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  1. admin

    Went to a State Fair today----

    I think you're right....some of those pictures are upside down or sideways!
  2. admin

    Gun Case's ??

    I know I'm in the minority (perhaps a minority of one), but I've owned a representative case of all forms and fashions. Over the years, I gravitated to the lightest, simplest, and cheapest of hard plastic cases. If the sole purpose of the case is to travel to a benchrest match by road - that's...
  3. admin

    Wilson 6ppc seater question

    It's just me... Wilbur
  4. admin

    Went to a State Fair today----

    How did I know that there would be a comment concerning the "bull rider" following those pictures? Not even sure that's a bull but I am sure that's a rider.
  5. admin

    OK Buckos!

    I assure you that your IP was not blocked. There are several IPs in the blocked list because of the recent spam attack. If you would offer a range of IPs that you use I can look at the list again to be sure. But..the IP of your posts has been the same for all posts on this thread - including...
  6. admin

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Harry Deneen uses 7 conventional flags and can somehow deal with it. Harry is the one pushin' seven hundred 50/50 HOF points......285 more than than anybody. What I can't get used to are those "digital" indicators. I get all balled up trying to wait for the right number and forget to watch...
  7. admin

    Wind, wind and more wind

    Al - I do believe you have a great rifle but that's not exactly what I was sayin'. What I meant to get across was that the different rifles are treated differently by the wind - especially the lighter winds. Wilbur
  8. admin

    OK Buckos!

    edgerat - Your confidence in this Rimfire Forum is refreshing.
  9. admin

    Wilson 6ppc seater question

    Happens all the time. There's no way Wilson can out guess what we're gonna do with our rifles. Fat chamber here, re-formed brass there and somebody ends up with sticky cases. Be sure to send them a fired case and bullet along with the die.
  10. admin

    Old links not working? Must remove www?

    That's truly funny! If I don't knock off the Twinkies I'll need more than six.
  11. admin

    Postal Comps

    I'm kinda out of the postal loop but...
  12. admin

    Old links not working? Must remove www?

    The Vbulletin CMS version currently running was installed in the BC home directory and a redirect from the old /forums directory was added so that bookmarks would still work. Then....suddenly.....stuff like that didn't work! Pretty sure the guy that worked on those home page graphics and...
  13. admin

    what happened to format ???

    Site is now a work in progress. This is the latest greatest forum version, but the previous design couldn't make the jump to this version. You should have all functionality and then some with this version. Improved design coming soon. Elmer
  14. admin

    Hey, Wilburrrrrrr!

    Hate to hear you're having issues. Sounds that it may be a "cookie" issue. Probably something will work itself when your browser settles on the new cookie. If you are still having problems, go to: Open a new support ticket and let me know what kind of...
  15. admin

    Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis 7th Annual "East-West Show-Me Shootout"

    Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis - 7th Annual "East-West Show-Me Shootout" June 26th 2010, Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint: 100 Yards June 27th 2010, Heavy Varmint & Light Varmint: 200 Yards NBRSA Registered *** Limited to 240 Competitors Match Fee: $100.00 Cash Option: $60.00 Total: $160.00...
  16. admin

    Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis 7th Annual "East-West Show-Me Shootout"

    Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis - 7th Annual "East-West Show-Me Shootout" June 26th 2010, Light Varmint & Heavy Varmint: 100 Yards June 27th 2010, Heavy Varmint & Light Varmint: 200 Yards NBRSA Registered *** Limited to 240 Competitors Match Fee: $100.00 Cash Option: $60.00 Total: $160.00...
  17. admin

    squirrel rifles up and running. Thanks for the heads up. Site is working now. Elmer
  18. admin

    New IR50/50 Support Ticket System - Upload Match Results Here

    The new Support Ticket System on the IR50/50 website should allow us to resolve any issues or problems anyone has in an efficient manner. We highly recommend using this system to send in your match results. You simply open a ticket and attach the results file to the ticket. The ticket will...
  19. admin


    Hi Mickey! Categories now working. Still working out the kinks on this new server. Missed you at the Crawfish Mickey. Elmer