Numerous people have ask me about the agenda items and how they should vote. You need to vote on what you think is right for the discipline you shoot. I will tell you how I'm voting on certain items. TP#1 - Agree, The committee needs to create a lesson plan on the Referees training and send it to each club. so that the clubs can train the shooters and everyone is on the same page regardless of what club you referee at. SC#1 - Agree, The IBS should provide the first reticule free of charge to each club. After that, charge them for any additional one's. SC#2 - Disagree, The shooter is responsible for knowing if they have shot a record and notifying a match official. That's the extent of his responsibility. They should not be handling targets to go get signatures. The official should call all the referee's in and have them sign it in the scoring room. SC#4 - Disagree, The only guns that should be fired at a registered match, are the one's that are registered in the match to count for score or group awards. Load development and practicing should have already been done days before the match. LR#1 - Agree, All the other Disciplines have there own committees for good reasons, They are the shooters. They more than likely have shot at most of the ranges and understand what each range is capable of doing when it comes to making rules. Its not really fair to have 7 - 600yd shooters govern and making rules for the short range guys. LR#2 - Agree, Every match should be a SOY match and the club sends in your best 5 matches for SOY points. There's times a shooter can't make a scheduled SOY match and the way the economy is he can't afford to travel much. This would eliminate that problem. These rules are supposed to be shooter friendly and to attract more shooters. Not turn them away. LR#3 - Agree, The nationals should be scored for SOY points the same as a regular match. By the number of shooters that attended, not double the points. That's not much of a title of SOY when a shooter hasn't done anything all summer and has one good weekend at Nationals thus becoming the Shooter of the year. BL#1 - Agree with the Long Range Committee. Disagree with any rule that changes the current 600yd Match format or number of rounds that LG and HG fires. That's my thoughts and votes. You have to make up your mind on these items.