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  1. E

    Can you imagine someone doing this at a match?

    I would have taken his keys and tossed them in the nearest river. NOBODY would ever try that in my group. I don't roll, shoot, or, tolerate people like that in my life.
  2. E

    Piloting the un-tuned rifle

    Hi Bill! Changing careers and I needed to pay off a few things. I will be back in about 6-8mos to torment all the wrong-thinking people in this sport ;)
  3. E

    Piloting the un-tuned rifle

    On the subject of plugs. Which one to get that will work best for IR and RBA scoring? Killough sells one. Oh and this is the 12th target I have shot :)
  4. E

    Piloting the un-tuned rifle

    Slippery William... how about this one? I am just trying to get a hang of this ARA scoring bidness...
  5. E

    Piloting the un-tuned rifle

    Man, I thought I WAS being fair to the target and not me.... Damnit. Someone loan me 150 dollars and a brick, I am headed to Bellwood.
  6. E

    Piloting the un-tuned rifle

    The pilot :) Broke the shot as the wind kicked up
  7. E

    Piloting the un-tuned rifle

    It is my burden in life but, I will make do with what I have to work with. I have 100 of these targets, that is the reason for shooting them up, if practicing for the sake of practice, I shoot IR targets.
  8. E

    National Sporter Winner

    Way to go Tim!!!! That is some major competition you put down. :)
  9. E

    Horizontal Group Dispersion

    I don't know much about this game but, does it do it with different ammo? When I see horizontal on my gun it is usually ammo that is wind sensitive.
  10. E

    Big Sporter Nationals shootout Tomorrow

    My money is on Melvin. Melvin, you win and I will get you a bottle....
  11. E

    Big Sporter Nationals shootout Tomorrow

    Greg Davis or Pepper there?
  12. E

    Eley: Masters of marketing

    They have no true competition. That is why it keeps going up in cost, they can continue to rack the prices up and nobody is going to bring anything to the table that can hang with it. This is what I have decided.
  13. E

    Eley: Masters of marketing

    Thanks for the words Dan, it is interesting to hear. I for one don't like how much the stuff costs but, having the seen the way the ammo effects the accuracy, you pay to play well. I suppose I will get to a point where I can't afford to feed my guns, I just hope it doesn't happen soon. Isaac
  14. E

    Technical Series: Cleaning your barrel (gasp)

    Do you mean the Hooter's girls or, the gun? :)
  15. E


    Dangit! Sorry Gene!!!!
  16. E


    Find a smith that you can talk to and ask them what they like to use. Rock Creek, Shilen, Broughton, Border, Lilja, Hart and a few others all make great barrels, finding a smith that knows how to taper-lap them and chamber them for your rifle is paramount though. If you want the most accuracy...
  17. E

    Technical Series: Cleaning your barrel (gasp)

    Be careful with those bore guides from KSS. They are sweet but, I got mine stuck in the Hall on the Hooter's gun.
  18. E

    Rimfire Accuracy Research Program

    Geoff's findings are cool and it is great to see someone doing research on all of the different aspects of rimfire accuracy. That said, why does it need to be a sticky?