You may remember this Guy

Chism G

Active member
I got up early today,caught the metro,and rode Downtown Dallas to the Convention Center. The Dallas Safari Club is Hosting a Four Day Hunters Convention.
I try to make it when it comes to town. I rode the train because you cannot find a parking lot closer than a mile away from the Center, unless you get there before 6:00AM.

This is a big Convention,attended by exhibitors from around the World. I’ve never seen anything like it. I saw a double barrel shotgun that was on sale for $125,000.00
There were Safari Hunt packages to fit anybody’s budget. All the big name outfitters were there.

I also happened to run into My Mentor, Retired Benchrest Shooter, Ron Prachyl.
I managed to barely get away without signing up for a trip to South Africa to hunt Big Game. I told him I would think about it. He has all but one of the Big seven mounted on the wall in his den. Too many plains game to name, adorn the walls throughout his home. Not much has changed with Ron. If you stay around him too long,,he will sell you something.

We got around to talking about the early days of Benchrest(NBRSA). Ron said he started Competing in the late 60’s early 70’s. He remembers attending the First Super Shoot held at Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1973. He finished tenth in that Match. The Match was won by Donna Hall. One of the Legends of the Sport.

Ron won the Super Shoot at Midland,Tx in 1975. The following year 1976,he won the Three gun Natiionals Championship,held at Austin,Tx.
I had to end the conversation because there was a lot more convention to see and it was getting close to the NFL Championship kickoff time.

Its always good to see and talk with Ron Prachyl.

I ran into him at one of the Fort Worth gun shows last year and he did sell me something. As a matter of fact I was at the range today trying to see if I can get it work for Tomball in a few weeks. A 30 BR on a light gun is a bit of a challenge and I've got the bruises to prove it.
Jerry, if you must be punished why not just shoot the Hunter Class rifles in cartridges heavier than .30BR?

Glenn, I shot some score matches with my 6 PPC and usually shot clean but didn't get enough X's. So, like a lot of others, I looked for a 30 BR rifle. At one gun show Ron had one on his table. My desire for a 30 BR won out over my head and I plunged. The gun came with some formed bras and sizing and seating dies. The price was stout but the idea of buying a turn-key system won out over prudence. Ron didn't volunteer nor did I think to ask, about the weight of the gun. The first shot I fired watered my eyes a little. Since then I've had Richard King put a 30 BR barrel on my HV gun. That gun's not ready to go yet. So, I'm just trying to get that other 30 BR ready for Tomball. When I get the HV gun ready with the 30 BR barrel I'll turn the other one into a LV. I've got a couple of 6mm barrels to make it a 6 ppc. By the way, I see you have pictures of Lew and Ron but not one with them together. ;)
Glenn, I shot some score matches with my 6 PPC and usually shot clean but didn't get enough X's. So, like a lot of others, I looked for a 30 BR rifle. At one gun show Ron had one on his table. My desire for a 30 BR won out over my head and I plunged. The gun came with some formed bras and sizing and seating dies. The price was stout but the idea of buying a turn-key system won out over prudence. Ron didn't volunteer nor did I think to ask, about the weight of the gun. The first shot I fired watered my eyes a little. Since then I've had Richard King put a 30 BR barrel on my HV gun. That gun's not ready to go yet. So, I'm just trying to get that other 30 BR ready for Tomball. When I get the HV gun ready with the 30 BR barrel I'll turn the other one into a LV. I've got a couple of 6mm barrels to make it a 6 ppc. By the way, I see you have pictures of Lew and Ron but not one with them together. ;)

Gerry...that's a familiar story. Ron sold me a Hunter Class Rifle chambered in "30 Fat Albert". It came without instruction's on how to make Brass. All I got was an emergency phone number for Cecil Tucker.;)

This was my first Benchrest Rifle. Talk about desperation.

Same time...

I got started shooting Bench Rest about the same time as Ron, but haven't seen him in years.
I don't know why he got so old looking and I didn't! LOL & LMAO!
Somebody will surely tell me I got old looking too, BUT, who cares!
I remember him having a fire and loosing all, or most all, of his Bench Rest equipment some years ago.
Would like to see him again and shoot-the-breeze.
NBRSA Nationals are here in St. Louis this year, come on up and visit.
Ron Hoehn
To me.....

.....This is what Benchrest is all about. You got two old friends(Jurassic’s) , Ron Prachly and Ron Hoehn reminiscing About BR early years. I’d like to be there at the reunion. I’ve heard some funny stories about both these Gentlemen.

I’ve never seen Prachyl on this site, but I’d be willing to relay your thoughts Mr Hoehn ,if I could get a discount on some neck turned brass for my 6PPC:D

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Glenn, To make you feel at home I have some necked turned 6PPC brass for $2.00 ea.

That's mighty TEXAS of you Butch. The hospitality around here never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for the heads up.

The reference to brass in my last post was intended to be a Rib.
