World Rimfire Benchrest Championships 2008



All sponsors involved in contributing to the world championships have been updated on the ERABSF website. There are a few now, with a good quantity of ammunition available for people to 'sample' when they get there.

Are these free samples or are we paying for the privilege?

Will there be any of the good stuff (RWS) there??

The ammunition will be free as far as I know, as it was last year at the Europeans. I am not sure how much will be available for each person, as it depends on how many people are at the championship.

Sorry forgot to say; I believe ammunition will be Eley Tenex or Match, with some Lapua Xact and Midas to have a look at.
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So the number of countries and shooters going to Italy is still a state secret?

Its not a secret, I just don't know apart from those countries that I have been working with. Hopefully a list will be out soon. I do know they have extended the number of benches for 50m from 35 to 50!!!

Its good to know who and how many are going is not a state secret,
but I do predicted all will be revealed by the end of the month.

Only 29 days to go and counting down.

28 Days to go & I cant wait. Training is on track, gear & equipment are sorted, papers are in & ready, the mind is right.

If it is a secret who is going to compete, well so be it. As British Team Member ANDY D said in his post a few months ago, whoever holds their nerve & adapts best to the conditions will be a World Champion.

So whoever from wherever, let's get on with it for the spectacular that will be the FIRST World Rimfire & Air Rifle Championships.

Bill Collaros
Australian Team Captain
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World Championship Next Year?

I know we haven't even had this years yet, but it takes alot of planning to attend. Are world championships an annual event? If So does anyone know where they will be next year? Thanks Fred
P.S. Good luck to this years shooters and hope you all have a Great Time. Good Shooting!!!
I hope that it is not going to be an annual event!!! I think I speak for many when I say the mounting costs of this one is killing a few of us. However, it shouldand will continue. This is up to all of the rimfire shooters out there in all nations. Where is the next one? Again this is up to everyone to negotiate, but I hope to see it is 4 years time, like we have negotiated for the European Rimfire BR Championship. With costs going up all the time to travel I think this will give enough time for people to save and prepare. Like all good international championships, like the Fifa World and European Football Championships, 4 years seems an ideal pitch (no pun intended). Just my personal view.

My best wishes go to all that are attending, so see you there.

It does take time to plan to go to and run these things. In there wisdom instead of nailing down where and when the next one will be while all the countries are together in Italy, they are not going to talk about for another 2 years.

Two years is not a lot of time for a country to get everything together and run a World Champs and at this stage no one has indicated they might be interested in running the 2nd World Champs on those terms.

If it will be 4 yrs, we will hold a "US Cup" in 2010 where the three US associations will each nominate a shooter to compete against the three highest ranked "rest of the world" shooters that can come. First match to be held in the US and all subsequent matches will be held in the winning teams choice of location. Target will be the "world" target except all rings will be reduced by one point with no X. The range selected must be as equal as possible from bench to bench and accomodate the style of shooting of all participants. What do you think??
Maybe it is for a country like the US or Australia, or South Africa or another to come forward and say we will do it so they can get the support of the shooters in Milan????? It is hard to indicate where it might be if there is no one out there to put themselves forward. But please every four years otherwise European countries will find it hard to attend both the Euro and World Champs.
There are many matches in the US that are larger than what the Worlds will be. It could be easily accommodated here. Because we don't have a unified National association, I'm imiagine no one wants to step on anyone elses toes by stepping up.
Personally I would go for it, whichever association or a combination of all three. If we had one or two nominations at least all the country representatives would have something to discuss in Milan!!
I’ve said before Australia could hold the 2nd WC but not on those terms.
If you guys want to talk we’ll talk.

While Europe has a championships in 2 years that doesn’t suit the rest of the world. Something in the US would suit us. But I think 2010 is going to get complicated by what the WBSF are planning on doing. I’ve got enough already talking about going to the US in 2010 for a couple of 3 man teams.

Hi Peter - sorry the 'terms' - is the 4 year idea or something else??

As a lot of major international sporting events take place every 4 years I wonder what the issue would be?

As a major championship will cost a shooter thousands of whatever currency we are dealing in these days, getting ready is not just the organisation but about having the captital to do it. Lets face it, not all countries have high wages and/ or cheap prices. It would be interesting to see what direction the US organisations want to go in for the next event? Is anyone watching?

