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  1. 7

    Iredell Gun Club first IR 50 50 shoot 10/18/2014

    Thank You and Results I would like to think all the shooter who came out to shoot at our club. Hope everyone had a good time. Match 1 Sporter 1-Ken Camper 250 13 X 2-Mike Cameron 249 15 X 3-John Gatton 248 13 X 10.5 LB 1-Johnny Orfield 250 17 X...
  2. 7

    Iredell Gun Club first IR 50 50 shoot 10/18/2014

    Thr Iredell Gun Club will host their first IR 50 50 shoot on Oct 18 2014. The match will begain at 9 am, It will be a double 3 gun club match.we have 6 benches, lunch will be provided. The address is 166 Gun Club Rd Stoney Point NC 28678. For more info call 704-310-6790.
  3. 7

    Problems with Anschutz 5018 trigger

    What I have found by watching the trigger work, is when you open the bolt after firing the gun the catch link does not return all the way back to the cocking position.But when you pull back on the trigger the second time it moves back.
  4. 7

    Problems with Anschutz 5018 trigger

    I was told to clean it with lighter fluid then use air to clean that out . I cleaned it 3 times that way, it would start to work correct, put the barrel and trigger back in the stock after firing the gun 2 times right back were I started. Took it back apart and watched the trigger work when...
  5. 7

    Problems with Anschutz 5018 trigger

    I am having a problem with my trigger after you fire the gun it will not recock . The only way to make it work is to with the bolt open pull the trigger back again, you then here a click and it will reset. Does anyone know which of the screws need to be adjusted.