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    G'day all. I have often seen posts that a variable scope can be dialled down in power if mirage is a problem. So thinking about this logically (always dangerous for me) I have arrived at the conclusion that this achieves nothing. The mirage is still there, it does not care about your scope...
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    Cleaning the rimfire....How much is enough ?

    Yep, the short scrubber cleaning brush used to clean the throat of the bore after 100 shots is quite useful for accuracy in my ancient Annie '54 using Tenex.
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Little Johnny to teacher. "Miss, can I get in get in trouble for something that I didn't do ?" Teacher. "Certainly not Johnny" Johnny. "That's great, because I didn't do my homework"
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Aussies are good at that sensitive stuff. When I was CSM (Company Sergeant Major) at an Australian Army training school the Major told me that private Smith's Father had died and asked me to break the news to him. On the next parade I said "Private Smith, your father died yesterday". Private...
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    Register NOW to vote!!

    I am in Australia but I have a brother in Arizona and a son in California. Both have emailed me they fear that JB and his new girlfriend are going to take away their legally owned firearms if they get half a chance. Don't let it happen people. * doggie *
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    Muzzle brakes!

    The Russian AK 74 uses a muzzle brake with upward facing slots to control climb during automatic fire mode, I test fired one in my former job and it's very true. Little sh*t stayed on target during sustained bursts, unlike it's predecessor, the AK 47. * doggie *
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    Lest we forget

    Today is VP Day here in Australia and New Zealand (Victory in the Pacific) or as some people remember it as VJ Day (Victory over Japan). Anyway, that's when Australia figgured out that our cousins in the U.S. are quite handy to have as allies, after all, we all share the same Pacific ocean and...
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    Lest we forget

    I saw today that Japan is remembering the day that an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima 75 years ago. Whilst this was an extreme act of war it probably saved millions of allied soldiers lives as an invasion of the Japanese islands would have been very costly and maybe have dragged WWII out...
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    Here they go again

    Let's kill all the lawyers, Shakespear quote To quote the great bard Seems that 500 years ago they were just as greedy :D * doggie *
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    American Revolution Donation Can

    A few years ago some Australian SAS (big and mean blokes) used an American Civil War flag to indicate their position for the helos. This is now making headlines for all the wrong reasons. I served 34 years in the Australian military and can assure you that the blokes just wanted a marker that...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    A bloke phoned his brother and said "I'm sure my wife is having an affair, she didn't come home last night. Is it ok if I come over to talk?" Brother replied "Sure................I'll let her know you're coming." * doggie *
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    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    G'day Elmer. Please pass on best wishes from Australia to your dad. I hope that things work out well. * doggie *
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    Wilbur Needs a Cure

    Get well Wilbur. Best wishes from Australia. The whole planet is watching :) * doggie *
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    Shop Made Floating Reamer and Drill Holder

    G'day people. I found this video of a shop built floating reamer holder and tailstock drill chuck. It's a nice piece of kit :cool: * doggie *
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Paddy and Seamus hired a boat and went fishing and found a place where the fish were plentiful. Paddy told Seamus to mark an 'X' on the side of the boat to mark the spot. Seamus said "And how do you know that we will get the same boat next time"?
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Lockdown problems My neighbour came by and asked to see my husband. He said "So where is he?" Well I said "he's in the garden" "But you will need a shovel !"
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Nursery (and other) Rhymes Here's one from over a hundred years ago. When you serve for over 35 years one learns lots of naughty rhymes :cool: Our officer inspected the parade today and he came up to me in his usual way and said "That horse is too thin and it has a bad cough." I said "You're...
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    Lot Testing With Tuner

    With rimfire ammo I have found that the top brands are usually very consistent regarding powder charge, projectile weight and case dimensions. I have noticed small variations in overall length which might affect accuracy due to slight variations in 'jump'. Only a few thou but it does make a...
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    Vibrating the brass

    You could also consider using one of these (though never tried one myself) Used for vibrating brass without the 'br'. Could be useful for packing a load. (I never knew that stuff like this actually existed until I googled vibrator. That was a...
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    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Nursery Rhymes My late father told me that on a trip to Berlin late in December 1944 the navigator sang this song. "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to war we go. We're singing songs and dropping bombs Hi ho, hi ho" A later crash landing cost him a few mates and he never flew a R.A.F. bomber again. *...