, certainly better than any drop measure. Not sure if one needs a lab scale to check the RCBS unit. Has anyone ever done that? Check the accuracy claim of the RCBS unit with a true lab certified scale?

Doug, this type post is not crap, but some of this "what to cook for Mother for ,",,, is IMO.

Best invention, two;

1-much better scopes, the Leupold LCS and the March.

2-The RCBS Chargemaster, hasn't set provable records by itself but it eliminates the variable of powder drop error, which all Culver type drops have.

Smoke?? Where? I thought we used smokeless powder.
I don't know about the ChargeMaster thing.
I got all excited about weighing charges before last year, invested a lot in the equipment that would allow me to load within .1 at Matches. Took about three matches to get sick of it, then shot my best aggs, and scores, just throwing the charges the way I had for years.

Go figure.......jackie
Well, since Vern is following this thread, I'll have to say the invention of the green laser for flag setting. The most unfriendly guy in BR can now set flags by himself.
Second best invention: Nomex suits for flame retardency.

I am such a scatter brain; how could I forget Charlie Hood's inventive expertise? The Charlie Hood Single and the Double press. Also Charlie's folding cleaning cradle.
Well Francis,
I agree with you. Since I have been in the game I would say the green laser, with my bad knees on unlevel ground it helps me set the flags quicker, and besides, I agree with Jackie, they sure do look purty early in the misty morning.

P.S. I can't really comment on the nomex suits as I have not found one in XX size. I do have an old flight suit but it's for cold, not for heat ! :)

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"