2008 ssoy Hal Drake


ron collins

Congrats to Hal Drake.. for winning the 2008 SSOY,

And win he did,.. I was with Hal for most of the same shoots this year
including the Bridgeville sandstorm, along with the Ohio wind tunnel, among
other tricky ones but Hal always seem to be a little bit better than everyone
else on those days, I guess thats where the saying "the cream always rises
to the top" comes from and applys here. It was a great year, and it was
my pleasure to shoot with Hal and Jackie, along with all the rest of the
shooters. It just shows how far that this Score shooting has come from
the days where 40 or 50 points would win SSOY. Shooters like Allie, Hal,
and Jackie among others have set the bar a lot higher, but not to worry
we will be back next year...that is if Hal's barrel will ever wear out.

Again,, Great Shooting Hal
Great shooting Hal congratulations on a fantastic year. Also congratulations to Pete Wass the 6x SSOY, and Mark Lundinski for winning the rookie of the year. :)
Congratulations Hal. Great shooting, Good Luck in 2009.
How lucky can you get !

Congratulations on winning that 2008 SSOY. What kind of car is it ? It must be that Chinese "Super Soy" I've heard about,you'll have to take me for a ride when you get it. I'll bet you have to pay the taxes though,still, better than winning some cheesy trophy at a shooting match. How many tickets did you buy ?
Your shooting was consistantly a cut above the rest of the crowd all season......Your Shooter of the Year win is well deserved.

2008 SSOY - An' Da' Winna Is.......

Congratulations on a well deserved win, Hall. You fought very hard for this accomplishment all year, putting on a spectacular show most of the time. And, congratulations to Ron Collins for his determination & perseverance in pursuing SSOY.
All of us need to thank Gary Long for his patience & perseverance in administering this difficult, complicated program.
And, not to take anything away from the shooter's accomplishments, but remember that points awarded for various shoots have been changed significantly over the last few years, so the points totals have risen accordingly.

congratulations on a great year and ending up as SSOY. You were a marvel to watch shoot this year. Happy New Year and see you in the Spring when the roads are passable enough for some of us to leave Maine for an out of state shoot or two. --Greg
Congratulations Hal


You really came thorugh with flying colors this year. I saw your set-up at the IBS Nationals and how you are able to use it to best advantage. You have really put together a good set-up, spent the necessary time in practice and gone to the matches where you have used your talent well. That is what makes a winner!

I just wish I had the opportunity to shoot in as many matches as you guys out east. I might give you a run for your money.:D

Congrats Hal!

I'm still in awe of how well you shot at the nationals--and all season. You certainly earned it and are very deserving of being crowned CHAMP! Great shooting and congratulations on a fantastic season.---Mike Ezell

Congrats are also in order for Ron, Jackie and all the top shooters! Great shooting guys! I look forward to shooting with you all next season.:)
Congratulations Hal, you dominated the matches all year, a well deserved win for a Virginia boy. Good shooting and congrats to the rest of the top 20, Steve
It was an incredible year for you, Hal!
It has been a pleasure to shoot with you at matches as well as practice.

Hal Drake

Alright guys, enough is enough. He can't get his hat on his head now anyway, and this is just making it worse! :)

Good shootin my friend!
Wow, thanks everyone. It's been a heck of a lot of fun traveling to all the different ranges, and shooting with so many great people. I am lucky to live in a place that is so centrally located as to let me make most matches within relatively short drive. These matches wouldn't be possible without the willingness of folks to put up with us at their ranges. I'd like to thank all the match directors, target crews, range officers, and so forth for making it possible. With out these people, we'd be stuck competing with ourselves. I'd also like to thank a few other folks. Dick Spencer, who I travel to most of the more distant matches with, would give the shirt off his back to help out another shooter. As you all can see, he had a pretty good year himself, nice shooting Dick. Dick Baier and Chad Schmidt of TenX bullets also deserve a big pat on the back. I can honestly say that I didn't have a single shot this year that made me scratch my head and say "I have no idea what caused that shot". They make as good a bullet as any on the market. I can't begin to say how happy I've been with Bartlein barrel's, from the quality and consistency to the outstanding service they deliver. I used two 30cal and three 6mm barrel's this year, all of them Bartlein. All five were, and still are competitive. Thanks to Frank and Tracy.

Congrats to all who placed well this year. Ron and Jackie both had great years, and as usual hit all the big matches. It makes it more gratifying to do well when your looking at a score sheet with so many good shooters on it. Here's to all the shooters that enjoy this great game, wishing you a happy new year, and looking forward to shooting with you all next year.

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Kudos Hal

You have certainly made it look much easier than it is, I must say. I watched you shooting a few times this year and I was impressed with how relaxed and confident you seemed. Nice to have rifles one can count on, isn't it? Wish I had the memory of conditions you seem to have; too old now to do much about it I am afraid.
Congratulations Hal, Ron, and Jackie, great shooting this year. Randy J.
Congratulations Hal on some outstanding shooting. You proved time and time again that you are well deserving of the SSOY title. Congrats to all the other winners as well, you worked hard for your rewards. Jackie