
How do you find IR 50/50 ?

Looking at the new format. I've looked at the directory and can find some of the BR Orgs. IBS, NBRSA, and so on but not IR 5050. Anybody find it ?


missed you at the winter meeting. Had my pocket full of cash to buy you a beer. Philistine!
Like it. User friendly. Easy to navigate. I couldn't have done a better job myself;). To be honest,I couldn't have done it at all.

Something new is a good thing.

I worked on that "IBS" thing most of last night. I fixed it but it wouldn't show correctly. I inadvertently lied about it thinking I had it fixed. Come to find out, I was fixing one version while displaying another. I got cussed out by Elmer...."You know better than that!"..and a little bit more.

Added the IR5050 link as well. This remains a work in progress and we'll get it between the ditches in time.
I worked on that "IBS" thing most of last night. I fixed it but it wouldn't show correctly. I inadvertently lied about it thinking I had it fixed. Come to find out, I was fixing one version while displaying another. I got cussed out by Elmer...."You know better than that!"..and a little bit more.

Added the IR5050 link as well. This remains a work in progress and we'll get it between the ditches in time.

You two are a good team. We appreciate you!
