Wrabf announcement

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill

I wish to advise that the 2015 WRABF World Championships in Brisbane Australia will be my farewell as President and also as the Australian Delegate. I am advising over 12 months out so the WRABF & it’s members have plenty of time to consider a replacement.

I have wrestled with this decision for close to a year and feel the time is right for me. I have new passions and dreams I want to pursue and will leave knowing I have done my best and helped improve the sport Internationally & locally in Australia. I have made many lifelong friends over the past 8 years and also in reality lost a few, that comes with the job and I have no regrets.

I will be doing my best to make sure the 2015 World Championships are the best ever and look forward to saying my final farewells in person at that event that I will run. I wish you all the very best in your shooting endeavours and of course I hope the WRABF continues to grow and flourish well into the future as it should as all the hard work has been done.

My final message is leave the politics out of it and think what’s best for the sport and not an individual or a country in any future decisions that need to be made.

As Match Director I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the World Championships next year and there is now 15 months to think about who would be a good replacement after next year.