World Records-What Powder

Dave Coots

64 Chevy 409 10.42 129
What do ya think.

How many records set with:


Old 8208 or T32

New 8208XBR

I'd bet 90% of the records set in group shooting were set with N133. I just don't know how that could happen with the poor tuning capabilities of that powder. :p

Your ideas?)chill(

Dave, I don't know the purpose of your question, but I don't believe you can put much weight on what powder was used when setting specific records because there are so many other variables. Regardless of how much data you throw into the statistical calculation, one powder will rise above the rest. But then, when you factor in what bullet was being pushed by that powder and out of what length/twist barrel, etc. you're statistical curve will become distorted.
However, for the sake of curiosity, I suppose it might be worth knowing the answer.

Dave, I don't know the purpose of your question, but I don't believe you can put much weight on what powder was used when setting specific records because there are so many other variables. Regardless of how much data you throw into the statistical calculation, one powder will rise above the rest. But then, when you factor in what bullet was being pushed by that powder and out of what length/twist barrel, etc. you're statistical curve will become distorted.
However, for the sake of curiosity, I suppose it might be worth knowing the answer.

Don't feel bad about now knowing the purpose of my question. If you knew me, you probably would know i ain't got much purpose to any question. I'll think it over and get back to you. Right now my wife and i are going to watch a netflix movie to celebrate our anniversary. Maybe tomorrow after i rest up(hopefully) i'll let you know more--if there is any more.

Records and powder????

. Right now my wife and i are going to watch a netflix movie to celebrate our anniversary. Maybe tomorrow after i rest up(hopefully) i'll let you know more--if there is any more.


Happy anniversary!!!
Rest well especially your back!!!
Right now my wife and i are going to watch a netflix movie to celebrate our anniversary. Maybe tomorrow after i rest up(hopefully) i'll let you know more--if there is any more.

Hey Coots, I know you got her a new reloading trailer for her birthday. What did you get her for the anniversary? Something nice, I'll bet, like a new scope??

Don't know about records, but in LV and HV Grand Aggs at this years Nationals, the top ten all used 133.

In Sporter, nine of the top 10 used 133, one used T-32........JACKIE
At some shoots, a great effort is made to update and correct equiptment
lists.Some shooters have changed barrels, bullets etc. since sending
in registration forms. The actual equiptment used is different. Many new
shooters are not aware of this when they pour over the list. In most
cases we might be better served if equiptment lists were filled out at the
end of the day, or shoot, and only by the top 10 or twenty. That said,
I don't know how this was done at st louis or other places were
records fell this year

Hey Coots, I know you got her a new reloading trailer for her birthday. What did you get her for the anniversary? Something nice, I'll bet, like a new scope??

I sprung the idea on her of taking a 409 Chevy engine i have lying around and punching it out to 557HP and putting it in her 64 Impala i bought her 20+ years ago.:rolleyes: I never buy her any gun stuff or anything with a cord on it for presents--i've got standards you know. I like to buy her useful stuff.

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I sprung the idea on her of taking a 409 Chevy engine i have lying around and punching it out to 557HP and putting it in her 64 Impala i bought her 20+ years ago.:rolleyes: I never buy her any gun stuff or anything with a cord on it for presents--i've got standards you know. I like to buy her useful stuff.


He once bought her a Neil Jones powder drop for Valentine's Day and told her it was a sugar dispenser. Then he mounted it on a Sinclair powder measure bracket and stuck it on the kitchen table for about a year. She kept bumping her arm into it so she made him take it down and put it in the garage sale pile. But it didn't make it there, guess where it is now? Yeah, his range box.

She told me he used to walk into restaurants and tell the server he wanted ice tea with 54 clicks of sugar in it. Yep, Dave has taught me a lot about Benchrest.
Your point is significant ! Not from a records keeping standpoint but from a new guys load decision perspective.There are subtle nuances in regards to how one gets a certain combo to perform.I have had rookies come up to me and say that they were shooting the load that I had listed from the previous shoot,cause I won and that was what I was shootin", WHOA !---( do they know the difference between GI322 and H322 ? ) . That's not how this thing works. For that reason alone I will usually take an alternative position to Jackie( no disrespect) and other guys who advocate hard jam and all the powder they can stuff into a case as an agg winning combo( cause some newbie is gonna run out and do precisely that,without feeling his way through the load progression).
The practice of listing load reports in match results should be discontinued,as it serves no useful purpose to experienced shooters. It is only an unproductive lure to the new guys on the line.
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I sprung the idea on her of taking a 409 Chevy engine i have lying around and punching it out to 557HP and putting it in her 64 Impala i bought her 20+ years ago.:rolleyes: I never buy her any gun stuff or anything with a cord on it for presents--i've got standards you know. I like to buy her useful stuff.


Now I understnd why she loves you so much.
I agree with this

Your point is significant ! Not from a records keeping standpoint but from a new guys load decision perspective.There are subtle nuances in regards to how one gets a certain combo to perform.I have had rookies come up to me and say that they were shooting the load that I had listed from the previous shoot,cause I won and that was what I was shootin", WHOA !---( do they know the difference between GI322 and H322 ? ) . That's not how this thing works. For that reason alone I will usually take an alternative position to Jackie( no disrespect) and other guys who advocate hard jam and all the powder they can stuff into a case as an agg winning combo( cause some newbie is gonna run out and do precisely that,without feeling his way through the load progression).
The practice of listing load reports in match results should be discontinued,as it serves no useful purpose to experienced shooters. It is only an unproductive lure to the new guys on the line.

If everyone was truthful about what they use I guess I would think it ok but some people don't report and some obviously report bad information. I guess some people think the rest of the shooting world have no clue, eh? Anyway, one can never be sure of what people report so the information is not credible.
Feeling sorry for Mary...

You guys don't have to feel too sorry for Mary. When Dave takes her with him on shooting trips, in "Her Trailer", she has the whole week planned well in advance. She likes bonsai trees and plants, AND, she knows where to get them. In case you don't know, one bonsai tree can cost many times the price of a new rifle with a March scope on top! They have this unwritten deal: Mary doesn't ask Dave what he spends on rifles, Harley's, and Chevy big block engines, and he doesn't ask her how much she spends on trees and "stuff"!
Happy Anniversary!!!
PS: Mary has her OWN Harley sitting right next to Dave's bonsai trees!!!.
And then theres this. Try writing Ramshot X-Terminator on that little line thats designed for 3-4 numbers;):D
You did ask about World records though. That sure leaves me out of it;)
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