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    Used barrels

    And I was not looking for a free barrel . Just the barrels that I have has been set back so many times they are only about 17 inches now . And the barrel on my Hall action is shooting to good to take off , and a new barrel is a year away . so though I'd look around for a used barrel to plink...
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    Used barrels

    Really looking for a .224 1:14 twist stright tapper benchrest barrel . Wt prefer a heavier barrel just not a light wt . I can rechamber and thread it .
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    Used barrels

    I looking for a .224 barrel or a 6mm , I figure a used benchrest barrel would make a good varment barrel . Right now all barrel makers have a year lead time , I'll be dead by them .
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    Used barrels

    What happens to all the take off benchrest barrels ? There has to be lots of them try to buy a new barrel it's 6 to 12 months .
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    See there by the number "8" is a bullet to compare to the 4 shot group is .035 , but as always I can't keep all 5 shots in the same hole . is that becouse I don't have a bore scope , barrel not clean enough ? I think it is just me .
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    Don't want to look thru a bore scope on this gun , Afraid of what I'll see , Last two patches come out white . can't ask for this old barrel to shoot any better for all that it's been through .
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    I think I found my problem , I was NOT seating the CCI BR-4 primer deep enough . I never had a missfire to day . The gun I shot was a XP100 built in 1974 and the guy I bought it from shot many matches with it and I bought it in 1980 and shot it in some matches along with lost of groundhogs and...
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    Chrome Moly vs Stainless steel

    nitrite coating In the bore? you would have to do that after shambering ? Because the Free bore and lead would not have it ?
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    Chrome Moly vs Stainless steel

    Match grade barrels why Stainless over Chrome Moly ? I read the other day that Chrome Moly was more wear resistant than as Stainless . True or False ?
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    Broughton Barrels has closed up shop

    Just informed that Just informed that Broughton Barrels has closed up shop. Fellow forum member texted me that he spoke to Tim and he closed his doors. I had heard he was selling. It's too bad. I loved their Barrels and Sad to see them close. Fellow forum member texted me that he spoke to Tim...
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    This is a Hall action . Thanks
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    Firing pin is ok but I may be bumping the shoulder to much that I will check . Thanks Ok I just checked and I'm moving the shoulder back almost .002 , so i'll not move them back any and try that they still chamber ok .
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    NRA Lawsuit

    aman !!!!!
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    I have been having trouble with CCI Small Rifle Primers BR-4 . Having a lot of miss fires . I have put a new firing pin spring in and still having the problem , but never with Remington or Federial Primers . . Anyone else having the problem ?
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    Steady rest

    Don't think I'll be using the Bondo set up ! LOL LOL
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    Steady rest

    Right now I'm making a cat head to use instead of the chuck . It is pretty eazy to make . I'm chambering a couple old 22" Benchrest barrels for live varment gun for my son they will be 20" when finished . The cat head will be easer to use than the steady rest .
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    Steady rest

    Yes I got it , Thanks .
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    Steady rest

    Can you send it again ? could not find it . Thanks
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    Steady rest

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    Steady rest

    My lathe head is 21 " inches with the outboard spider and chuck . With a screw on extension will that hold true when you start to thread or chamber ? I guess it will hold as good as screwing the barrel to the action ?