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  1. J


    Oh my, I hope you weren’t just watching part-1 that entire time? Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4...
  2. J


    Missed the water in the bore connection didn’t ya? Watch the video a few more times. PS. Dimension hoppers are flippers.
  3. J


    This is my favorite rimfire benchrest video of all time! If you watch all the parts several times, without having an aneurism, you'll see that all the answers to rimfire accuracy are in there. I don’t want to give away all the things I've learned from this video, but hiring a douser to select...
  4. J

    rumors chinese are buying eley for olympixs

    Reverse engineer not easy, need many example. Lead good, make hole in paper. Shoes bad, make static on factory floor. Tin-X at Wal-Mart next year…. I wish!
  5. J

    Ammo Testing Velocity

    Joe, I believe he’s talking about measuring SD / BC at the target compared to SD / BC at the muzzle during strings of shots. A bullet takes a short distance to stabilize or go-to-sleep as quite a few people call it, before it goes-to-sleep it is more affected by the wind (drag & drift) and...
  6. J

    IBS Benchrest Surveys (LONG)

    I think this set of questions would get to the root problem quicker. 1. Do you live close enough to a range that holds registered matches, that you could drive to the match in the morning before the competition? Yes/no If “Yes” In your opinion, do they hold enough registered matches a year to...
  7. J

    My problem with the "parallel node"

    I’ve always wondered how a gunsmith (any gunsmith) that doesn’t compete tests unproven theories to advance their products accuracy. Do they make each rifle a little different, sell it, and watch the results when the unknowing buyer shoots matches? Or do they test theories on their backyard range...
  8. J

    IBS Benchrest Surveys (LONG)

    You can do all those things and more in unlimited.
  9. J

    rear view mirror

    Hey Wally just incase one of us is behind you on the freeway, does your license plate still read “head score keeper”?
  10. J

    Need Help/Scope Bedding Problem

    Lift (put up pressure on) the objective end of the scope and tap one of the ears on the front ring with a wooden dowel or plastic rod. Should pop right out unless the JB is over the center line. I prefer to use JB Kwik, remove the scope after 15-minutes with a light tap on the ring, and easy...
  11. J

    How Many Are Just Trying To Get To Where You Were A Few Years Ago

    I heard from a reliable source I can’t disclose, that. Money is made from plants, and the bailout money printing process generates a telepathic resonance in other monies. Shooters in their first couple of years have no money left in their pocket to resonate and spoil aggs.
  12. J

    CNBC Exposes Remington trigger coverup

    I'd like to hear more about it too, but a couple examples I saw during the story. When the military guy had an apparent dud round after he pulled the trigger, he waited a very short time and when he touched the bolt handle the round went off like magic. Was the firing pin cocked, or down on a...
  13. J

    CNBC Exposes Remington trigger coverup

    Bill, If an idiot were to point a loaded firearm at you (even if you’re behind something they can’t see through) while flicking the safety on and off, pulling the trigger with the safety on, and cycling the bolt with live rounds,, all while pointing the loaded gun at you. What firearm would you...
  14. J

    CNBC Exposes Remington trigger coverup

    If someone ever points a loaded rifle at me, takes the safety off and “accidentally” shoots me, I sure hope it’s a rifle from a big rich gun company so they can live it up from the settlement….. Strange how a fluke ricochet gets someone thrown in jail for attempted murder.
  15. J

    NBRSA BOD Meeting

    Shoot a .22 ;)
  16. J

    What is the recommended barrel length for .22 rimfire?

    Don’t know what the optimum length is, but most agree it isn’t at maximum velocity length. Have you ever notice how longer barrels are quieter than shorter barrels? That’s because there’s more area for the gas to expand into reducing the base eroding, bullet upsetting pressure when the bullet...
  17. J

    Digital Video Camera? What to buy?

    Calvin, I edited my post suggesting to switch over to h.264 from motion-jpeg because after reading the specs again, it records in h.264 by default. :) No need to change anything, sorry for the confusion, you're good to go. Jim
  18. J

    Digital Video Camera? What to buy?

    I use a really old program called PhotoImpact but I just looked and Picasa will do it. In Picasa, double click on the photo to view it, then clicking on the “export” icon below the picture gives you the option to resize when saving.
  19. J

    Digital Video Camera? What to buy?

    And a very nice free HD video player. Media Player Classic Home Cinema I'm pretty sure I saw in the spec's that your camera can record in h.264 <edit> Just checked again an it uses Quicktime h.264, not M-jpeg so you should be good to go. no video recording format...
  20. J

    Digital Video Camera? What to buy?

    Here's something else you need. It's a free photo/video off-loader organizer from Google, and its much nicer than anything I've seen bundled with a camera. Picasa 3