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  1. Pete Wass

    Anyone using N-120 in a 30 BR ?

    Seems to be in the same sort of range as H-4198. Thanks, Pete
  2. Pete Wass

    On LT-30

    Pretty close to my loads. I never crono anything but simply look for one bullet hole groups. Pretty hard to beat windflags, for me at least but the 35.2 load is a good one. I shot it in the last match I won.
  3. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    We need to find another Cecil Tucker. Most of the scopes that do not work can easily be repaired by someone who can first take them apart without breaking them then analyzing the problem(s) and finding items to use to remedy the problem. Erector springs seem to be the biggest issue and or the...
  4. Pete Wass

    6mm br

    There is a compelling reason 6 BR's are rarely seen at Group matches. I have a 6 BR HBR rifle I've used off and on over the past 3 years. I have won 4 matches with it. The matches I have won with it was when the wind was switchy and strong and those by more then one point and or x es. When it...
  5. Pete Wass

    Does cleaning brass cases help accuracy?

    I have always believed that cartridge cases are the holder of the things that really matter and not much else providing they fit the chamber reasonably well. I will say, I too like the look of shiny finished reloads and occasionally polish some to satisfy that urge. I've never seen anything to...
  6. Pete Wass

    On LT-30

    I bought 8 more pounds of the LT-30 and also some N 120 to try. That may last me out :)
  7. Pete Wass

    On LT-30

    You are a fortunate Son Steve, to have the H 4198. Great planning.
  8. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    I think you may know the process to get IBS rules changed. It ain't easy. Pete
  9. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    I have two of them, one, for sure, does not hold POI and the second is Questionable. I bought it to be NIB! I like them alot. Have owned one other that I foolishly SOLD. It was, is a good one. Great glass in them. I had one of the light variables that seemed good except one of the lenses in the...
  10. Pete Wass

    On LT-30

    I am interested to hearing others experience with LT-30 in their 30 BR's. I used it most of the season in one of my rifles and Thought it performed very well. Thanks, Pete P
  11. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    Increasing the weight for the class won't change anything as far as performance of the rifles are concerned. I suppose if they do change the weight limit, a new set of records will need to be established, which doesn't hurt anything either. I'm all for doing it.
  12. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    YES ! Some time ago, I googled the HBR parameters for a 6X scope @ March. Up popped a 15 oz variable with 1/8 clicks and tiny dot. Across the picture on top was DISCONTINUED in red letters. :( . I also inquired elsewhere and the person told me there was no market. I can't imagine they wouldn't...
  13. Pete Wass

    i built another 308

    Have you tried touching or say .006" in from "Kiss"?
  14. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    I believe this to be the issue quite often. I'd be willing to pay "Very Well" if someone would "Fix" some of my scopes. There doesn't seem to be anyone making scopes that will fill the bill for HBR shooting any longer so it's either fix the ones we have or go without. Pete
  15. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    The last scope I sent to them they couldn't fix. It wasn't this model so I will try when I get home in the spring. I also sent it to an independent scope person who couldn't fix it either. Thanks, Pete
  16. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    I have several Burris' and one Sightron I would get repaired if I could. Pete
  17. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    I'm not convinced this mod fixes anything. I had one done years ago and the scope still wondered. The problem is elsewhere.
  18. Pete Wass

    Who did these modifications on a Leupold?

    I watched a YouTube the other day of a DYI guy fixing his scope that would not hold POI. On the one he was working on, he showed the pivot attached to the erector tube that he said he thought was the biggest problem. He simply found am o ring that fit nicely ahead of it which he thought...
  19. Pete Wass

    Change in rimfire BR over the last 10 years

    Perhaps it's evolution but what I see is the strong movement to Unlimited rifles. Perhaps the day of the three rifle Agg. IS over. I still shoot HBR rifles and will as long as I am able. Love the challenge of the 6X scoped guns. I gave up on chasing ammo. I can make nearly perfect CF ammo so...