Search results

  1. mwezell

    Truing up lathe chuck jaws

    Grind them..and always use the same place on the chuck to tighten the chuck. Of course this is only on a live chuck. Independent chuck doesn't matter unless you're worried about it making up the part it's chucked onto. In that case, indicate a say 1.250 part into the very back of the jaws and...
  2. mwezell

    What happened to.........

    Al, I don't agree with everything that anybody says. I don't recall having any problems with you, whether we agreed or not. The only time I get upset is when somebody makes it personal, which shouldn't happen. I can only think of one such arsehat and he's famous on various forums and he...
  3. mwezell

    Jeff Patterson's J-PAT SPEC Rifles

    It takes everything, no doubt...but overall, I'll take a solid but mediocre gun that never has the trigger pulled at the wrong time over a super gun that gets the trigger pulled in multiple switches. It all matters, though. The bigger the match, the more likely you are to be shooting against...
  4. mwezell

    SEB Mini-X Updated Design

    We are blessed to have SEB and other very good, high quality rests available. After watching a video where a guy copied a T-Rex rest and posted the process on another forum, well, it gave me the opportunity to see how that particular rest design is different from the standard gib setup that SEB...
  5. mwezell


    I use the xbr in a 6 Grendel with 80's at about 3250fps. Pretty hot, so work up to that but it shoots very well
  6. mwezell


    It'll fit nicely in my stash if you don't want it. It's a little faster than varget or h4895
  7. mwezell

    dazed and confused

    Well, I'm only going to say that buying something because it's what someone else uses, with likely a different chamber, is worth just that...and that if you don't know where and why the problem is presenting itself, it's a matter of measuring... and we're just not on the same page yet. At least...
  8. mwezell


    Narrow those adjustments way down, if you haven't already. By far the most common mistake by those that move tuners at all is moving them way too far at a time. Try to establish group shape and size between as close as possible to perfect tune to as absolutely out of tune as you can make it...
  9. mwezell

    dazed and confused

    How much are you bumping the shoulders?
  10. mwezell

    Looking for a hunter class rifle for VFS

    Not a ton of them out there but Bob White usually has a few on hand, if you haven't checked with him already.
  11. mwezell

    Little guy bullet makers

    That's great news for most all of us Al. Get to work! :D
  12. mwezell

    dazed and confused

    If going to that trouble and expense, why not just get a bigger chamber reamer that works well with standard dies? Seriously, it's about chamber to die relationship that qualifies if the die works well for a given chamber. Seems like it'd be smarter to fix the real issue, which apparently is NOT...
  13. mwezell

    dazed and confused

    The brass is very unlikely the problem.
  14. mwezell

    Well, it's been ten yrs.....favorite books/authors?

    I do not. I thought he had passed but I hope I'm wrong and he's well. I was referring to a match back in about 2008 or so. He wasn't that old then..I'd guess mid 60's.
  15. mwezell

    Well, it's been ten yrs.....favorite books/authors?

    Charles E. was a nice guy and an experimenter with just about anything you could imagine. At one time, he followed the logic that score shooting was second tier BR and that surely, his newest contraption would show up and teach those old ky hillbillies shooting score, how br was really done. At...
  16. mwezell

    Which dies to use for short range BR in 6PPC?

    I think you are spot on, Mike. Also, I've had best luck by going one size smaller than recommended with the Harrell's 3 fired case method. It works but I like just a tick more sizing to ward off click as the brass work hardens. Just my 2 cents and they are a good product..not saying otherwise at...
  17. mwezell

    6 Beggs loads< anything new?

    Lol! You have a point there! You could Ackleyize the 30 BR and call it a 30 BRAL! Seems fitting and has a nice ring to it. ;)
  18. mwezell

    6 Beggs loads< anything new?

    I agree but in reality, n120 and 1680 are about 2 grains faster than h4198, in a case this size. LT30 is a tad slower than h4198 and is less bulky. It also builds pressures predictably without getting spikey at the drop of a hat. The others may well work but I'd work with the lt30 first. Maybe...
  19. mwezell

    how to calculate freebore

  20. mwezell

    Electronic targets:

    I don't see the problem. It might not be perfect but it'll have fewer mistakes than a human being and we can still protest a score if need be. As you know, probably, ARA has been doing electronic scoring at bigger matches for several years.