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  1. Z

    Need advice on old problem gun. HELP

    Hi All: Years ago, I had a large barrel maker-gunsmithing firm build me a rifle. When I received the rifle I found that the gun would only shoot with very poor accuracy. I am talking about 1.250" with my loads. After being abused personally and financially by the owner of this...
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    What went wrong...the answer.

    Hi Gang: I could not post a reply to my original post for some reason so I will try to answer the question here. The problem was that the extractor on each gun would not slip over the rim when attempting to single load the chamber without feeding the shell from the magazine. I...
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    Need 17 Rem. loading information

    Hi Group: I began shooting my new .17 Rem today with H 414 but it appeared to be too dirty! Any body have some pet loads for this round? TIA...
  4. Z

    What went wrong?

    Hi Folks: I recently re bedded two Mauser rifles and now cartridges will not chamber in either rifle. One is a 25 06 and the other is a 7mm Rem. mag. The cartridge will enter the chamber to a point just short of allowing the bolt handle to be lowered to lock the action. This...
  5. Z

    Truing a Mod 70 Classic action

    M-70 smith Hi Worker: There used to be a guy by the name of Jim Cloward sp? In the Seattle area who was to be a good M-70 man. Perhaps someone on this site can give you the correct spelling and perhaps his phone number...
  6. Z

    How long does it take to fit a stock to a gun?

    Hi Gang: How long does it take you to fit a barreled action to an inletted stock? I know that it depends upon how well inletted the blank is when you start, but let us say on an average stock start to finish. I just finished inletting a pre inletted stock to a barreled action...
  7. Z

    Size of gap for barrel in stock ?

    Hi Gang: How much of a gap do I need between the barrel and the stock on a sporting barrel with a wooden stock for good accuracy? Thanks, Zeke
  8. Z

    Thinning a bolt action ???

    Hi Gang: Many years ago I started a project that was to thin a Mauser action to make it more streamlined and elegant. I reduced the magazine capacity by removing metal from the height of the magazine box and this gave the rifle a very trim look with its buggy whip barrel. I wanted...
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    Are all Ball powders Temp sensitive ?

    Are ball powders temperature sensitive? YES! Zeke
  10. Z

    What type of vise do you stockmakers use?

    Hi: I need to update my vise that I have been using for years as it is no longer fit to use. Would you be so kind as to send pictures of your vise or whatever you use. I am thinking of buying a wood vise that mounts under the workbench and is flush with the top of bench. Like the ones...
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    Lost a Friend

    Vinnce Pastorella Hi: Vince was one of the finest people that I have had the honour of knowing. Words alone can not express what a loss we have all suffered. RIP my friend...
  12. Z

    Removing parkerizing ???

    Hi: Do i need to remove the parkerized finish on my Springfield 03A3 prior to bluing? If so, How does one remove it? What about buffing it off or is there a product that will remove it chemically? What does one do with parkerizing...
  13. Z

    Which action for a "custom" rifle?

    Hi: I am planning my next "custom" rifle and I need your input regarding Savage actions for this use. Savage rifles/actions can be purchased for about $235.00 and up. Is there any reason not to choose a Savage action for the basis for a "custom" rifle? Are there some...
  14. Z

    Mauser Acuracy potential?

    Hi Gang: What type of accuracy can I expect from a commercial Mauser 98 clone? Of course I will use a benchrest grade barrel and a well fitted stock etc. Am I wasting my time and money? In the 50's the Mauser would shoot in the fives at the bench rest matches with the technology...
  15. Z

    Rare have I heard of a 22 hornet shooting well

    Accurate Hornets? Hi Gang: While I was in the local gun store today, I was informed about two Hornets that would shoot 1/4" groups all day. One was a Ruger 77 and the other was a Browning Mini. I invited them to show me how well these guns will shoot but as always, I never...
  16. Z

    Springfield 25 06 value

    Springfield 25 06 It sold for $450.00. Zeke
  17. Z

    Springfield 25 06 value

    Hi Gang: Can someone give me a price check for a Springfield 25 06 rifle that has a very nice stock despite the fact that it need refinishing, the quality is there, and it now shoot 1.250 groups. It would make a great project but I never cared for the Springfield action. The owner is...
  18. Z

    Milled trigger guard for 03A3?

    Trigger guard Hi Paulie: I have a Remington 03A3 and yes, I need both parts for the trigger guard and a milled follower. The colour is not important as I am going tio have the gun reblued. My email is
  19. Z

    Milled trigger guard for 03A3?

    Trigger gurad, milled Hi Paulie: If you wish to sell me a milled trigger guard and follower, kindly send me your price and address. Thanks, Zeke
  20. Z

    Milled trigger guard for 03A3?

    Hi Gang: I need a milled trigger guard and follower for an O3A3 Springfield. Anybody out there have these and wish to sell them? Thanks, Zeke