Search results

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    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    Douglas, not meaning to hijack the thread, but what CMP game are you describing? Only one I've heard of is rimfire sporter, a 3-p event with deliberate and rapid fire stages. Thanks, warren
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    Bernoulli Effect

    Still the best explaination to most of this that I've ever read:
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    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    Oh geeze, I missed the weight thing ;) Remington 580 Marlin 80? (had an 81DL that was as accurate as my Anschutz 1422, both are sadly gone). Pretty pathetic, but I haven't owned that many American made .22's I'd feel were even marginally competitive in benchrest, least not in that weight class...
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    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    Mr. Larson, if it'd meet the criteria, my first choice would be a Kleingunther k22 with Win. ammo. True, the metalwork is German, but the stocking and accurizing were supposed to be all KDF outta Texas. My second bet would be on a T/C contender, match chambered of coarse, and some old Federal...
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    The NODE of other barrel configurations

    .Ok, so you can feel the node on a bull rimfire barrel, and use a tuner to move that point to the crown. But what about other barrel configurations? Does a fluted barrel resonate differently? What about a "Running Boar" muzzle weighted barrel? How does tapering effect this? Seems each would...
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    Clamping actions, more questions.....

    Why is a longer barrel tenon more desirable? Regardless of tenon length, the stress point is where the tenon expands to outside barrel diameter (the non action-supported section), right? If the action is able to constrict the bore, wouldn't a "case length" tenon be best since you wouldn't be...
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    Improved ignition.....

    Kent, I've been experimenting with a hammer fired action, and have noted better accuracy from the heavy (and I thought slower) hammer, with no other changes. Hammers were switched back and forth while modifing engagement surfaces, but still the heavy one grouped considerably better. This makes...
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    Key Holes

    Check the crown, hidden by the tuner, you could have any number of issues. Bullet speed, twist rate, and density altitude could all work together to cause a keyhole as well. Take care, warren
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    Improved ignition.....

    How do you "know" you've got it good vs bad? Sure, I can see if the pin strikes are similar in shape, location, and depth, but what else do you look for? Take care, warren
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    Butner/CMP Eastern Games!

    Well folks, its coming: 5/9/10 Who's shooting the Rimfire Sporter Rifle match? Take care, warren
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    Action flex... what happens?

    Probably a dumbo question, but here goes: If the action has a "puzzle piece" fit to the inletting, yet is bowed or flexed when torqued down, why does it not shoot accurately? I'm being serious, assuming the actions not shifting in the inletting, what actually, mechanically, causes the...
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    Barrel liners?

    Appreciate the shared experiences, such dissappointing news. I had hoped for better, what with the "tensioned barrels" out there and such. Take care. warren
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    Rimfire barrel life

    Not to be a turd, but you need to test that statement, you might just be surprised at the results. Take care, warren
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    Barrel liners?

    Has anyone ever been competitive with a lined bore? Take care, warren
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    AMT Custom 10/22... What's it worth?

    Jack Neary, your rifle is worth aproximately $950.00 with box/papers. It is exceedingly rare to encounter one of these which were a Custom Shop offering, you just have to find someone who knows what it is. Last MSR was $1498.00 Take care, warren
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    Rimfire F-Class matches

    Is there such a thing? If so at what ranges? Thanks, warren