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  1. M

    Crosshairs moving up after the shot

    Thanks Gentelmen, it's all begging to make sense now. I will try everything I have learnt today and apply it at the range soon. Although the rear bag feels very dense duevto the heavy sand, it probably is not. Since I am letting the stock sort of ride on top of the ears, it's probably setting...
  2. M

    Crosshairs moving up after the shot

    If you read my post, I am currently not squizzing the bag and don't want start doing that. I am trying to figure out why the crosshairs move up so much. looking for insight into how folks are setting up their rifle in the bag so that it comes straight back close to the aiming point Ed
  3. M

    Crosshairs moving up after the shot

    Thanks Gentelmen, I will give this a try. I will slam the bag down to settle it, i want to avoid getting into squeezing the bag habit, I know a lot of guys shoot successfully with this method. I will push the bags down in the ears, I am currently not doing this, I sort off let the stock sit on...
  4. M

    Crosshairs moving up after the shot

    I am a new Benchrest shooter. I am having a tough time getting my rifle back on target after it recoils in the bags. I am shooting a Bat 6PPc, my front rest is a Sinclair competition BR model, the rear bag is Minigater with heavy sand in the body and play sand in the ears. The front bag has play...
  5. M

    6BR to 30BR & Harrel FL Die

    Thanks guys, thats exactly the info I was looking for. I will get detailed load info from Ronnie Long but wanted some idea of what was involved at this time. Ed
  6. M

    6BR to 30BR & Harrel FL Die

    I am getting a 30BR built by Ronnie Long. Having never prepped brass for this caliber, my question is, will the Harrels FL die prep the 6BR brass to 30BR brass or do I need to get an expander die for that process? If I need an expander die, can someone point me in the right direction as far as...