2009 U. S. World Team Announced

The Lineup

Having recently introduced the third team to the forum It is time to introduce the first team. Ed Adams or "Big Ed" as he is known in Albuquerque political circles decided that New Mexico was not going to take a back seat to the Governor of Illinois and was subsequently arrested by the FBI for trying to sell his mother on E-Bay. Wayne Campbell being from an area prominently featured in movies like Deliverance has a certain stereotype associated with him: house trailer, overturned cars, moonshine swilling, sister chasing, prone to spontaneous loud rebel yells, eating unusual fauna such as toads and generally existing at a more base level then normal humans. Nope. That's Gene Buckys' forte. Wayne cries at sad movies. He cooks candle light dinners for his wife. He is rumored to maybe be the Alan Alda award winner for meta sexual of the year. You go Wayne! Tony Boyer has cashed in on his benchrest fame and landed roles in several Hollywood movies notably Men In Black 1 & 2. See if you can guess which alien is him? Tim
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How can a guy who we see only 3 to 4 times a year and lives over 1000 miles away manage to get every detail correct?? I guess from medical records since he is questionably the team physician.
A Mission Statement

Before rashly nominating me as questionable team physician you should know something about my philosophy of healing. I believe in the holistic approach to medicine but limit my practice to the use of medical leeches. I carry three medicinal leeches with me at all times. Their names are Nosferatu, Vlad the Impaler and Count Dracula. I really didn't name them that. They kind of named themselves by their behavior. I feel this will be of great use to the United States Teams. A 30 minute "leeching" of the legs of an under performing shooter will not only remove the malodorous black bile and other toxins from his blood but also provide a great incentive not to repeat his poor performance. Tim
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Stefan & Maarten

Hi Stefan,
Looking at your list I guess I've already met most Swedish team members in Umea this summer,nice to see you all again in SA.

Hi Maarten,
You weren't at the match in Kontich last Sunday and the Belgians will not show up at the WBC10 either, beware of loosing your skills.
See you.

Yes Bob, it´s "the usual suspects" that we send down south:)

The weather up here is really awful at the moment:eek: We first had a couple of really bad snowstorms that dumped some 50+ cm of snow on us. The past days have been like living in a dishwasher! Extremly windy and lots of rain:mad:

Longing for the spring and after that the trip to RSA!!


some people have to earn their living, and also their skills!
you'll see me more when I retire (or divorce)