I guess Italy and the USA have the longest history in this sport and have a few things to say. Lets see what happens when we get to Milan, but it would be good to go with a few ideas.
Some other things to consider

Hya Guys,

glad to seeeveryone getting ready...

with holding a WBC there are other things that host countries need to consider like Accomadation, facilities, transport and versatility. Milan if you like is the benchmark for hosts to look to match or beet. just having a couple of benches like here in the UK is not going to cut it for a huge amount of shooters to attend for 9 days or so. It has to be of a standard that would be recognised by other sports and maybe olympic bodies. It would be good to get corporations to look to invest in such an event so that it would make the job of finding quality sponsors to get involved at a team level easier. if the WBC is to grow then has to look to this kind of approach in my view, maybe i am on my own on this one but if you look how huge investors get on the shoulders of other sports then we need to have some kind of body like a committee set up to promote the WBC and maybe the sport in general if it is to have any effect. having one person like Carlo do all the work has its ups and downs and if things dont go the way some people feel it should gets pointed at that one person. having a committee will allow all countries to get involved and the stress on one person would be removed.
Carlo has done a fantastic job on putting this together and i for one is very gratefull for all his work. I you think about it, this conversation would not be happening if it was not for him. So a chance to say thank you to him for putting this together, cheers mate!!!:)

I’m just going off what is in your rule book.
As Andy points out there is a lot of work in getting something like this organized and only giving countries 2 years is not enough time. Also it will only work if you get plenty of local support and restricting the numbers from each country to 16 won’t go down well in countries like Australia and the US. The WBSF do have a limit on centerfire WC’s but not on rimfire.

Some of the rules are more about what some want and less about what will work. The baggage allowance from Europe to Australia is 20kg and the excess baggage rate is now near US$80 a kg. Doing it the way the rules are now, how many could afford to bring 2 or 3 guns for the trip down here? That is why I’ve said all along the sporter rule should be 8 ½ lbs 2 ¼ stock and a 6.5 scope and no restrictions on tuners and stock material, that way people can build one good gun, change the scope add a little weight and use the same gun in all 3 classes.


A committee to help with event sponsorship would be a good thing.

Re Peter's last note

I have never understood why other disciplines have an effect on what we do as Rimefire, maybe someone can explain.

Haveing a main WBC committee would be a good thing with sub committee's from each country to represent and work with, the rule book as Peter puts it could be written by the committee and sub committee. it doesnt have to effect the different associations that we are with, but has a central body just for this one event since it brings all the associations together at this event. It also means that one association is NOT controlling which could lead to other issues. If this event is to continue then the associations have to work together and how better to have a central body for this event which could have members to represent the associations.
I am glad that some people are seeing that it's not something you can put together over a beer that it will take people like Carlo to put something like this together.
We do need to find companies to see that this as a good investment either in the shooting industry or outside of it.
I do the Public Relations for BR22 and will be taking lots of photo's vidoe of this event and I am sure that Carl will be doing the same as he writes for a national magazine here in the UK. From this event we need to put together a great review so to build on the future. I have said in the pass that there will be those that see the event in a different light or will have complaints on the way things have been done, but this is a benchrest to work from and take in information for the future events. i would hope that people will think about that if they are going to use forums like this to ditch this event. We can learn and with constructive help of competitors we can build for the future.
It's easy to moan but to get involved is a different story, there will be those that just want to turn up and shoot and expect everything to be just right, but it takes the people behind the scenes to put somthing like this together.

Any future world championship rules must be decided on by those running it, be it from one or a number of nations or a team of us working it out. That is why you, Doug and I developed the world postal to get this process moving. It does not have to be based on the ERABSF or even UKBR22 rules. As they are all pretty similar from one region to another I have always found it hard to believe we do not have a consensus on the rules - maybe in the future?
I like the 4 years as this provides time for organisation and to get sponsorship and save for the event - I think we agree on this.
In terms of number restrictions there would have to be a limit of some sort so countries are not disadvantaged. Whatever that figure is, who knows. An arbitrary number like 16 or 20??????? The WBSF, re their 2007 rules for rimfre BR, do indeed have restrictions. Maximum 6 competitors per event!!!
I agree that the sporter rules are the contentious issue and your proposal seems fair. If anything this is starting the discussion about working together - keep it going. Carl