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  1. D

    Thank you elmer!

    Fast dog.
  2. D

    Thank you elmer!

    fast Buck ONeill used to say the leadoff hitter for the K.C. monarchs was that fast. Doug
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    222 Rem best twist

    Thanks Asa Never could figure out how they shot in the same place. I guess they dont. Loaded and packed alot of M60 and saw rounds at Lake City. Never had enough time to shoot them. Had to be a gunner. Thanks, Doug
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    222 Rem best twist

    twist Is that why a 5.56 tracer will shoot in the same place as the ball round? The tracer is longer but the back end is tracer powder. Doug
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    Whistle Pigs

    Thanks Mort, I was out west hunting my kids were little the name whistle pig was extremely funny. I think they are marmots. Doug
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    Whistle Pigs

    whistle pigs Being from Mo. Iwas out at Laramie deer hunting. The native I was hunting with got to talking about whistle pigs. They looked kinda like ground hogs to me. Are they marmots? I never knew the real name.Seen em never shot one. Doug
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    Sons and Daughters

    guy stufff My dad never thought that females were some kind of trophy. I better not get myself into something I couldnt get myself out of. I never felt comfortable talking about stuff like that around my parents anyway. Ill have on of Als beers and get off my soapbox.Doug
  8. D

    HEAVY heavy sand??

    black sand Probably heavy black sand from iwo jima. Got lead in it. Doug
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    Bullet Production and Quality Control

    bullet assembly The weight doesnt look bad to me but the length to ogive could be alot better. Never put bullets together at Lake City but they said it was alot harder to do than case area stuff like I did. Sounds like quality control was asleep to. What the hell is a boutique specialist...
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    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    groups I love it when you get a BR group out of a sporter or varmint. I know they wont do it for 25 shots but its a big talking point around here. I shot a quarter in. group with my sporter I deer hunt with the other day. Good group buddy. Doug
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    2000 Mules

    supreme court The hell of it is those commies are after our american way of life the supreme court is threatened. Our priest was in k.c. when it was leaked about repealing Roe. They saw him in the car with his collar on and started hitting his car with stuff. I havent talked to him about it but...
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    2000 Mules

    And their starting the covid talk again before november. Doug
  13. D

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    Boss Ive got a 300 win. mag with the boss. It will shoot .5 inch at 100. It has holes in it. Ive always got ear protection on but its loud. I shot the biggest whitetail I ve shot to date with it, no ear protection, didnt notice it. Thats probably why Im so deaf now. Heard alot of em go off. Doug
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    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    50 cal. A friend brought one out. Not sure what kind. Bolt action of some kind. Had a brake on it looked like an old muffler of somekind , wanted me to shoot it. I said no thanks. He shot it about 3 times into my dirt hump at a 100. Looked like you could have parked a VW in the impact area. He...
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    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    hijack Alinwa, I wasnt tryin to hijack ya. Were just talking. I dont get up and walk out of the room because somebody changes subjects when Im talking to people. I was stating my limited experience with the 50 cal. Which aint much. Please accept my apology for the hijack. Doug
  16. D

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    50 cal. Those rifles they shot for accuracy at the range didnt look guns just little short barrels and an action. Tested them 600 yds. for accuracy. They might of had M2s down where they shot them for function. Never was down there. I could hear an old M2 chuggin along somewhere though. Doug
  17. D

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    50 cal We could hear them shooting them for accuracy , from our 7.62 building , over a mile away and they sounded like they were in the backyard. Doug
  18. D

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    50 cal. What do ya need a brake for? Eat your wheaties and shoot the non kickin varmint rifle. What is the recoil on it? Over a hundred lbs? I wouldnt shoot it with 10 brakes on it. I aint as tough as I used to be. Doug
  19. D

    What is the most accurate factory rifle you've owned?

    stock rifle Alinwa, I see what ya mean. That Montana rifle aint showroom stock. Thats why theres so many different classes whether your shooting or drag racing. My best shooting showroom stock would probably be a 85 sako 22-250 or a 77v 220 swift both under .5 but not the one holers you get...