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  1. D

    Raton Matches

    The dates for the benchrest matches in Raton have been set pending approval from the Whittington center. Kelly Ellis and myself will be running the matches this year. We would like anyone that wants to shoot with us to come out and enjoy the Whittington Center with us. If you haven't been there...
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    NBRSA short range Score Nationals 2023

    Gary, it will be a month before the Rattlesnake but our July match will end on the 23rd of that month if we get our contracts done next month. the contracts with the Whittibgton center are done in October. If that all works out maybe we will have some score shooters at our group match.
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    2022 Cactus Classic Registration

    Supposed to be right off of I17
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    2022 Cactus Classic Registration

    Doctor Tim I booked a room at the Red Roof Inn on Bell road for $133 today. Might be a cockroach inn but I'm gonna take my chances.
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    Larry Baggett has left the range...

    Tuners Years ago when my dad was still alive and the tuner thing was just getting started he won a yardage or a grand agg or something at Raton. Well in true Baggett fashion Larry was the first to come over and congratulate my dad for winning. My dad told Larry he would have never won without a...
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    Larry Baggett has left the range...

    I've got so many stories about him but this one will kind of tell what kind of a person Larry was to me. 3 or 4 years ago I called Larry and asked him if he would chamber a .22-.100 barrel for me. He said sure, I used to shoot one so I have a reamer the only reason I don't shoot it anymore is...
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    A list of importance:

    The Blue Light Special! I've been beat by so many I could never remember them all. But you should be honored because I sure remember that K-Mart gun. I think i actually asked you about it when we shared a bench in Lubbock.
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    A list of importance:

    Yes you are right. some good shooters don't shoot as good after being re-glued. And yes i have seen "bad" barrels that worked on other actions. But I had a talk with Ed just this week about certain actions that just always worked. I don't mean that they would win the match every time you pulled...
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    A list of importance:

    The list Actions are an item that are high up on my list. I have had several succesful shooters tell me about having an action that always shot. Larry Baggett, Gene Buckys, Ed Adams, Mike Conry, Charles Huckaba, and the list goes on. No matter what barrel that you had on it. Some people shoot...
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    Sad news....

    Roy Damron Roy was one good dude. A lot of people don't know that he really was a talkative person. He was always friendly but after Wanda passed and his hearing went he seemed really withdrawn and unsociable. He was far from it. The most friendly hard working guy at every match i ever saw him...
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    Graham wind flags

    Paul you shoot well enough to only need 3 sets. Shoot 2 relays with no flags just so everyone else has a chance! Just kidding, I hope you find some folks with flags. Good luck, I wsh I was going.
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    Pink Splash Rail

    Looks like Cheri Horners. Her husband Everett sent me some pics the other day. That thing is SWEET!
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    Oklahoma State 3 & 4 Gun Leg#1 Results

    I came to Luther for two reasons. The first is attendance was down at Luther so I went to help out. The second was for the Oklahoma state 4 gun. Don’t blame it on a target crew. I would run targets if that’s all it is. I’ve done it before. I know you’re trying but some of us plan our matches on...
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    Oklahoma State 3 & 4 Gun Leg#1 Results

    Rescheduled? That would have been nice to know before making plans and hotel reservations for the second half of a state four gun match thats been in the magazine for a couple of months. I gave up the Buffalo match to shoot Luther so I could shoot the railgun match in May. October is out for me...
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    Whitney Morman Resignation

    December issue I haven't got mine yet either. I had to call Pam last month to get it. I don't know whats going on. I guess I'll call again.
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    Bullet making?

    Spinning bullets I remember asking Larry Baggett several years ago if he spun his bullets. He said " of course! I spin every bullet I make... Right down the barrell!"
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    Charlene's Meadow 100-200-300 results

    Richard, your matches at Charlenes Meadow are top notch. I think I've been to every one you have had. I never shoot that good but it is one of the most fun matches we attend every year. Keep on keeping on!
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    East West

    WOW! If anybody thought Paul Mitchell was just lucky at the nationals, that agg says a lot! I couldn't shoot an agg like that with three shot groups.
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    Tuning with tuners part 2

    Richard, you always amaze me with your tuner savvy. I've never even been gutsy enough to own one and you have them figured out. I'm going to have to get me one. I can't shoot any worse.