Search results

  1. R

    Electronic targets:

    Tim, If I am not mistaking that was to replace the type of moving backers that we use now.
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    Electronic targets:

    Manual (targets) Ballots I am only for manual (targets) ballots!!!
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    Chuck Beaver has left the range

    Rip Chuck!!! Donnie and Paul I am very sorry to hear. Chuck will be missed!!!
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    Super Shoot 2022

    Hey Lee, You may want to bring yours because we may need a spare!!!
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    Mike Gambel left the range

    RIP Mr. Gambel Mike was a GREAT Guy. I always enjoyed his time that we spent together. Mike was also a very good shooter and I heard that his father was as well. My condolence's go out the Mike and his family. RIP Mike!!!
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    Bill Brawand has left the range.

    I was asked to please post this for the family. Dear Benchrest Shooters, With sadness, the family of Bill would like to advise you that he has passed away on Wednesday, 10/27th, while in his recliner watching football. We want you all to know that he loved Benchrest Shooting. He lived for the...
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    IBS 2021 Nationals Results

    Rail Gun Jim, I thought you sold that rail to Dan Shelhamer? Or maybe you had 2 of them.
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    2021 IBS Group Nationals - Reminder to Campers

    Thanks Bob, Can you post the Camper Parking area again also please.
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    Craig Rowe wins Keystone Challenge at Mainville

    Craig's 1st 2 Gun Craig Congratulation on your 1st 2 Gun Win!!! A very respectable 2 gun agg. NICE JOB!!!
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    Pat Reagin Wins His 1st 2-Gun at WWCCA

    Awesome Great Job Pat, It is always Great to will a 2 Gun as we all know how hard they are to come by. CONGRATS Pat.
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    Bruno Bosso has left the range

    Sorry the hear Joel Bruno was definitely one of a kind. I will never forget when I first met Bruno and I had my first Seb rest and he was in intrigued. Bruno was sizing his brass and he broke of his de-capping pin in sizing die and I helped him out and provided his with a de-capping pin. Before...
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    Anti Gun Law just filed

    Thank You Louis. Hopefully this will help and bring some of those out of the dark. Whatever we can do to help!!!!! Thanks Again Sir.
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    WOW!!!! Anybody out in Oregon see this?

    Just wondering if anyone in Oregon seen this the end of last month?
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    Anti Gun Law just filed

    Something for all to see and provide to friends and family. Hopefully this will make it around the block or two.
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    Got my second dose

    Vaporized Antelopdundee, I appears that you have a lot of free time. I will give you a little homework being you appear to be so smart. Are you aware that when the Pentagon was hit that there was no plane parts found. We were told they just vaporized, can you believe that, sounds funny to me.
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    Got my second dose

    Nope just a dumb gas salesman with a lot of common since!!!!! I have listened to many exports that are infection disease experts. Did my homework. Never said the Virus is a hoax, but I will tell you that it is a plan. Did my homework. You sound happy with no traffic in your area. Me personally...
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    Got my second dose

    Chew on this Sheeple!!!! First of all Sheeple, I never said "LIE", YOU DID. Which news do you watch, because the Main Stream Media has a different story on every channel and most are lies. I never said that the food lines, vaccine lines and testing lines were contrived, again, that would be...
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    Got my second dose

    Chew on!!!!!! Good Morning Mr., Mrs. or Miss. antelopdundee I see some sort of a pattern here and I would have to believe that most people on this forum are showing our names. You are a mystery like our government. We on the other hand are trying to provide helpful and useful...
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    Got my second dose

    Bottom line the Media has 2,3,4,5,and even more different stories daily, what one do you believe?
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    Got my second dose

    Thank You Louis