Search results

  1. jimmymac

    Hogroast - Lodging Available

    Cheaper than a motel... One last try
  2. jimmymac

    Hogroast - Lodging Available

    For anyone who is going to the Hogroast in Fairchance, I rented a house not far from the range and have a couple spots available. Check in is Thursday, May 5th and check out is Sunday, May 8th. The price is right. Get in touch with me if you have any interest. Thanks.
  3. jimmymac

    was creighton audette a br shooter ?

    Thank you for the link!
  4. jimmymac

    Tim Singleton wins Roanoke Va.

    Congratulations Tim! With all the hard work you put in, you deserve it.
  5. jimmymac

    Hogroast 33 - Paul Mitchell Wins HV Grand, Larry Costa wins LV Grand and 2 Gun

    Thanks for posting... That was rough! I have much to learn. Congrats goes to those who figured it out!
  6. jimmymac

    McKeesport Sportsman Assoc. will start the 3 gun IR 50/50 season

    Thanks. Well aware of the Hogroast. Was hoping for some solid local competition similar to Chippewa.
  7. jimmymac

    McKeesport Sportsman Assoc. will start the 3 gun IR 50/50 season

    Hi Jerry, Does the club hold any centerfire BR competitions? Thanks.
  8. jimmymac

    Superior Action Rifle, Dryden NY

    Not a single photo in this thread! C'mon Snert.
  9. jimmymac

    I screwed up the paint job on my stock.

    Well... If you think she will kill you as a girlfriend, she most certainly will as a wife. Weigh your options carefully before you decide to ask the former to become the latter.
  10. jimmymac

    Contact Information for Gene Beggs

    If anyone has Gene's phone number would you please PM it to me? I shot him off an email a couple days ago but got no response. I need to talk to him. Thanks.
  11. jimmymac

    Farley Joy Stick Boot

    Exactly. I don't see the need for using one considering the underside of the rest is open anyway. They operate better without the boot.
  12. jimmymac

    Charlene's Meadow Results (Greg King wins the 100-200-300)

    That looks really great! Good job on the range Richard. Congratulations to the winning shooters.
  13. jimmymac

    Jack Neary Wins at WWCCA

  14. jimmymac

    UBR - Thurmont, MD 4-13-2019

    Sorry for the rotated pictures. I tried correcting them to no avail.
  15. jimmymac

    UBR - Thurmont, MD 4-13-2019

    Some good shooters showed up for the first ever UBR match at Thurmont yesterday. Dean and Hillary did a great job preparing for and executing the match. Some very good scores were shot, but at the end of the day no one had anything for Kevin Donalds, JR. He took the 200 and the grand agg...
  16. jimmymac

    Chet Whitebread's insert

    Are you selling these sir? If so, I'd love to have one. Thank you.
  17. jimmymac

    Got some testing

    No sir. My PPC is still at the gunsmith. My other LV PPC is being converted to a 13.5 pound 30BR by another gunsmith, so all I've got going for me are some deer rifles. There have been some good days too. I miss shooting.
  18. jimmymac

    Got some testing

    Wind wasn't bad either!
  19. jimmymac

    Charlene's Meadow update

    That looks great! Going to be an awesome place to shoot.
  20. jimmymac

    Kettlefoot Gun Club update

    Says the man... ...whose first post used the words Mickey Mouse when referring to UBR. If you don't like something then shoot what discipline floats your boat, but don't piss down other peoples legs who enjoy something different than you. Elitist crap.