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  1. Hunter

    Some Benchrest Remembrances

    My First Shamrock Shoot — The year after the match described immediately above, I decided to go to the Shamrock Shoot. I was excited about the trip, and my wife agreed to go also. When we got to Dublin we went into town to a gun store to pick up some primers for my son. I told one the employees...
  2. Hunter

    Watching Wind Flags

    Lee, about how often do you practice, about how many shots per practice session, and about how long has that been your routine?
  3. Hunter

    Watching Wind Flags

    I should have included the following in post # 12 above, but ... Can you elaborate on the "if necessary" part of your comment? Please don't let the following question affect your response to the previous question — but, regardless of what prompted a "necessary" adjustment, I assume the group...
  4. Hunter

    Some Remembrances of Wilbur (the Original Cook and Bottle Washer)

    I used to always read Wilbur’s posts; I enjoyed his insightful comments — one of which is worth quoting here. He said, “There are often spectators drooling around quietly at matches. If you ain't winning (which is the case for 80% of the attendees), why not ask these spectators if they would...
  5. Hunter

    Watching Wind Flags

    Lee, do you feel that you oftentimes get caught with the wind changing between the time you look at the flags and the time you "let the next round fly"? If so, what do you do to try to mitigate that issue?
  6. Hunter

    Watching Wind Flags

    Lee, thanks for sharing the above. Query Lee, thanks for sharing. Query: 1. When you're watching the field, I assume that means ALL of your flags, correct? 2. How fast do you typically "run" five shots? 3. Are you coming off the scope to watch the flags while you reload? 4. Please...
  7. Hunter

    Some Benchrest Remembrances

    My First Experience as a Shooter at a Registered Group Match — The year after the above-described match, my shooting buddy and I signed-up to shoot, along with 30 other shooters, including: (1) a HOF and World Team shooter; (2) a Super Shoot winner; (3) a well-known former gun writer; (4) a...
  8. Hunter

    Watching Wind Flags

    It's not uncommon for several of my benchrest shots (at 100 and 200 yds.) to look like flyers, and I don't know the cause. Oftentimes, I see that regardless of the load. One think I'm wondering about is my wind-flag watching technique — or lack thereof. I don't seem to be good at trying to...
  9. Hunter

    Some Remembrances of Wilbur (the Original Cook and Bottle Washer)

    Around the time of my son's one-and-done hunt (see post # 6 at, his interest in guns increased and eventually morphed into an interest in benchrest shooting. He shot several matches and eventually invited a...
  10. Hunter

    Some Benchrest Remembrances

    My First Exposure to a Registered Group Match — My shooting buddy and I had been shooting (in factory class) the club matches at River Bend for over a year when we heard about an upcoming two-day, registered group match at that club; we decided to go watch the first day. There were 25 shooters...
  11. Hunter

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    Around the time of my son's one-and-done hunt (see post # 6 on page 1), his interest in guns increased and he bought a bunch of guns (including a 300 Wby.) and scopes. One day he and a buddy went to an indoor range and my son took the Wby. (on which he had mounted a scope). Later that day he...
  12. Hunter

    Matthew Keller

    The guy here ↓↓ seems too old, but the info there might help.
  13. Hunter

    Some Benchrest Remembrances

    Over the 14 months following my first benchrest match at Elberton my shooting buddy and I shot several more matches there, then we discovered the monthly club matches at River Bend. We shot in factory class at River Bend for a few years and enjoyed the competition with a few other factory-class...
  14. Hunter

    Some Benchrest Remembrances

    In the past, my long-time hunting and shooting buddy and I occasionally went to various state-controlled, rifle ranges (WMA range) to shoot our deer and/or varmint rifles at paper targets approximately 100 yds. downrange. (Getting a three-shot group under an inch was a noteworthy...
  15. Hunter

    A Special Thank You to Some Special People

    I owe a SPECIAL thanks to Brandon, with Infinite Web Consulting. Why? Because, after the "We Remember" thread (what may be the most memorable thread on this website) was inadvertently deleted, he graciously made the effort to restore it. Brandon, thank you, thank you, thank you. Guys & gals...
  16. Hunter

    Some Remembrances of Wilbur (the Original Cook and Bottle Washer)

    I don't recall the first time I met Wilbur face-to-face; however, I do recall what may have been one of those early times. That's a story worth telling. When Wilbur first showed up on my radar screen he had quit shooting. (I can't locate a source to verify this, but as I recall, he was a...
  17. Hunter

    Shooting-Related, Autobiographical Snippets

    In the past, I visited a private rifle range several times that had target boards/steel plates at various yardages out to over 600 yds. (That was my first experience shooting beyond 200 yds.) Even with hearing protection and the gun blast, l could hear the bullet hitting the steel plate over 600...
  18. Hunter

    Steve Lee wins Rockingham April 2024 2 Gun

    Steve, thanks for the efforts you make in posting match results. Oh, and congratulations on your shooting. :)
  19. Hunter

    Some Remembrances of Wilbur (the Original Cook and Bottle Washer)

    Wilbur was a good friend; I'll share some memories. The first time Wilbur appeared on my radar screen was the result of me scanning this website in the early days of my presence here. I really enjoyed reading his insightful and well-thought posts, including post 15 at...
  20. Hunter

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Lori, you and Brandon are the BEST! :)